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Experimental Investigation of Phase Equilibria in the Al−Mo−Hf Ternary System at 400 °C and 600 °C
Boliang Liu, Zhiqiang Yu, Libin Liu, Ligang Zhang
June 24, 2024 (v1)
Subject: Other
Keywords: Al-Mo-Hf system, isothermal section, phase equilibrium, solid solubility
This study investigates the phase equilibria of the Al-Mo-Hf ternary system at 400 °C and 600 °C using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and electron probe microanalysis (EPMA/WDS) techniques. Seven three-phase and five two-phase regions were identified at 400 °C, while eight three-phase and four two-phase regions were identified at 600 °C. Despite variations in the solid solubility ranges of certain compounds, the distribution of phase zones in the isothermal cross-section remained consistent at both temperatures. Using the experimental results and logical deductions, isothermal cross-sections were constructed for the Al-Mo-Hf ternary system at 600 °C and 400 °C.
Surface Chemistry of Cherry Stone-Derived Activated Carbon Prepared by H3PO4 Activation
Jose M. González-Domínguez, Carmen Fernández-González, María Alexandre-Franco, Vicente Gómez-Serrano
June 24, 2024 (v1)
Keywords: activated carbon, Biomass, chemical activation, phosphoric acid, surface chemistry
The preparation of activated carbons (ACs) from cherry stones and chemical activation with H3PO4 can be controlled by the experimental variables during the impregnation step in order to obtain a tailored porous structure of the as-prepared ACs. This control not only extends to the ACs’ texture and porosity development, but also to the chemical nature of their surface. The spectroscopic and elemental characterization of different series of ACs is presented in this study. The spectroscopic band features and assignments strongly depend on the H3PO4 concentration and/or the semi-carbonization treatments applied to the feedstock before impregnation, which ultimately influence different characteristics such as the AC hydrophilicity. Different surface chemistries arise from the different tailored impregnation solutions, showing a practical outcome for future applications of the as-prepared ACs.
Research on an Optimal Maintenance and Inventory Model Based on Carbon Tax Policy
Wei-Jen Chen, Chi-Jie Lu, Pei-Ti Hsu, Chih-Te Yang
June 24, 2024 (v1)
Subject: Energy Policy
Keywords: carbon emissions, defective products, inventory, preventive maintenance
The equipment in a factory will gradually deteriorate during production, leading to the production of defective products. Without appropriate maintenance, the defect rate will increase over time. Consequently, the production cost will rise, the inventory quality will be affected, the profit will decrease, and the risk of carbon emissions will increase, leading to more customer complaints and damaging the corporate image. In addition to focusing on preventive maintenance to ensure the quality of products, companies should also take carbon emissions into consideration. Furthermore, the frequency of maintenance must be carefully considered, as both carbon emissions and maintenance costs will increase if the frequency is too high; conversely, if the maintenance frequency is too low or non-existent, the defect rate may increase cumulatively, or production may be suspended due to equipment failure. Therefore, this research explores preventive maintenance and inventory management issues withi... [more]
Investigation of the Mixing Time Distribution and Connected Flow Fields in Two-Stage Stirred Vessels
Marian Matzke, Mathias Ulbricht, Heyko Jürgen Schultz
June 24, 2024 (v1)
Keywords: flow fields, laser-induced fluorescence (LIF), mixing time, stirred vessels, two-stage impellers
In this study, laser-induced fluorescence is used to investigate the homogenization in stirred vessels equipped with single- and two-stage stirrers. The acquired local mixing times across the reactor cross-section are plotted as mixing time distribution (MTD) and then compared with the previously measured flow fields of the identical systems. With the help of a novel evaluation method, the mixing times are characterized with a normal distribution fit. With mean value and standard deviation as determined parameters, the mixing results of different installation heights and stirrer combinations are quantitatively evaluated and lead to clear recommendations for installations that enable efficient mixing.
