Records with Keyword: Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis
Techno-Economic and Environmental Assessment of Biomass Gasification and Fischer−Tropsch Synthesis Integrated to Sugarcane Biorefineries
April 3, 2023 (v1)
Subject: Environment
Keywords: energy-cane, eucalyptus, Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis, gasification, Life Cycle Assessment, sugarcane, Technoeconomic Analysis, thermochemical conversion, validation biorefinery
Large-scale deployment of both biochemical and thermochemical routes for advanced biofuels production is seen as a key climate change mitigation option. This study addresses techno-economic and environmental aspects of advanced liquid biofuels production alternatives via biomass gasification and Fischer−Tropsch synthesis integrated to a typical sugarcane distillery. The thermochemical route comprises the conversion of the residual lignocellulosic fraction of conventional sugarcane (bagasse and straw), together with eucalyptus and energy-cane as emerging lignocellulosic biomass options. This work promotes an integrated framework to simulate the mass and energy balances of process alternatives and incorporates techno-economic analyses and sustainability assessment methods based on a life-cycle perspective. Results show that integrated biorefineries provide greenhouse gas emission reduction between 85−95% compared to the fossil equivalent, higher than that expected from a typical sugarcan... [more]
Thermochemical Analysis of a Packed-Bed Reactor Using Finite Elements with FlexPDE and COMSOL Multiphysics
February 21, 2023 (v1)
Subject: Modelling and Simulations
Keywords: Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis, heat transfer, kinetics, multi-dimensional CFD modeling, reactor modeling, solid catalysts
This work presents the thermochemical analysis of a packed-bed reactor via multi-dimensional CFD modeling using FlexPDE and COMSOL Multiphysics. The temperature, concentration, and reaction rate profiles for methane production following the Fischer−Tropsch (F-T) synthesis were studied. To this end, stationary and dynamic differential equations for mass and heat transfer were solved via the finite element technique. The transport equations for 1-D and 2-D models using FlexPDE consider dispersion models, where the fluid and the catalyst can be treated as either homogeneous or heterogenous systems depending on the gradient extents. On the other hand, the 3-D model obtained in COMSOL deems the transport equations incorporated in the Porous Media module. The aim was to compare the FlexPDE and COMSOL models, and to validate them with experimental data from literature. As a result, all models were in good agreement with experimental data, especially for the 2-D and 3-D dynamic models. In term... [more]
Techno-economic and environmental analyses of a novel, sustainable process for production of liquid fuels using helium heat transfer
September 26, 2019 (v2)
Subject: Process Design
Keywords: Biomass, Carbonless heat, Dimethyl Ether, Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis, Gasification, Methane Reforming, Negative emissions
In this paper, several new processes are proposed which co-generate electricity and liquid fuels (such as diesel, gasoline, or dimethyl ether) from biomass, natural gas and heat from a high temperature gas-cooled reactor. This carbonless heat provides the required energy to drive an endothermic steam methane reforming process, which yields H2-rich syngas (H2/CO > 6) with lower greenhouse gas emissions than traditional steam methane reforming processes. Since downstream Fischer-Tropsch, methanol, or dimethyl ether synthesis processes require an H2/CO ratio of around 2, biomass gasification is integrated into the process. Biomass-derived syngas is sufficiently H2-lean such that blending it with the steam methane reforming derived syngas yields a syngas of the appropriate H2/CO ratio of around 2. In a prior work, we also demonstrated that integrating carbonless heat with combined steam and CO2 reforming of methane is a promising option to produce a syngas with proper H2/CO ratio for Fisch... [more]
Techno-Economic Analysis of Combining Petroleum Coke and Natural Gas for Efficient Liquid Fuels Production
October 30, 2018 (v1)
Subject: Process Design
Waste petcoke can be converted to liquid fuels instead of stockpiling which reduces the net CO2 emission by displacing additional petroleum usage. In this study, three petcoke to liquid fuels designs were compared based on the following performance criteria: conversion efficiency, economics, and environmental impacts. The designs considered were petcoke gasification only, a combination of natural gas reforming and petcoke gasification, and natural gas reforming integrated in the petcoke gasification step. The processes were modeled and simulated using a combination of Aspen Plus v10, ProMax, and gProms software. Each of the configurations were designed to operate with and without carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) technology along with a corresponding carbon emission penalty. Performance metrics analyzed were the net present value, minimum diesel selling price, cost of CO2 avoided, and cradle to plant exit gate life cycle greenhouse gas emissions. From the analysis, the integration... [more]
Combining Petroleum Coke and Natural Gas for Efficient Liquid Fuels Production
August 28, 2018 (v1)
Subject: Process Design
