Record Types
Records with Type: Model
Supplementary Material - Aspen Plus Model of a Furnace to produce Medium Pressure Steam
January 31, 2025 (v1)
Subject: Modelling and Simulations
Keywords: Aspen Plus, Furnace, Natural Gas, Steam
This is an Aspen Plus V14 model of a furnace process. Natural gas is combusted in excess air to produce heat. A heat exchanger model simulates the boiling of boiler feed water near 29 bar pressure to produce steam at about 235 deg C. Design specs are used to ensure certain process conditions and scales are met. This is supplementary material for the paper Adams TA. Exergy in Chemical Engineering Education, submitted to the ESCAPE 35 conference.
CHEMCAD Model for the Separation of Ethanol from Water in a Batch Column
January 30, 2025 (v1)
Subject: Education
Keywords: Batch Distillation, Biofuels, CHEMCAD, Data Reconciliation, Dynamic Modelling, Ethanol, Optimization, Phase Equilibria
This model uses the CHEMCAD unit operation Batch Column together with tools for data reconciliation and optimization. Some experimental data is included.
It is used as a template in the course Green Processes at Berlin University of Applied Science (BHT), where students use it to regress measured data from lab experiments and to design an optimal process.
It is used as a template in the course Green Processes at Berlin University of Applied Science (BHT), where students use it to regress measured data from lab experiments and to design an optimal process.
CHEMCAD Model for the Distillative Separation of Ethanol from Biomass and Glucose
January 30, 2025 (v1)
Subject: Education
Keywords: Batch Process, CHEMCAD, Dynamic Modelling, Ethanol, Modelling, Optimization, Phase Equilibria
This model uses standard CHEMCAD unit operations and thermodynamic models to simulate the separation of ethanol and water from a fermenter broth.
It is used as a template in the course Green Processes at Berlin University of Applied Science (BHT), where students use it to regress measured data from lab experiments and to design an optimal process.
It is used as a template in the course Green Processes at Berlin University of Applied Science (BHT), where students use it to regress measured data from lab experiments and to design an optimal process.
CHEMCAD Model for the Fermentation of Glucose to Ethanol
January 30, 2025 (v1)
Subject: Education
Keywords: Bioreactor, CHEMCAD, Data Reconciliation, Ethanol, Fermentation, Process Optimization, Reaction Engineering, Reaction Rate Regression, Simulation
This model uses the kinetic model from Foglers textbook "Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering" to describe the fermentation of glucose to ethanol.
It is used as a template in the course Green Processes at Berlin University of Applied Science (BHT), where students use it to regress measured data from lab experiments and to design an optimal process.
It is used as a template in the course Green Processes at Berlin University of Applied Science (BHT), where students use it to regress measured data from lab experiments and to design an optimal process.
Models of Chemical recycling of plastic waste via production of ethylene from gasification syngas
August 23, 2024 (v1)
Subject: Modelling and Simulations
Keywords: Carbon Capture, chemical recycling, DGA, Distillation, methanation, oxidative coupling of methane
Herein, the Aspen models to the paper "Chemical recycling of plastic waste via production of ethylene from gasification syngas" are published. The model starts at syngas, as gasification was not modeled in Aspen Plus. Syngas is treated and fed into a methanation reactor. Ethylene is then produced via oxidative coupling of methane. The fractionation involves cryogenic distillation as well as CO2 capture. Latter one was modeled in a separate file.
Integration of a Chemical Heat pump with a Post- combustion Carbon Capture Sorption Unit
December 1, 2023 (v2)
Subject: Modelling and Simulations
Keywords: Chemical heat pump
This is a aspen plus simulation of isopropanol based chemical heat pump. Here the products (mixture of isopropanol, acetone and hydrogen) from endothermic reactor/reboiler gets separated in the distillation column. The top distillate namely acetone and hydrogen go to the exothermic reactor where as the bottom product which is majorly isopropanol goes back to the endothermic reactor. The configuration 1 involves an exothermic reactor, a distillation column, and an endothermic reactor. The configuration 2 involves the reboiler acting as an endothermic reactor. In this case there is no separate endothermic reactor.