Research on Inversion Log Evaluation Method of Special Mineral in Alkali Lake Shale Oil Reservoir—A Case Study of the Fengcheng Formation in the Mahu Sag, China
Lei Zhao, Rui Mao, Xili Deng, Ziyan Feng, Junkai Chen, Xianghua Zong, Cheng Feng
June 24, 2024 (v1)
Subject: Other
Keywords: alkaline minerals, combining model, Fengcheng Formation, Junggar Basin, Litho Scanner Log, Mahu Sag, mineral inversion
The Fengcheng Formation in the Mahu Sag of the Junggar Basin, China, is characterized by alkaline lake deposits, featuring abundant alkaline minerals. The content of alkaline minerals affects the physical properties and oil-bearing properties of the reservoir, and existing mineral inversion methods cannot calculate the content of alkaline minerals. Based on Litho Scanner Log data, we can calculate the dry weight of elements using the oxide closure model. By improving the rock volume physical model; adding trona, shortite, eitelite, and reedmergnerite to the rock volume physical model; and combining with the least squares method, the mineral content calculation was carried out, using the inversion method of combination models (Shortite Model, Eitelite Model, Reedmergnerite Model, and Trona Model) to achieve mineral inversion of alkali-bearing shale oil reservoirs. Litho Scanner Log is expensive, and its widespread application will increase exploration costs. This article scales the mine... [more]
Recovery of Ionic Liquid from the Model Solution Mixture Mimicking the Catalytically Hydrolyzed Cellulose Product Utilizing Amberlyst Ion-Exchange Resin
Chhabilal Regmi, Chidambaram Thamaraiselvan, Zhexi Zhu, Xianghong Qian, S. Ranil Wickramasinghe
June 24, 2024 (v1)
Keywords: Adsorption, Amberlyst, cation-exchange resin, desorption, ionic liquid, NaCl
The hydrolysis of cellulose using ionic liquid (IL) has been extensively studied but there is limited understanding of the removal of IL from the biomass hydrolysate. Finding a suitable method for the recovery and reuse of IL is one of the biggest challenges before its large-scale application. Selecting an appropriate combined recovery process is very important. This study proposed a facile ion-exchange combined method for the recovery of IL from the modeled cellulose hydrolysate mixture containing sugars as well as γ-valerolactone (GVL) via an adsorption−desorption mechanism using sulfonic acid cation-exchange (Amberlyst 15 (H)) resin. The results showed that the resin could adsorb more than 94% of 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride [Emim]Cl IL at ambient conditions within a contact time of 20 min. The other coexisting constituents like glucose and GVL have no significant effect on the adsorption efficiency of IL. The adsorption of IL on Amberlyst 15 (H) resin was observed to be pse... [more]
Aza-Michael Additions of Benzylamine to Acrylates Promoted by Microwaves and Conventional Heating Using DBU as Catalyst via Solvent-Free Protocol
Leticia Chavelas-Hernández, Luis G. Hernández-Vázquez, José D. Bahena-Martínez, Alexa B. Arroyo-Colín, Sinuhe G. Flores-Osorio, Gabriel Navarrete-Vázquez, Jaime Escalante
June 24, 2024 (v1)
Keywords: aza-Michael addition, DBU, microwaves, solvent free, β-amino esters
In recent years, the use of solvent-free reactions represents a challenge for organic chemists, since it would help to optimize methodologies and contribute to the development of sustainable chemistry. In this regard, our research group has intensified efforts in the search for reactions that can be carried out in the absence of a solvent. In this paper, we present a protocol for the aza-Michael addition of benzylamine to α,β-unsaturated esters to prepare N-benzylated β-amino esters in the presence of catalytic amounts of DBU (0.2 eq) via solvent-free reaction. Depending on the α,β-unsaturated esters, we observed a reduction in reaction times, with good to excellent yields for aza-Michael addition.