Keywords: Carbon Dioxide Capture, Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis, Gasification, Natural Gas, Petroleum Coke
This work explores the technical feasibility and economic profitability of converting petroleum coke (petcoke) and natural gas to liquid fuels via Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. Different petcoke conversion strategies were examined to determine the conversion pathway which can be competitive with current market prices with little or no adverse environmental impacts. Three main design approaches were considered: petcoke gasification only, combined petcoke gasification and natural gas reforming through traditional processing steps, and combined petcoke gasification and natural gas reforming by directly integrating the gasifier’s radiant cooler with the gas reformer. The designs investigated included scenarios with and without carbon capture and sequestration, and with and without CO2 emission tax penalties. The performance metrics considered included net present value, life cycle greenhouse gas emissions, and the cost of CO2 avoided. The design configuration that integrated natural gas refor... [more]
Aspen Plus Simulation of Biomass-Gas-and-Nuclear-To-Liquids (BGNTL) Processes (Using CuCl Route)
August 7, 2018 (v1)
Subject: Process Design
Keywords: Aspen Plus, Biomass, Copper-Chloride, Dimethyl Ether, Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis, Methane Reforming, Methanol, Modelling, Natural Gas, Nuclear
These are Aspen Plus simulation files for a Biomass-Gas-and-Nuclear-To-Liquids chemical plant (a conceptional design), which uses the Copper-Chloride route for hydrogen production. This is a part of a larger work (see linked LAPSE record for pre-print and associated publication in Canadian J Chem Eng). Process sections and major units in this simulation include: Gasification, Integrated-Gasification-Methane-Reforming, Pre-Reforming, Water Gas Shift, Autothermal Reforming, Syngas Blending and Upgrading, Solid Oxide Fuel Cell power islands, Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis, Methanol Synthesis, Dimethyl Ether Synthesis, Heat Recovery and Steam Generation, CO2 Compression for Sequestration, Cooling Towers, and various auxiliary units for heat and pressure management. See the linked work for a detailed description of the model.
Petroleum coke and Natural gas-To-Liquids Aspen Plus Simulation
July 19, 2018 (v1)
Subject: Modelling and Simulations
Six Aspen Plus simulation files for the conversion of petroleum coke and/or natural gas to liquid fuels (synthetic gasoline and diesel) are presented. The base simulation files were designed with carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) technology with the corresponding plant without CCS.
The processes may include various technologies such as petcoke gasification, integrated gasification and autothermal natural gas reforming, gas cleaning, water gas shift reaction, MDEA based carbon capture, Claus process, FT synthesis, and other processing steps.
The six processes are: PSG_CCS (petcoke standalone gasification with CCS), PSG_No_CCS (petcoke standalone gasification without CCS), PG-INGR_CCS (petcoke gasification integrated natural gas reformer with CCS), PG-INGR_No_CCS (petcoke gasification integrated natural gas reformer without CCS), PG-ENGR_CCS (petcoke gasification external natural gas reformer with CCS), PG-ENGR_No_CCS (petcoke gasification external natural gas reformer with... [more]
The processes may include various technologies such as petcoke gasification, integrated gasification and autothermal natural gas reforming, gas cleaning, water gas shift reaction, MDEA based carbon capture, Claus process, FT synthesis, and other processing steps.
The six processes are: PSG_CCS (petcoke standalone gasification with CCS), PSG_No_CCS (petcoke standalone gasification without CCS), PG-INGR_CCS (petcoke gasification integrated natural gas reformer with CCS), PG-INGR_No_CCS (petcoke gasification integrated natural gas reformer without CCS), PG-ENGR_CCS (petcoke gasification external natural gas reformer with CCS), PG-ENGR_No_CCS (petcoke gasification external natural gas reformer with... [more]
Biomass-Gas-and-Nuclear-To-Liquids Aspen Plus Simulations
December 7, 2018 (v2)
Subject: Modelling and Simulations
Keywords: Aspen Plus, Biomass, Dimethyl Ether, Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis, Natural Gas, Nuclear, Simulation, Steam Reforming
In this paper, several new processes are proposed which co-generate electricity and liquid fuels (such as diesel, gasoline, or dimethyl ether) from biomass, natural gas and heat from a high temperature gas-cooled reactor. This carbonless heat provides the required energy to drive an endothermic steam methane reforming process, which yields H2-rich syngas (H2/CO>6) with lower greenhouse gas emissions than traditional steam methane reforming processes. Since downstream Fischer-Tropsch, methanol, or dimethyl ether synthesis processes require an H2/CO ratio of around 2, biomass gasification is integrated into the process. Biomass-derived syngas is sufficiently H2-lean such that blending it with the steam methane reforming derived syngas yields a syngas of the appropriate H2/CO ratio of around 2. In a prior work, we also demonstrated that integrating carbonless heat with combined steam and CO2 reforming of methane is a promising option to produce a syngas with proper H2/CO ratio for Fischer... [more]