Exergy Tables: Aspen Simulation Examples
Eksergitabeller: Aspen Plus simuleringseksempler
March 21, 2023 (v2)
Subject: Modelling and Simulations
Keywords: Aspen Plus, Carbon Capture, Carbon Dioxide Capture, Carbon Dioxide Sequestration, Modelling, Natural Gas, Simulation
Example Aspen Plus chemical process simulations used in the book Exergy Tables: A Comprehensive Set of Exergy Values to Streamline Energy Efficiency Analysis, by Lingyan Deng, Thomas A. Adams II, and Truls Gundersen (McGraw-Hill Education, 2023). The examples are:
1. Medium-pressure steam generation using a natural-gas powered boiler
2. Medium-pressure steam generation using a natural-gas powered boiler with an economizer
3. Medium-pressure steam generation using an off-gas powered boiler
4. Postcombustion CO2 capture using diglycolamine (DGA) with CCS
Note, stream conditions may vary slightly from those in the book when simulated with different versions of the software.
Files are Aspen Plus v12.1, but should be openable on any version 12.1 or later.
1. Medium-pressure steam generation using a natural-gas powered boiler
2. Medium-pressure steam generation using a natural-gas powered boiler with an economizer
3. Medium-pressure steam generation using an off-gas powered boiler
4. Postcombustion CO2 capture using diglycolamine (DGA) with CCS
Note, stream conditions may vary slightly from those in the book when simulated with different versions of the software.
Files are Aspen Plus v12.1, but should be openable on any version 12.1 or later.
Life cycle analyses of SOFC/gas turbine hybrid power plants accounting for long-term degradation effects
January 5, 2023 (v2)
Subject: Modelling and Simulations
SimaPro model used in this work.
Eco-technoeconomic analyses of NG-powered SOFC/GT hybrid plants accounting for long-term degradation effects via pseudo-steady-state model simulations
August 2, 2022 (v1)
Subject: Modelling and Simulations
Keywords: Modelling, Natural Gas, Simulation, Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Technoeconomic Analysis, Turbines
Models and codes that were used in this work. Please read the simulation instruction.
10. LAPSE:2022.0002
Learn Aspen Plus in 24 Hours 2nd Edition Solution Files
January 6, 2022 (v1)
Subject: Modelling and Simulations
Keywords: Aspen Plus, Education, Learn Aspen Plus in 24 Hours, Simulation
These Aspen Plus v12 simulations are the solution or demonstration files for the book Learn Aspen Plus in 24 Hours, 2nd Edition, by Thomas A. Adams II. They are given as-is with no warranty or guarantee of accuracy or correctness. They are for educational purposes only.
The files list contains a large .zip of all files, or otherwise you can download them independently.
Files correspond to these tutorials:
Tutorial 2 Physical Property Modelling - Selecting physical properties. Understanding the database.
Tutorial 3 Problem Solving Tools - Design Specs and Sensitivity Analyses
Tutorial 4 Heat Exchangers - HEATER, HEATX
Tutorial 5 Equilibrium-based Distillation Models - RadFrac (in equilibrium mode)
Tutorial 6 Advanced Problem Solving Tools - Utilities, GHG Emissions, Optimization
Tutorial 7 Chemical Reactor Models - RSTOIC, REQUIL, RYIELD, RGIBBS, RCSTR, RPFR
Tutorial 8 Rate-based Distillation Models - RadFrac (in rate-based mode)
Tutorial 9 Custom Models and External Con... [more]
The files list contains a large .zip of all files, or otherwise you can download them independently.
Files correspond to these tutorials:
Tutorial 2 Physical Property Modelling - Selecting physical properties. Understanding the database.