Energy Dissipation in Tribological Stressed Greases
Erik Kuhn
June 24, 2024 (v1)
Subject: Materials
Keywords: energy dissipation, entropy production, lubricating grease
Lubricating greases that are subject to a continuous friction process are in a non-equilibrium state. In processes far from equilibrium, there is a possibility that dissipative structures will form. In this work, the conjecture is pursued that this is also possible in loaded grease films. On the one hand, the shear process is considered in interaction with structural degradation, and on the other hand, the behavior of energy dissipation mechanisms is investigated. In the two models presented, it is shown that there are conditions under which it is possible to trigger self-organization processes. The next step must be the development of suitable experiments.
Synthesis of 2,6-Dihydroxybenzoic Acid by Decarboxylase-Catalyzed Carboxylation Using CO2 and In Situ Product Removal
Daniel Ohde, Benjamin Thomas, Paul Bubenheim, Andreas Liese
June 24, 2024 (v1)
Keywords: Carbon Dioxide, carboxylation, decarboxylase, in situ product removal, process development
For the enzymatic carboxylation of resorcinol to 2,6-dihydroxybenzoic acid (2,6-DHBA) using gaseous CO2 in an aqueous triethanolamine phase, an adsorption-based in situ product removal was demonstrated. The aim is to improve the reaction yield, which is limited by an unfavourable thermodynamic equilibrium. First, a screening for a high-affinity adsorber was carried out. Then, the application of a suitable adsorber was successfully demonstrated. This enabled achieving reaction yields above 80% using the adsorber for in situ product removal. The applied biotransformation was scaled up to 1.5 L at lab-scale. Furthermore, a downstream process based on the elution and purification of the product bound to the adsorber was developed to obtain 2,6-DHBA in high purity. Recycling is one of the key factors in this system, making it possible to recycle the reaction medium, the adsorber and the solvents in additional batches.
Adsorption of Pesticides on Activated Carbons from Peach Stones
Souha Harabi, Sami Guiza, Ariadna Álvarez-Montero, Almudena Gómez-Avilés, Mohamed Bagané, Carolina Belver, Jorge Bedia
June 21, 2024 (v1)
Subject: Materials
Keywords: 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, activated carbon, Adsorption, carbofuran, isotherms, kinetics, pesticides
This study analyzes the adsorption of two model pesticides, namely, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and carbofuran on activated carbons obtained by chemical activation with phosphoric acid of peach stones. The effect of the synthesis conditions on the surface area development was analyzed. The highest surface area was obtained with an impregnation time of 5 h, an impregnation ratio equal to 3.5, an activation temperature of 400 °C, and 4.5 h of activation time. Under these conditions, the maximum specific surface area was equal to 1182 m2·g−1 which confirms the high porosity of the activated carbon, predominantly in the form of micropores. The surface chemistry of this activated carbon was also characterized using pH at point of zero charge, scanning electron microscopy, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Both kinetics and equilibrium adsorption tests were performed. Adsorption kinetics confirmed that 2,4-D adsorption follows a pseudo first-order adsorption kinetic mod... [more]
The Contribution of Cornelian Cherry (Cornus mas L.) Alcoholic Beverages on the Sensory, Nutritional and Anti-Nutritional Characteristics—In Vitro and In Silico Approaches
Oskar Szczepaniak, Barbara Stachowiak, Henryk Jeleń, Kinga Stuper-Szablewska, Katarzyna Szambelan, Joanna Kobus-Cisowska
June 21, 2024 (v1)
Keywords: alcoholic beverages, amygdalin, antiradical capacity, Cornus mas, DFT, volatile compounds
