Records with Keyword: Carbon Capture
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Digital Supplementary Material: Short-Cut Correlations for CO2 Capture Technologies in Small-Scale Applications
So-mang Kim, Joanne Kalbusch, Grégoire Léonard
January 31, 2025 (v1)
Keywords: Carbon Capture, Short-cut Correlations, Small-scale carbon capture, Technoeconomic Analysis
The escalating urgency to address climate change has driven carbon capture (CC) technologies into the spotlight, particularly for large-scale emitters, which benefit from economies of scale. However, small-scale emitters account for a significant share of CO2 emissions, yet such applica-tions remain largely overlooked in the literature. While CC cost is often used as a key perfor-mance indicator (KPI) for CC technologies, the lack of standardized cost estimation methods leads to inconsistencies, complicating comparisons, and hindering the deployment of CC sys-tems. This study addresses these challenges by developing flexible short-cut correlations for selected CC technologies, providing estimates of the total equipment cost (TEC) and energy consumption specific to small-scale applications across various CO2 inlet concentrations (mol%) and capture scales (10 – 100 kt/y). The flexibility of the correlations enables the integration of various cost estimation methods available in the liter... [more]
Models of Chemical recycling of plastic waste via production of ethylene from gasification syngas
Matthias Maier, Corinna Schulze-Netzer, Thomas A. Adams II
August 23, 2024 (v1)
Keywords: Carbon Capture, chemical recycling, DGA, Distillation, methanation, oxidative coupling of methane
Herein, the Aspen models to the paper "Chemical recycling of plastic waste via production of ethylene from gasification syngas" are published. The model starts at syngas, as gasification was not modeled in Aspen Plus. Syngas is treated and fed into a methanation reactor. Ethylene is then produced via oxidative coupling of methane. The fractionation involves cryogenic distillation as well as CO2 capture. Latter one was modeled in a separate file.
Designing for the Future: The Role of Process Design in Decarbonization and Energy Transition
M. M. Faruque Hasan
August 16, 2024 (v2)
Keywords: Carbon Capture, Decarbonization, Energy, Energy Efficiency, Energy Transition, Process Design, Process Synthesis
The overarching goal of process design (Figure 1) is to find technologically feasible, operable, economically attractive, safe and sustainable processing pathways and process configurations with specifications for the connectivity and design of unit operations that perform a set of tasks using selected functional materials (e.g., catalysts, solvents, sorbents, etc.) to convert a set of feed-stocks or raw materials into a set of products with desired quality at a scale that satisfies the demand. Process synthesis and integration can further screen, optimize and improve these pathways for given techno-econo-environmental targets or objectives. These objectives may include, but are not limited to, minimizing the overall investment and processing costs, minimizing the energy consumption, minimizing the emissions or wastes, maxim-zing the profit, and enhancing the safety, operability, controllability, flexibility, circularity, and sustainability, among others... (ABSTRACT ABBREVIATED)
Integration of Process Design and Intensification Learning via Combined Junior Course Project
Madelyn R. Ball, Oishi Sanyal, Yuhe Tian
August 16, 2024 (v2)
Subject: Education
Keywords: Carbon Capture, Education, Modelling and Simulations, Process Design, Process Intensification
We present the implementation of combined junior course projects encompassing three core courses: reaction engineering, separations, and process simulation and design. The combined project aims to enhance the vertical integration of process design learning through all levels of the curriculum. We design the projects to utilize novel modular process technologies (e.g., membrane separation) and to emphasize new process design goals (e.g., sustainability, decarbonization). Two example projects, respectively on green methanol synthesis and ethylene oxide production, are showcased for project implementation. Feedback from junior and senior students is also presented to motivate the development of such joint project in CHE curriculum. We will also discuss the challenges we hope to address to maximize student learning from this unique project.
