Record Types
Records with Type: Presentation
Interactive Computing Activities as Chemical Engineering Educational Tools in University and Informal Learning Environments
December 20, 2022 (v1)
Subject: Education
Keywords: computational science, faculty development, graphical user interface, Numerical Methods, STEM outreach, undergraduate curriculum
The central theme of this webinar is computer-based tools made broadly accessible to students, educators, researchers, and lay people. Major platforms discussed include graphical user interfaces (GUIs), interactive notebooks (e.g., Jupyter Notebooks and MATLAB Live Scripts), and GitHub repositories. These tools have been used in instructing and engaging undergraduate chemical engineering students, preparing faculty for using these tools, training undergraduate and graduate students for computational research in science and engineering, and introducing lay audiences to chemical engineering concepts in informal learning environments outside of the classroom. These and other resources are available in a collection of open-source materials available at Also in this collection is an open-source learning module that the presenter created and packaged (with support from CACHE) for an upper division/graduate elective course, focused on practical computational scienc... [more]
Teaching Conceptual Process Flowsheeting and Simulation: 3rd Year Undergraduate Level and Earlier
February 14, 2022 (v1)
Subject: Education
Keywords: Aspen Plus, Conceptual Process Design, Process Modelling, Process Synthesis, Undergraduate Curriculum
Advice and best practices for teaching conceptual process flowsheeting, simulation, and design at the third year undergraduate level. Discusses setting course goals, integration with the rest of the curriculum, and delivery techniques. Practical strategies for tutorials, exams, lectures, and projects. Training TAs for experiential learning workshops. Best practices in teaching distillation design. This is the Award Lecture for AIChE's David Himmelblau Award for Innovations in Computer-Based Chemical Engineering Education. Live lecture given via as a part of the AIChE's Computing and Systems Technology division webinar series.
Rethinking Computing Education with Vocareum and Canvas
November 18, 2021 (v4)
Subject: Education
Keywords: Canvas, Colab, computer, data science, education, Jupyter, Learning Management System, Python, statistics, Vocareum
Presentation of Prof. Alexander Dowling's experience integrating Jupyter notebooks and computing into classes at the University of Notre Dame. Presented to ND faculty.
Rethinking Computing and Statistics Instruction with Vocareum and Gradescope
November 22, 2019 (v2)
Subject: Education
Keywords: Active Learning, Classroom Technology, Education, Jupyter Notebooks, Multivariate Statistics, Numerical Methods, Python
I will share ongoing efforts to retool CBE 20258 Numerical and Statistical Analysis (required) to provide a scaffolding for all chemical engineering undergraduates to develop core competencies in computing, applied statistics, and mathematical modeling. Key aspects of the course redesign include i) modernizing content including the adoption of the Python programming language and Jupyter notebooks, ii) moving initial exposure to outside of the classroom, and iii) incorporating active learning in all class sessions. I will share how classroom technologies Vocareum and Gradescope have been critical to the success of the redesign by reducing grading time, giving students fast feedback, and enabling regular accountability.
Finding the Signal in the Noise: Determining North America’s best path forward for sustainable energy
August 1, 2019 (v3)
Subject: Process Design
Keywords: Calcium Looping, Carbon Dioxide Capture, Chemical Looping, Life Cycle Analysis, Meta-Study, Oxyfuels, Postcombustion Capture, Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Technoeconomic Analysis
One of the largest engineering challenges of our time is finding technical solutions that permit the use of our energy resources in a sustainable way. In order to achieve meaningful and positive change, new energy systems must adhere to the triple bottom line of sustainability. This means that new technical solutions must be economically, socio-politically, and environmentally sustainable, such that they can be rapidly adopted and accepted. The engineering literature is full of a great many technical proposals for new energy systems, but it turns out to be quite hard to objectively look at them all, see through the hype, and decide which are the best and most promising technologies in which to invest our research and development dollars. In this talk, I will present a case study with the results of our recent meta-study covering over 100 candidate electricity generation systems with carbon dioxide capture, in order to determine which are the most promising classes of technologies. I wi... [more]
Coke Oven Gas Conversion Efficiency Improvement by System Upgrading to Combined Cycle Power Plant
October 25, 2018 (v4)
Subject: Modelling and Simulations
Keywords: Coke oven gas, combined cycle power plant, GAMS optimization, MDEA desulphurization
Coke oven gas (COG) is one of the main by-products generated from steel refineries. In most cases, COG is used only to generate low pressure steam for process heat needs or for small amounts of electricity production. Carbon emissions are inevitable in this COG utilization method. However, carbon emissions are no longer free: the federal government has proposed a minimum carbon tax scheme which incentivises the steel industry to upgrade their present system in order to maintain their profitability. Based on a local steel refinery case study, we propose retrofitting the plant with a combined cycle power plant (CCPP) using COG as fuel input in order to help reduce CO2 emissions and increase energy efficiency. However, COG contains a significant amount of sulphur compounds which have to be removed before it can be used as fuel input for CCPP. Therefore, a MDEA based desulphurization process is proposed to reduce the main sulphur content (H2S) in COG to less than 1 ppmv. ProMax is used to... [more]