Food producers have focused on novel and attractive raw materials with functional properties. Cornelian cherry (Cornus mas L.) fruits contain numerous compounds that may be beneficial for health. Objective: This study aimed to compare and assess the physicochemical properties and amygdalin levels in brandy and liquor prepared from frozen cornelian cherry fruits. Density functional theory-based B3LYP functionals were used to analyze the spectral and optical properties of amygdalin. The contents of the compounds and volatile products of amygdalin decay were found in two spirituose beverages of Cornus mas, using HPLC and GC-MS. Significant differences in their physicochemical properties were detected between the samples. Alcoholic beverages based on cornelian cherry fruits were rich in a wide range of functional ingredients with a low concentration of amygdalin. In silico analysis showed that orbital density diffusion has a major effect on the physical properties of amygdalin, while diffe... [more]
Investigating the Influencing Factors of Imbibition of Fracturing Fluids in Tight Reservoirs
Jian Liu, Xuefeng Qu, Jiwei Wang, Qiang Liu, Lei Zhang, Tao Huang, Haiyang Yu
June 21, 2024 (v1)
Subject: Materials
Keywords: fracturing fluids, matrix permeability, pressure, temperature, tight reservoir
Tight reservoirs are the focus of unconventional oil and gas resource development, but most tight reservoirs exhibit complex pore structures, strong non-homogeneity, and limited water drive development. Fracturing fluid imbibition is a critically important way to improve the recovery of tight reservoirs. In this paper, an NMR experimental device was used to conduct imbibition experiments in tight reservoirs, and the relationship between temperature, pressure, matrix permeability, and imbibition recovery was investigated. Based on the fracturing fluid imbibition recovery curve, the imbibition process is divided into the fast imbibition stage, slow imbibition stage, and imbibition equilibrium. In addition, based on the pore structure division, the recovery changes of each pore under different experimental conditions were quantitatively analyzed. The results indicate that the highest imbibition recovery is achieved at an experimental pressure of 5 MPa within the range of 0 MPa to 15 MPa.... [more]
Study on the Effectiveness of the Integral Emergency Response System for Coal Mine Water Hazard Accidents Based on Combination Weighting
Yu Hao, Huanhuan Yang, Lijun Zhang, Chaolun Sun
June 21, 2024 (v1)
Keywords: coal mine safety, effectiveness measurement, emergency response, water hazard accidents
Improving the emergency response effectiveness of coal mines in response to water hazard accidents not only plays a vital part in minimizing the resultant losses, but also functions as an important index for evaluating the emergency response capability of coal mines. Therefore, it is of great necessity to test the emergency response capability of coal mines. In this study, an effectiveness measurement index system for the emergency response system that comprises two primary indexes (i.e., response capability and service capability) and six secondary indexes (i.e., accident information transmission, emergency command and control, emergency rescue and mitigation, emergency management, personnel team, and prevention and preparation) was constructed. Additionally, a technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) model for evaluating the effectiveness of the integral emergency response system for coal mine water hazard accidents, based on combination weighting, was... [more]
Recent Advances in Reservoir Stimulation and Enhanced Oil Recovery Technology in Unconventional Reservoirs
Lufeng Zhang, Linhua Pan, Yushi Zou, Jie Wang, Minghui Li, Wei Feng
June 21, 2024 (v1)
In the past decade, significant advances in reservoir stimulation and enhanced oil recovery technologies have resulted in rapid production growth in unconventional reservoirs [...]