Membrane-based carbon capture process optimization using CFD modeling
Hector A. Pedrozo, Cheick Dosso, Lingxiang Zhu, Victor Kusuma, David Hopkinson, Lorenz T. Biegler, Grigorios Panagakos
August 16, 2024 (v2)
Carbon capture is a promising option to mitigate CO2 emissions from existing coal-fired power plants, cement and steel industries, and petrochemical complexes. Among the available technologies, membrane-based carbon capture presents the lowest energy consumption, operating costs, and carbon footprint. In addition, membrane processes have important operational flexibility and response times. On the other hand, the major challenges to widespread application of this technology are related to reducing capital costs and improving membrane stability and durability. To upscale the technology into stacked flat sheet configurations, high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics (CFD) that describes the separation process accurately are required. High-fidelity simulations are effective in studying the complex transport phenomena in membrane systems. In addition, obtaining high CO2 recovery percentages and product purity requires a multi-stage membrane process, where the optimal network configuratio... [more]
Deciphering the Policy-Technology Nexus: Enabling Effective and Transparent Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage Supply Chains
Manar Y. Oqbi, Dhabia M. Al-Mohannadi
August 16, 2024 (v2)
Subject: Energy Policy
Keywords: Blockchain, Carbon Capture, Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage CCUS, Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Dioxide Sequestration, Carbon Reduction Policies, Carbon Tax, digitalization, Optimization, Supply Chain
In response to the global imperative to address climate change, this research focuses on enhancing the transparency and efficiency of the Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) supply chain under carbon tax. We propose a decision-making framework that integrates the CCUS supply chain's optimization model, emphasizing carbon tax policies, with a blockchain network. Smart contracts play a pivotal role in automating the exchange and utilization of carbon emissions, enhancing the digitalization of the CCUS supply chain from source to sink. This automation facilitates seamless matching of carbon sources with sinks, efficient transfer of emissions and funds besides record-keeping of transactions. Consequently, it improves the monitoring, reporting, and verification processes within the CCUS framework, thereby simplifying compliance with regulatory mandates for net emission reductions and carbon taxation policies. By eliminating reliance on third-party verifiers, our blockchain-based... [more]
Nature-inspired Bio-Mineral Refinery for Simultaneous Biofuel Feedstock production and CO2 mineralization
Pavan Kumar Naraharisetti
August 16, 2024 (v2)
Subject: Environment
Inspired by Nature, we propose that synergies between biorefinery and mineral refinery can be exploited so that at least a part of the carbon is captured before being released to the atmosphere. In doing so, carbon is captured not only from CO2 but also from biomass and developing more such processes may be the cornerstone for controlling CO2 emissions. A comparison of circular economy in traditional biorefineries and bio-mineral refineries is done by using general chemical formulas and it is shown that the bio-mineral refinery captures carbon. In this work, we have shown that Serpentine may be used to partially neutralise biomass pyrolysis oil. The extracted oil may be used as feedstock to produce downstream chemicals and further studies are required to produce the same.
Constraint Formulations for Bayesian Optimization of Process Simulations: General Approach and Application to Post-Combustion Carbon Capture
Clinton M. Duewall, Mahmoud M. El-Halwagi
August 16, 2024 (v2)
Keywords: Carbon Capture, Derivative Free Optimization, Global optimization, Process Simulation, Surrogate Modeling
Some of the most highly trusted and ubiquitous process simulators have solution methods that are incompatible with algorithms designed for equation-oriented optimization. The natively unconstrained Efficient Global Optimization (EGO) algorithm approximates a black-box simulation with kriging surrogate models to convert the simulation results into a reduced-order model more suitable for optimization. This work evaluates several established constraint-handling approaches for EGO to compare their accuracy, computational efficiency, and reliability using an example simulation of an amine post-combustion carbon capture process. While each approach returned a feasible operating point in the number of iterations provided, none of them effectively converged to a solution, exploring the search space without effectively exploiting promising regions. Using the product of expected improvement and probability of feasibility as next point selection criteria resulted in the best solution value and re... [more]
