ecoTEA Standards Newsletter Vol 1 launches ISO Standards Development Effort

On July 17, 2019, the effort toward the development of a new ISO standard with regards to eco-Technoeconomic Analyses (ecoTEAs) was launched at the Foundations of Computer Aided Process Design 2019 Conference in Copper Mountain, Colorado, USA. Prof. Thomas A. Adams II (McMaster University) presented a plenary lecture outlining the motivation for creating a new ISO standard for ecoTEAs, the potential benefits of standards, a vision for the use and structure of the standard, and the process of creating one. Prof. Adams called for the community to join the standardization effort by providing a letter of support for the standard, or, joining the mailing list to receive information about how to join technical committees or stakeholder groups that will contribute to the development of the standards.

Request for Letter of Support

You can help the standards effort by providing a letter of support. The support letter should indicate why an ecoTEA standard is important and what kind of benefits could result, either to you, industry, academic, government, or society in general. The letter requires no time commitment on your part. Support letters will be collected by the Standards Council of Canada, who will be compiling them and using them as a part of the proposal package to the International Standards Organization.

This support letter template can be helpful [or find it on]. The support letter should be addressed to Brendan McManus, Sector Specialist, Strategy and Stakeholder Engagement, Standards Council of Canada, 600-55 Metcalfe Street, Ottawa, ON K1P 6L5, Canada and can be emailed to

Please Spread the Word

We encourage you to spread the word of this ecoTEA standards movement to any colleagues of yours that might be interested. You can start by directing them to or asking them to join this mailing list.

Key Documents Available

  • Lecture Slides: Call for Standards Development at FOCAPD 2019. [download]
  • Proposal White Paper (Conference proceeding). [download]. If paywalled at your organization, contact to request a copy.
  • Support Letter Template / Example. [download]

Thanks for your interest and please let me know if you have any questions.

-Tom (

    Thomas A. Adams II, PhD, P.Eng.
    Associate Professor and Associate Chair, Graduate
    Department of Chemical Engineering
    McMaster University
    McMaster Advanced Control Consortium
    McMaster Institute for Energy Studies
    Chair, Systems & Control Division, CSChE
    Office: JHE 371
    Phone:  905-525-9140 x 24782
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