Leveraging Dion−Jacobson Interface Hierarchies for Defect Alleviation in High-Efficiency and Durable Perovskite Solar Cells
Jianxiao Bian, Yuncong Zhang, Yang Liu, Xiaonan Pan
June 21, 2024 (v1)
Keywords: 2D/3D structure, 4-(Aminomethyl)piperidine, Dion–Jacobson phase, perovskite solar cells, two-dimensional perovskites
The noteworthy stability of Dion−Jacobson (DJ) phase two-dimensional perovskites marks them as potential contenders for use in optoelectronic applications. Nonetheless, their proliferation is considerably stymied by the constrained charge transport properties inherent to them. This bottleneck is adeptly navigated by deploying 2D-DJ perovskite top layers, seamlessly integrated on 3D perovskite films. We unveil a novel organic cation salt, 4-(Aminomethyl)piperidine (4AMP), as a potent facilitator for treating perovskite photovoltaic films. By employing the annealing technique, we facilitated the in situ creation of a hybrid 2D/3D architecture. Contrasted with conventional 3D architectures, the delineated perovskite heterojunctions with a 2D/3D structure exhibit superior enhanced charge separation, and mitigate photovoltaic losses by proficiently passivating intrinsic defects. The size-graded perovskite 2D/3D structure engineered herein significantly elevates the charge transfer performan... [more]
Low Energy Cost Synchronization Strategy for Markovian Switching Complex Systems/Networks: Multiple Perspectives Comparative Analysis
Qian Xie, Haolan Xu, Jian Dang, Zhe Wang
June 21, 2024 (v1)
Keywords: complex systems/networks, event-triggered control strategy, Markovian switching, pinning control strategy
In this paper, the low energy cost synchronization control strategy of Markovian switching complex systems/networks is mainly studied and analyzed through multiple perspectives. Firstly, in order to achieve synchronization of Markovian switching complex networks with low energy cost, a control scheme based on the optimal node selection strategy that does not depend on the network coupling strength is improved, and a finite-time controller with a simpler structure is constructed. Secondly, based on the event-triggered control strategy an effective trigger event is designed to achieve the low energy cost synchronization of Markovian switching complex networks on the basis of reducing the information transmission and interaction between networks. Finally, the two control strategies mentioned in this paper are compared and analyzed from multiple perspectives through numerical simulations to better guide practical engineering.
The Nutritional Value of Plant Drink against Bovine Milk—Analysis of the Total Concentrations and the Bio-Accessible Fraction of Elements in Cow Milk and Plant-Based Beverages
Maja Welna, Anna Szymczycha-Madeja, Anna Lesniewicz, Pawel Pohl
June 21, 2024 (v1)
Keywords: bio-accessibility, cow milk, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry, multi-element analysis, nutritional value, plant-based drink
Four types of non-dairy (plant) drinks—almond, oat, rice, and soy—as well as cow milk with varying fat contents (1.5%, 2.0%, and 3.2%), were examined and compared in terms of the total concentrations of Al, As, B, Ba, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Na, Mn, Ni, P, Pb, Sb, Se, Sr, and Zn using inductively coupled optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES). Additionally, in vitro gastrointestinal digestion was used to determine the bio-accessible fraction of selected elements, evaluating the nutritional value and risk assessment involved with the consumption of these beverages. A significant difference in the mineral profile was observed depending on the type of plant drink, with the highest content of elements noted in the soy drink and the lowest in the rice drink. Except for Ca and P, the soy drink appears to be a much better source of essential nutrients, including Cu, Fe, and Mn, than cow’s milk. A similar Ca content in plant beverages can be obtained only by adding calcium salt at the stag... [more]
In Silico and In Vitro Analyses of Multiple Terpenes Predict Cryptotanshinone as a Potent Inhibitor of the Omicron Variant of SARS-CoV-2
Asmita Shrestha, Siddha Raj Upadhyaya, Bimal K. Raut, Salyan Bhattarai, Khaga Raj Sharma, Niranjan Parajuli, Jae Kyung Sohng, Bishnu P. Regmi
June 21, 2024 (v1)
Subject: Biosystems
Keywords: COVID-19, Omicron variant, spike protein, terpenes
The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Omicron variant (B.1.1.529) underwent a substantial number of alterations, and the accompanying structural mutations in the spike protein prompted questions about the virus’s propensity to evade the antibody neutralization produced by prior infection or vaccination. New mutations in SARS-CoV-2 have raised serious concerns regarding the effectiveness of drugs and vaccines against the virus; thus, identifying and developing potent antiviral medications is crucial to combat viral infections. In the present study, we conducted a detailed in silico investigation that involves molecular docking, density functional (DFT) analysis, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, and pharmacological analysis followed by an in vitro study with the spike protein. Among fifty terpenes screened, cryptotanshinone and saikosaponin B2 were found to be potent S1-RBD spike protein inhibitors, displaying considerable hydrogen bond interactions with ke... [more]
Improving the Feedforward Component for Recent Variants of Predictive Functional Control
John Anthony Rossiter, Muhammad Abdullah, Muhammad Saleheen Aftab
June 21, 2024 (v1)
Keywords: coincidence horizon, feed-forward control, pre-stabilisation, predictive functional control, preview control
A recent study demonstrated that the use of feedforward information with conventional Predictive Functional Control (PFC) leads to unexpected inconsistencies, with subsequent negative impacts on tuning and behaviour. A proposal was made to define the coincident point differently and shown to reduce the lag in the closed-loop PFC responses and applied to some systems with benign dynamics. Other recent work has looked at parameterisations of the future input to deal with challenging open-loop dynamics and significantly extended the range of problems for which PFC can be effective. This paper combines the two concepts, and thus proposes an algorithm that has both more effective and simple tuning than original PFC as well as being applicable to a range of challenging dynamics.