Techno economical assessment of a low-carbon hydrogen production process using residual biomass gasification and carbon capture
E.J. Carrillo, J. Lizcano-Prada, V. Kafaro, D. Rodriguez-Vallejo, A. Uribe-Rodríguez
August 16, 2024 (v2)
Keywords: Carbon Capture, Empty fruit bunch, Gasification, Pre-treatment, Torrefaction
Aiming to mitigate the environmental impact derived from fossil fuels, we propose an integrated carbon capture-biomass gasification process is proposed to produce low-carbon hydrogen as an alternative energy carrier. The process begins with the pre-treatment of empty fruit bunches (EFB), involving grinding, drying, torrefaction, and pelletization. The resulting EFB pellet is then fed into a dual gasifier, followed by a catalytic cracking of tar and water gas shift reaction to produce syngas, aiming to increase its H2 to CO ratio. Subsequently, we explore two alternatives (DEPG and MEA) for syngas upgrading by removing CO2. Finally, a PSA system is modeled to obtain H2 at 99.9% purity. The pre-treatment stage densifies the biomass from an initial composition (%C 46.47, %H 6.22, %O 42.25) to (%C 54.10, %H 6.09, %O 28.67). The dual gasifier operates at 800°C, using steam as a gasifying agent. The resulting syngas has a volume concentration (%CO 20.0, %CO2 28.2, %H2 42.2, %CH4 5.9). Next s... [more]
Towards Designing Sector-Coupled Energy Systems Within Planetary Boundaries
David Y. Shu, Jan Hartmann, Christian Zibunas, Nils Baumgärtner, Niklas von der Assen, André Bardow
August 16, 2024 (v2)
Subject: Environment
Keywords: Carbon Capture, Energy Systems, Environment, Life Cycle Assessment, Modelling, Optimization, Sector-coupling
The transition to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions requires a rapid redesign of energy systems. However, the redesign may shift environmental impacts to other categories than climate change. To assess the sustainability of the resulting impacts, the planetary boundaries framework provides absolute limits for environmental sustainability. This study uses the planetary boundaries framework to assess net-zero sector-coupled energy system designs for absolute environmental sustainability. Considering Germany as a case study, we extend the common focus on climate change in sustainable energy system design to seven additional Earth-system processes crucial for maintaining conditions favorable to human well-being. Our assessment reveals that transitioning to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions reduces many environmental impacts but is not equivalent to sustainability, as all net-zero designs transgress at least one planetary boundary. However, the environmental impacts vary substantially betwe... [more]
Optimal Clustered, Multi-modal CO2 Transport Considering Non-linear Costs - a Path-planning Approach
Kang Qiu, Sigmund Eggen Holm, Julian Straus, Simon Roussanaly
August 16, 2024 (v2)
An important measure to achieve global reduction in CO2 emissions is CO2 capture, transport, and storage. The deployment of CO2 capture requires the development of a shared CO2 transport infrastructure, where CO2 can be transported with different transport modes. Furthermore, the cost of CO2 transport can be subject to significant economies of scale effects with respect to the amount of CO2 transported, also mentioned as clustering effects. Therefore, optimizing the shared infrastructure of multiple CO2 sources can lead to significant reductions in infrastructure costs. This paper presents a novel formulation of the clustered CO2 transport network. The Markov Decision Process formulation defined here allows for more detailed modeling of non-linear, discrete transport costs and increased geographical resolution. The clustering effects are modeled through cooperative multi-agent interactions. A multi-agent, reinforcement learning-based algorithm is proposed to optimize the shared transpo... [more]
Impact of surrogate modeling in the formulation of pooling optimization problems for the CO2 point sources
HA Pedrozo, MA Zamarripa, JP Osorio Suárez, A Uribe-Rodríguez, MS Diaz, LT Biegler
August 16, 2024 (v2)