Tutorial 3 Problem Solving Tools - Design Specs and Sensitivity Analyses
Tutorial 4 Heat Exchangers - HEATER, HEATX
Tutorial 5 Equilibrium-based Distillation Models - RadFrac (in equilibrium mode)
Tutorial 6 Advanced Problem Solving Tools - Utilities, GHG Emissions, Optimization
Tutorial 7 Chemical Reactor Models - RSTOIC, REQUIL, RYIELD, RGIBBS, RCSTR, RPFR
Tutorial 8 Rate-based Distillation Models - RadFrac (in rate-based mode)
Tutorial 9 Custom Models and External Con... [more]
11. LAPSE:2021.0591
Aspen Plus Simulations of a Lignocellulosic Biomass-to-Butanol Thermochemical Process
July 6, 2021 (v1)
Subject: Modelling and Simulations
Keywords: Aspen Plus, Biofuels, Biomass, Butanol, Kinetic Model, Lignocellulosic, Mixed Alcohol Synthesis, Simulation, Thermochemical
Several Aspen Plus simulation files are presented which were used in the research paper by Chinedu Okoli and Thomas A. Adams II: "Design and Assessment of Advanced Thermochemical Plants for Second Generation Biobutanol Production Considering Mixed Alcohols Synthesis Kinetics" published in Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, vol 56, pp 1543-1558 (2017). Four Aspen Plus V8.4 workbook files are provided AS IS, with no guarantee of accuracy or functionality. They are the original files used in the underlying work and have not been groomed or sanitized.
The four base cases considered in this study are:
1. A "biomass only" process in which the entire plant's energy supply comes from biomass.
2. A "biomass only" process that uses a divided wall column as a part of the distillation sequence
3. A "NG and power import" process in which natural gas and grid electricity are used to provide supplementary power.
4. A "NG import" case in which natural gas (but not grid... [more]
The four base cases considered in this study are:
1. A "biomass only" process in which the entire plant's energy supply comes from biomass.
2. A "biomass only" process that uses a divided wall column as a part of the distillation sequence
3. A "NG and power import" process in which natural gas and grid electricity are used to provide supplementary power.
4. A "NG import" case in which natural gas (but not grid... [more]
12. LAPSE:2021.0590
Aspen Plus Simulations of a Macroalgae-to-Biobutanol Thermochemical Process
July 2, 2021 (v1)
Subject: Modelling and Simulations
Three Aspen Plus simulation files are presented which were used in the research paper by Chinedu Okoli, Thomas A. Adams II, Boris Brigljevic, and J.J. Liu: "Design and economic analysis of a macroalgae-to-butanol process via a thermochemical route" published in Energy Conversion and Management, vol 123, pp 410-122 (2016). Three Aspen Plus V8 workbook files are provided AS IS, with no guarantee of accuracy or functionality. They are the original files used in the underlying work and have not been groomed or sanitized.
The three files correspond to the three case studies in the paper:
1. A "biomass only" process in which the entire plant's energy supply comes from seaweed.
2. A "NG and power import" process in which natural gas and grid electricity are used to provide supplementary power.
3. A "NG import" case in which natural gas (but not grid electricity) is used to provide supplementary power.
It may be difficult to open the files in later versions of the software.... [more]
The three files correspond to the three case studies in the paper:
1. A "biomass only" process in which the entire plant's energy supply comes from seaweed.
2. A "NG and power import" process in which natural gas and grid electricity are used to provide supplementary power.
3. A "NG import" case in which natural gas (but not grid electricity) is used to provide supplementary power.
It may be difficult to open the files in later versions of the software.... [more]
13. LAPSE:2021.0570
Design Strategies for Oxy-Combustion Power Plant Captured CO2 Purification
June 28, 2021 (v1)
Subject: Modelling and Simulations
This submission contains Aspen Plus files for the design and systems performance analysis of oxy-combustion power plant captured CO2 purification using different techniques.
