About Us

PSECommunity.org is a project of the CAChE Corporation (Computer Aids for Chemical Engineering Education) a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to the advancement of the process systems engineering community. Founded by Prof. Thomas A. Adams II (now at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology), our primary goal is to foster communication and knowledge transfer between researchers, students, and practitioners. We do this in a variety of ways.

Research Knowledge, Open Access, and Data Sharing

In order to better provide research results to the public and to other researchers, we have created [LAPSE: The Living Archive for Process Systems Engineering]. LAPSE is both a pre-print server and an open-access repository meant to foster the exchange of knowledge outside the pay-wall. We particularly encourage the depositing of models, simulations, and source code, which are too-often kept at arm’s length of the researcher. Models and simulations of special interest will be highlighted on the website.

Conference and Other Academic Publications

The [PSE Press] is our publishing Imprint. PSE Press offers a low-cost option for open-access research within the PSE field, such as peer-reviewed conference  proceedings or extended abstracts. Conference proceedings are published in the book series [Systems and Control Transactions]. Other one-off academic publications are possible, such as textbooks, monographs, or educational material.

Public Education

The [PSE Technology Tree Wiki] is a public Wiki-based project meant to provide general knowledge about the field of process systems engineering. It is like any other wiki in which it contains a collection of technical articles that anyone in the community can modify or edit. However, it is quite unique in that the articles are arranged in an interconnected technology tree that explains how PSE technologies are related to each other and have developed over time. It is a great starting point for getting introduced to the field or to particular technologies within it.

University Education

We are also particularly concerned with university education. PSECommunity.org is a place where course materials, lecture slides, or textbook information can be distributed to help both lecturers and students. Educational material can be found in either the LAPSE repository or on special pages on the website where there are particular items of interest.


PSEcommunity.org is run by community volunteers. We welcome your help.

Thomas A. Adams II
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Roles: PSEcommunity.org director and founder.
Calvin Tsay
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Imperial College London
Role: LAPSE Head Curator
Seyed Soheil Mansouri
Assistant Professor
Technical University of Denmark
Role: LAPSE Curator

We gratefully acknowledge past funding by:

Journal Partners

We are currently partnered with these journals, whose articles are automatically indexed in LAPSE.

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