Experimental Study on Chrome Tanned Leather Shavings Modification—Properties and Prospective for Future Application
Dorota Gendaszewska, Paulina Pipiak, Dorota Wieczorek, Katarzyna Sieczyńska
June 21, 2024 (v1)
Subject: Materials
Keywords: chrome tanned leather shavings, FTIR analysis, heavy metal, phytotests
Chrome tanned leather shavings (CTLS) are considered one of the more difficult wastes to manage in the tanning industry. At the same time, this waste is an important source of good quality collagen. The few methods described in the literature for the valorization of these wastes usually require pre-treatment or activation. In this study, an attempt was made to see if raw chrome tanned leather shavings (CTLS) could be modified to obtain secondary raw materials with new physical properties. Glutaraldehyde, glycerol, EDCs, pectin, and tannins were selected for modification of the CTLS. The effectiveness of the processes carried out was confirmed by FTIR analysis of the materials obtained. Changes in the intensity of the characteristic collagen peak (amide I, amide II, and amide III) and changes in the position of the bands in the 1200−1000 cm−1 region were observed in the recorded spectra. The modifications introduced confirmed changes in the physical properties of samples M1−M5, includin... [more]
Heat and Mass Transfer Characteristics of Oily Sludge Thermal Desorption
Kai Li, Ao Cai, Yijun Tang, Xianyong Zhang
June 21, 2024 (v1)
Keywords: energy distribution, heat transfer, liquid evaporation, process simulation
Oily sludge is a loose material containing solid and multiple liquid components. Thermal desorption is an efficient method of disposing of liquids from oily sludge. Most existing studies have mainly discussed the effect of some external process parameters on thermal desorption, with little discussion on the heat transfer characteristics and the variation in the wet component mass of oily sludge under heating. Small-scale experiments have been performed to measure the rise in temperature and liquid phase content change of the sludge during heating. The temperature rise rate increases with material density and increases faster during the initial heating stage, while it slows down as the liquid phase evaporates. The adhesive shear stress is determined by measuring the pulling force of the test rod, which decreases with decreasing water content and increases significantly with decreasing oil phase content. Heat transfer and energy distribution models have been developed to calculate the ri... [more]
Research on the Application of Structural Topology Optimisation in the High-Precision Design of a Press Machine Frame
Zeqi Tong, Cheng Shen, Jie Fang, Mingming Ding, Huimin Tao
June 21, 2024 (v1)
Keywords: finite element analysis, press frame design, response surface method, stereo lithography appearance, topology optimisation
This article aims to optimise the structure of a press machine to enhance its stability and accuracy, as well as reduce the frame deformation during processing. The outer supporting frame of the JH31-250 press machine (Zhejiang Weili Forging Machinery Co., Ltd, Shaoxing, China) is used as a typical sample for exploring optimisation. Commercial software is utilised to conduct a finite element analysis on the three-dimensional model of the press machine frame. A topological optimisation algorithm using the solid isotropic microstructures with penalisation (SIMP) method is then applied to improve the structure of the press frame. The size of the topological structure is further refined with the response surface method and particle swarm optimisation method to ensure it is more relevant to engineering application. The analysis results indicate that the initial frame’s deformation under the static conditions is 0.4229 mm, and after optimisation, the deformed structural displacement is 0.254... [more]
Nonlinear Predictive Control of Diesel Engine DOC Outlet Temperature
Xuan Yu, Yuhua Wang, Guiyong Wang, Qianqiao Shen, Boshun Zeng, Shuchao He
June 21, 2024 (v1)