14. LAPSE:2021.0261
Aspen Plus Simulations of Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol Separation and Recovery Processes
April 27, 2021 (v1)
Subject: Modelling and Simulations
Keywords: 2-ethyl-hexanol, Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol, Aspen Plus, Decane, Decanol, Extracton, Fermentation, Hexanol, Oleyl Alcohol, Simulation
This is a collection of Aspen Plus v8.8 Simulation Files that were used to conduct the research published in Dalle Ave G, Adams TA II, "Techno-economic comparison of Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol fermentation using various extractants", Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 156, 15 January 2018, Pages 288-300. The LAPSE postprint of this work is available at LAPSE:2018.0132.
Each simulation file contains a flowsheet model of the process to recover acetone, butanol, and ethanol from the ABE fermentation broth for the following case studies:
1. Direct distillation of the ABE Broth
2. Product extraction and purification from ABE Broth using 2-Ethyl-1-Hexanol
3. Product extraction and purification from ABE Broth using Decane
4. Product extraction and purification from ABE Broth using Decanol
5. Product extraction and purification from ABE Broth using Hexanol
6. Product extraction and purification from ABE Broth using Mesitylene
7. Product extraction and purification from ABE... [more]
Each simulation file contains a flowsheet model of the process to recover acetone, butanol, and ethanol from the ABE fermentation broth for the following case studies:
1. Direct distillation of the ABE Broth
2. Product extraction and purification from ABE Broth using 2-Ethyl-1-Hexanol
3. Product extraction and purification from ABE Broth using Decane
4. Product extraction and purification from ABE Broth using Decanol
5. Product extraction and purification from ABE Broth using Hexanol
6. Product extraction and purification from ABE Broth using Mesitylene
7. Product extraction and purification from ABE... [more]
15. LAPSE:2021.0100
Aspen Plus Simulation of a Rectisol Process for Blue Hydrogen Production
March 12, 2021 (v2)
Subject: Modelling and Simulations
Keywords: Aspen Plus, Carbon Dioxide Capture, Hydrogen, Methanol, Modelling, Rectisol, Simulation, Syngas
This is an Aspen Plus v12 model for a Rectisol process used for removing CO2 from a shifted syngas stream arising from steam methane reforming for the purposes of Blue hydrogen production. It is intended for educational use, and is useful as a starting point for those interested in simulating this process. It is not optimized in any way, but it contains a working flowsheet for those interested in modifying it for your own purposes.
The simulation was developed using the simulation strategy given in Adams TA II, Khojestah Salkuyeh Y, Nease J. Processes and Simulations for Solvent-based CO2Capture and Syngas Cleanup. Chapter in: Reactor and process design for in sustainable energy technology. Elsevier (2014). Pages 163-232. ISBN: 978-0-444-59566-9. It is based on the process discussed in Doctor RD, Molburg JC, Thimmapuram PR, Berry GF, Livengood CD. Gasification combined cycle: carbon dioxide recovery, transport, and disposal. US DOE Report, Argonne National Laboratory ANL/ESD-24. 19... [more]
The simulation was developed using the simulation strategy given in Adams TA II, Khojestah Salkuyeh Y, Nease J. Processes and Simulations for Solvent-based CO2Capture and Syngas Cleanup. Chapter in: Reactor and process design for in sustainable energy technology. Elsevier (2014). Pages 163-232. ISBN: 978-0-444-59566-9. It is based on the process discussed in Doctor RD, Molburg JC, Thimmapuram PR, Berry GF, Livengood CD. Gasification combined cycle: carbon dioxide recovery, transport, and disposal. US DOE Report, Argonne National Laboratory ANL/ESD-24. 19... [more]
16. LAPSE:2020.1034
Optimal design and operation of a waste tire feedstock polygeneration system
October 8, 2020 (v1)
Subject: Process Design
Keywords: Carbon Dioxide Capture, Gasification, Global Optimization, Polygeneration system, Rubber, Waste Tire, Waste-to-Energy
The accompanying model for the paper 'Optimal design and operation of a waste tire feedstock polygeneration system' is presented. The model is written using the GOSSIP software platform and modeling language.
17. LAPSE:2020.0904
Design and Eco-techno-economic Analyses of SOFC/GT Hybrid Systems Accounting for Long-term Degradation Effects
November 24, 2020 (v2)
Subject: Modelling and Simulations
Models and codes that were used in this work. Please read the simulation instruction.