Keywords: Carbon Capture, Optimization, Process Design, Pyomo, Surrogate Model
Post-combustion carbon capture technologies have the potential to contribute significantly to achieving the environmental goals of reducing CO2 emissions in the short term. However, these technologies are energy and cost-intensive, and the variability of flue gas represents important challenges. The optimal design and optimization of such systems are critical to reaching the net zero and net negative goals, in this context, the use of computer-aided process design can be very effective in overcoming these issues. In this study, we explore the implementation of carbon capture technologies within an industrial complex, by considering the pooling of CO2 streams. We present an optimization formulation to design carbon capture plants with the goal of enhancing efficiency and minimizing the capture costs. Capital and operating costs are represented via surrogate models (SMs) that are trained using rigorous process models in Aspen Plus, each data point is obtained by solving an optimization p... [more]
Learn-To-Design: Reinforcement Learning-Assisted Chemical Process Optimization
Eslam G. Al-Sakkari, Ahmed Ragab, Mohamed Ali, Hanane Dagdougui, Daria C. Boffito, Mouloud Amazouz
August 15, 2024 (v2)
Subject: Optimization
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Carbon Capture, Machine Learning, Optimization, Process Design, Reinforcement Learning, Simulation-based Optimization
This paper proposes an AI-assisted approach aimed at accelerating chemical process design through causal incremental reinforcement learning (CIRL) where an intelligent agent is interacting iteratively with a process simulation environment (e.g., Aspen HYSYS, DWSIM, etc.). The proposed approach is based on an incremental learnable optimizer capable of guiding multi-objective optimization towards optimal design variable configurations, depending on several factors including the problem complexity, selected RL algorithm and hyperparameters tuning. One advantage of this approach is that the agent-simulator interaction significantly reduces the vast search space of design variables, leading to an accelerated and optimized design process. This is a generic causal approach that enables the exploration of new process configurations and provides actionable insights to designers to improve not only the process design but also the design process across various applications. The approach was valid... [more]
Optimal Design Approaches for Cost-Effective Manufacturing and Deployment of Chemical Process Families with Economies of Numbers
Georgia Stinchfield, Sherzoy Jan, Joshua C. Morgan, Miguel Zamarripa, Carl D. Laird
August 15, 2024 (v2)
Keywords: Carbon Capture, Energy Systems, Optimization, Process Design
Developing methods for rapid, large-scale deployment of carbon capture systems is critical for meeting climate change goals. Optimization-based decisions can be employed at the design and manufacturing phases to minimize the costs of deployment and operation. Manufacturing standardization results in significant cost savings due to economies of numbers. Building on previous work, we present a process family design approach to design a set of carbon capture systems while explicitly including economies of numbers savings within the formulation. Our formulation optimizes both the number and characteristics of the common components in the platform and simultaneously designs the resulting set of carbon capture systems. Savings from economies of numbers are explicitly included in the formulation to determine the number of components in the platform. We show and discuss the savings we gain from economies of numbers.
Connecting the Dots: Push and Pull between Technology R&D and Energy Transition Modeling
Justin A. Federici, Dimitri J. Papageorgiou, Robert D. Nielsen
August 15, 2024 (v2)
Subject: Energy Policy
This paper discusses the symbiotic relationship between technology research and development (R&D) and energy transition modeling. On the one hand, energy system modeling has a noteworthy history of providing macroscopic views and critical insights concerning the role that myriad technologies may play in the future energy system. On the other hand, R&D can lead to both incremental and disruptive technological advances that can shape energy transition planning. In this work, we focus on the bidirectional flow of information between the two with a particular focus on highlighting the potential role of carbon capture, storage, and sequestration technology.