Keywords: Diesel DOC, gradient descent method, LSTM neural network, Model Predictive Control, outlet temperature, regeneration mode temperature
In the regeneration mode, precise control of the Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) outlet temperature is crucial for the complete combustion of carbon Particulate Matter (PM) in the subsequent Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) and the effective conversion of Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) in the Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR). The temperature elevation process of the DOC involves a series of intricate physicochemical reactions characterized by high nonlinearity, substantial time delays, and uncertainties. These factors render effective and stable control of the DOC outlet temperature challenging. To address these issues, this study proposes an approach based on Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural networks for Model Predictive Control (MPC), emphasizing precise control of the Diesel Oxidation Catalyst’s outlet temperature during the regeneration mode. To tackle the system’s nonlinear characteristics, LSTM is employed to construct a predictive model for the outlet temperature of the Diesel Oxid... [more]
Preparation of Crust Type Dust Suppression Gel Based on Plant Extraction Technology for Ginkgo biloba Leaves: Characterization, Properties, and Function Mechanism
Bo Ren, Gang Zhou, Mingkun Song, Bingyou Jiang, Yuannan Zheng, Tao Fan, Shuailong Li, Jing Zhao, Haoyang Li, Hongrui Qu
June 21, 2024 (v1)
Subject: Materials
Keywords: crust type, dust suppression materials, Ginkgo biloba leaves, molecular dynamics simulation, waste utilization
The coal industry plays an essential role in China’s economic development, and issues such as occupational health and environmental pollution caused by coal dust have attracted a great deal of attention. In accordance with the principles of environmental protection and waste management, this study used carboxymethyl ginkgo cellulose (CL) extracted and modified from Ginkgo biloba leaves as a matrix, and a graft copolymerized with sodium 3-allyloxy-1-hydroxy-1-propanesulfonate (AHPS) and N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAM) monomers to prepare low-cost, environmentally friendly, and high-performance coal dust suppression (C-A-N). By optimizing fitting experimental data through three factors and two response surface analyses, the optimal dust suppression efficiency ratio was determined to be 4:8:5, and its swelling and water retention properties were analyzed. The microstructure, chemical reaction process, combustion performance and crusting property of the dust suppression gel were analyzed usi... [more]
Research on Inbound Jobs’ Scheduling in Four-Way-Shuttle-Based Storage System
Zhaoyun Wu, Yingxu Zhang, Li Li, Zhongwei Zhang, Binbin Zhao, Yehao Zhang, Xuewu He
June 21, 2024 (v1)
Keywords: elevator, FFSP problem, four-way shuttle, improved genetic algorithm, job scheduling
The four-way-shuttle-based storage and retrieval system is a recent innovative intelligent vertical warehousing system that has been widely applied in manufacturing and e-commerce environments due to its high flexibility and density. As a complex multi-device cooperative operational system, this system features the parallel operation of multiple elevators and four-way shuttles. During large-scale-batch inbound operations, the quality of scheduling solutions for inbound-operation equipment significantly impacts the system’s efficiency and performance. In this paper, a detailed analysis of the inbound-operation process in the system is conducted, taking into consideration the motion characteristics of both the elevators and four-way shuttles. Furthermore, we establish operational time constraints that account for equipment acceleration and deceleration characteristics and introduce a flexible flow-shop-scheduling model to address the scheduling problem in the system. Additionally, we pro... [more]
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