18. LAPSE:2019.1261
Technoeconomic Analysis of a Waste Tire to Liquefied Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG) energy system
June 1, 2020 (v2)
Subject: Process Design
Keywords: Carbon Dioxide Capture, Rubber, Synthetic Natural Gas, Waste tire, Waste To Energy
Thermochemical conversion of solid wastes through gasification offers the dual benefit of production of high-value fuels and
environmentally friendly waste disposal. Waste tires in particular may be a suitable feedstock for gasification as a result of their
high energy content (LHV of approximately 34 MJ/kg, higher than coal), high volatile matter content, and low ash content. Rotary
kilns for steam gasification are a promising and technologically mature option to handle such difficult solid wastes that have a
wider range of compositions, particle sizes, and moisture contents. In this paper, we propose a novel process for production of
liquefied synthetic natural gas (SNG) from waste tires. We use experimental data available in the open literature to represent the
complex steam gasification unit operation and study three design cases: Without CCS, with precombustion CCS and with preand postcombustion CCS in two locations: USA and Norway. The thermodynamic, economic and environmen... [more]
environmentally friendly waste disposal. Waste tires in particular may be a suitable feedstock for gasification as a result of their
high energy content (LHV of approximately 34 MJ/kg, higher than coal), high volatile matter content, and low ash content. Rotary
kilns for steam gasification are a promising and technologically mature option to handle such difficult solid wastes that have a
wider range of compositions, particle sizes, and moisture contents. In this paper, we propose a novel process for production of
liquefied synthetic natural gas (SNG) from waste tires. We use experimental data available in the open literature to represent the
complex steam gasification unit operation and study three design cases: Without CCS, with precombustion CCS and with preand postcombustion CCS in two locations: USA and Norway. The thermodynamic, economic and environmen... [more]
19. LAPSE:2019.0423
Finding better limit cycles of semicontinuous distillation
March 22, 2019 (v1)
Subject: Process Design
There are three different ways of operating the distillation process based on production requirements and operational flexibility. Semicontinuous distillation of multicomponent mixtures is a cost-effective technology in the intermediate production range when compared with traditional batch and continuous distillation processes. The process, which has both continuous and discrete dynamics, operates in a limit cycle (an isolated periodic orbit). Design of this process entails finding the system’s time-invariant parameters, for example, equipment design parameters, reflux rate etc., to operate in a limit cycle having acceptable performance. In semicontinuous distillation studies, the performance metric chosen is the separation cost, which is defined as the total annualized cost-per-production. The state-of-the-art design procedure involves determining an initial state for estimating the limit cycle through the dynamic simulation of the process and is found to be effective. However, it lac... [more]
20. LAPSE:2018.0444
Distributing Characteristics within Fuel Cell Stacks with features that Fuel/Air Manifolds Penetrated through Plane Zone and Open Outlet Manifold
September 19, 2018 (v1)
Subject: Modelling and Simulations
Keywords: 3D large scale simulating, Flow and temperature distribution characteristics, Solid oxide fuel cell stack, Structure features
Although many numerical models based on different fuel cell stack designs have been developed in past decades, most of the achieved optimized results are greatly dependent on the specific designs, cell numbers and geometric values. Achieving the general relationship between the structure features and distribution trends of key physics items, that is independent on the specific design would be high instructive. To achieve high volumetric/gravimetric power density and simple manufacturing process, both fuel and air manifolds of a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) stack are always designed to place within cell plane zone and penetrated through it; and open outlet manifold is also adopted. In this study, the three dimension large scale multi-physics numerical model for a typical SOFC stack with the above two design features is well completed by carefully coupling momentum, mass, energy and quasi electrochemical reaction equations. Then, the general relations between these structure features and... [more]
21. LAPSE:2018.0394
Aspen Plus Simulation of Biomass-Gas-and-Nuclear-To-Liquids (BGNTL) Processes (Using CuCl Route)
August 7, 2018 (v1)
Subject: Process Design
Keywords: Aspen Plus, Biomass, Copper-Chloride, Dimethyl Ether, Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis, Methane Reforming, Methanol, Modelling, Natural Gas, Nuclear
These are Aspen Plus simulation files for a Biomass-Gas-and-Nuclear-To-Liquids chemical plant (a conceptional design), which uses the Copper-Chloride route for hydrogen production. This is a part of a larger work (see linked LAPSE record for pre-print and associated publication in Canadian J Chem Eng). Process sections and major units in this simulation include: Gasification, Integrated-Gasification-Methane-Reforming, Pre-Reforming, Water Gas Shift, Autothermal Reforming, Syngas Blending and Upgrading, Solid Oxide Fuel Cell power islands, Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis, Methanol Synthesis, Dimethyl Ether Synthesis, Heat Recovery and Steam Generation, CO2 Compression for Sequestration, Cooling Towers, and various auxiliary units for heat and pressure management. See the linked work for a detailed description of the model.
