Every year the European Committee for the Use of Computers in Chemical Engineering Education (EURECHA) organizes a Student Contest Problem (SCP), a challenge for CAPE-students that have to suggest solutions to a broad chemical engineering problem.
SCP is open to Bachelor/Master/PhD students. Students can participate as a team or individually. The participants should submit their solutions to an open problem that involves Energy and Chemical Engineering, while using tools of Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. The deadline for submission is April 15, 2023, 23:59 CET.
The first-place winner will receive an invitation to attend ESCAPE-33, which will be held in Greece, to present their solution. The first-place award also includes a money transfer of 1000 EUR after the ESCAPE event to cover the travel and accommodation expenses. The second-place winner will receive an invitation to attend the CAPE Forum, which will be held in Portugal in 2023, to present their solution. The second-place award also includes a money transfer of 750 EUR after the CAPE-forum event to cover the travel and accommodation expenses. Both the first- and second-place winners will be invited for publishing an open access version of their models, code, and report through the LAPSE repository. The submitted documents will be licensed and published on the EURECHA website (www.wp-cape.eu/index.php/eurecha/).
Submission procedure
The written report should consist of a pdf file written in English and not exceeding 15 pages (including figures). The process flowsheet and runnable simulation files must also be provided. For solutions judged as high-quality results, these documents will be shared in an open repository, to increase the impact of the EURECHA SCP. The written report, the runnable simulation files and any other support files (Annexes, SpreadSheets, Simulation Input files, etc.), as well as a support letter from an academic supervisor at your home university, should be packed (zip format) and sent, before the established deadline, as e-mail attachment to eurecha.secretariat@gmail.com. In the body of this e-mail please include the following information:
- Complete name (for all authors);
- Level (Degree/Master/PhD) and current year of your studies (for all authors). If available, please provide a link to a web page at your home institution related to one of the courses you are currently enrolled;
- Complete name and address of your home institution (School/Department/Research Center, etc.). Please provide a link to the web page of your home institution and an official contact to eventually confirm the affiliation/enrolment.
Important Note: The intention to participate should be registered on Eurecha website: www.wp-cape.eu/index.php/student-contest-problem/
Please visit the following link for Student Contest Problem 2023: https://dox.uliege.be/index.php/s/1ugdcuNKz4ik8X4
Please visit the following link for a detailed description of the student contest: https://dox.uliege.be/index.php/s/cVoCNvSRzwOAYms
If you are interested to receive updates on Student Contest you can register here: www.wp-cape.eu/index.php/student-contest-problem/