22. LAPSE:2018.0148
Petroleum coke and Natural gas-To-Liquids Aspen Plus Simulation
July 19, 2018 (v1)
Subject: Modelling and Simulations
Six Aspen Plus simulation files for the conversion of petroleum coke and/or natural gas to liquid fuels (synthetic gasoline and diesel) are presented. The base simulation files were designed with carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) technology with the corresponding plant without CCS.
The processes may include various technologies such as petcoke gasification, integrated gasification and autothermal natural gas reforming, gas cleaning, water gas shift reaction, MDEA based carbon capture, Claus process, FT synthesis, and other processing steps.
The six processes are: PSG_CCS (petcoke standalone gasification with CCS), PSG_No_CCS (petcoke standalone gasification without CCS), PG-INGR_CCS (petcoke gasification integrated natural gas reformer with CCS), PG-INGR_No_CCS (petcoke gasification integrated natural gas reformer without CCS), PG-ENGR_CCS (petcoke gasification external natural gas reformer with CCS), PG-ENGR_No_CCS (petcoke gasification external natural gas reformer with... [more]
The processes may include various technologies such as petcoke gasification, integrated gasification and autothermal natural gas reforming, gas cleaning, water gas shift reaction, MDEA based carbon capture, Claus process, FT synthesis, and other processing steps.
The six processes are: PSG_CCS (petcoke standalone gasification with CCS), PSG_No_CCS (petcoke standalone gasification without CCS), PG-INGR_CCS (petcoke gasification integrated natural gas reformer with CCS), PG-INGR_No_CCS (petcoke gasification integrated natural gas reformer without CCS), PG-ENGR_CCS (petcoke gasification external natural gas reformer with CCS), PG-ENGR_No_CCS (petcoke gasification external natural gas reformer with... [more]
23. LAPSE:2018.0126
Biomass-Gas-and-Nuclear-To-Liquids Aspen Plus Simulations
December 7, 2018 (v2)
Subject: Modelling and Simulations
Keywords: Aspen Plus, Biomass, Dimethyl Ether, Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis, Natural Gas, Nuclear, Simulation, Steam Reforming
In this paper, several new processes are proposed which co-generate electricity and liquid fuels (such as diesel, gasoline, or dimethyl ether) from biomass, natural gas and heat from a high temperature gas-cooled reactor. This carbonless heat provides the required energy to drive an endothermic steam methane reforming process, which yields H2-rich syngas (H2/CO>6) with lower greenhouse gas emissions than traditional steam methane reforming processes. Since downstream Fischer-Tropsch, methanol, or dimethyl ether synthesis processes require an H2/CO ratio of around 2, biomass gasification is integrated into the process. Biomass-derived syngas is sufficiently H2-lean such that blending it with the steam methane reforming derived syngas yields a syngas of the appropriate H2/CO ratio of around 2. In a prior work, we also demonstrated that integrating carbonless heat with combined steam and CO2 reforming of methane is a promising option to produce a syngas with proper H2/CO ratio for Fischer... [more]