Optimization Scheduling of Virtual Power Plants Considering Source-Load Coordinated Operation and Wind−Solar Uncertainty
Wensi Cao, Jinhang Yu, Mingming Xu
June 21, 2024 (v1)
Keywords: Carbon Capture, K-means clustering, Latin hypercube sampling, load levelization, source-load coordinated response, virtual power plant
A combined approach of Latin hypercube sampling and K-means clustering is proposed in this study to address the uncertainty issue in wind and solar power output. Furthermore, the loads are categorized into three levels: primary load, secondary load, and tertiary load, each with distinct characteristics in terms of demand. Additionally, a load demand response characteristic model is developed by incorporating the dissatisfaction coefficient of electric and thermal loads, which is then integrated into the system’s operational costs. Moreover, an electricity−hydrogen−thermal power system is introduced, and a source-load coordination response mechanism is proposed based on the different levels of demand response characteristics. This mechanism enhances the interaction capability between the power sources and loads, thereby further improving the economic performance of the virtual power plant. Furthermore, the operation economy of the virtual power plant is enhanced by considering the parti... [more]
Solar-Assisted Carbon Capture Process Integrated with a Natural Gas Combined Cycle (NGCC) Power Plant—A Simulation-Based Study
Yasser Abbas Hammady Al-Elanjawy, Mustafa Yilmaz
June 7, 2024 (v1)
Keywords: Carbon Capture, Carbon Dioxide, natural gas combustion cycle, SAM
In the realm of Natural Gas Combined Cycle (NGCC) power plants, it is crucial to prioritize the mitigation of CO2 emissions to ensure environmental sustainability. The integration of post-combustion carbon capture technologies plays a pivotal role in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions enhancing the NGCC’s environmental profile by minimizing its carbon footprint. This research paper presents a comprehensive investigation into the integration of solar thermal energy into the Besmaya Natural Gas Combined Cycle (NGCC) power plant, located in Baghdad, Iraq. Leveraging advanced process simulation and modeling techniques employing Aspen Plus software, the study aims to evaluate the performance and feasibility of augmenting the existing NGCC facility with solar assistance for post-carbon capture. The primary objective of this research is to conduct a thorough simulation of the Besmaya NGCC power plant under its current operational conditions, thereby establishing a baseline for subsequent ana... [more]
Properties of Carbonic Anhydrase-Containing Active Coatings for CO2 Capture
Xiaobo Li, Rui Zhou, Haoran Yang, Zimu Liang, Yuxiang Yao, Zhipeng Yu, Mingsai Du, Diming Lou, Ke Li
June 6, 2024 (v1)
Keywords: Carbon Capture, carbonic anhydrase, immobilization, stability
Carbonic anhydrase (CA)-based biological CO2 capture is emerging as a prominent carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology. We developed a tagged CA−Ferritin chimera, resulting in a high-purity, high-activity, micrometer-sized CA aggregate, SazF, with a yield of 576.6 mg/L (protein/medium). SazF has an optimum temperature of 50 °C and demonstrates thermal stability between 40 and 60 °C. It operates efficiently in Tris−HCl buffer (pH = 8−9), making it compatible with ship exhaust conditions. For enhanced stability and reusability, SazF was encapsulated in SiO2 and integrated into an epoxy resin to produce a corrosion-active coating. This coating, applied to foam metal fillers, showed less than 3% protein leakage after ten days and retained over 70% activity after a month at 60 °C. This simple preparation method and the cost-effective production of these biomaterials that can continuously and efficiently absorb CO2 in high-temperature environments are suitable for most CO2 capture devic... [more]
Rollling-out pioneering carbon dioxide capture and transport chains from inlad European industrial facilities: a techno-economic, environmental, and regulatory analysis
Viola Becattini, Luca Riboldi, Johannes Burger, Julian Nöhl, Pauline Oeuvray, Adriana Reyes-Lua, Rahul Anantharaman, Andre Bardow, Linda Frattini, Chao Fu, Marco Mazzotti, Simon Roussanaly, Cristina Zotica
April 11, 2024 (v1)
Subject: Environment
Keywords: Carbon Capture, Carbon Dioxide, CO2 transport, environmental impact, techno-economic
Large-scale deployment of CO2 capture, transport, and storage (CCTS) requires the rolling-out of extensive value chains. In this study, we present the development, design, techno-economic, environmental, and regulatory analysis of four pioneering chains that capture and condition CO2 from existing European industrial plants and their multi-modal transport to selected ports in Northern Europe. The pioneering chains can avoid between 65% and 87% of the industrial emissions, including scope 3, with a cost of CO2 avoided ranging between 100 and 300 euro/tCO2. The economic and environmental performance of the CCTS chains are substantially affected by the geographic location of the industrial emitters and the CO2 volumes to be transported. The analysis relies on the assumption that the four industrial plants would be early movers. While, in the future, technology maturation and infrastructure development are expected to reduce costs and emissions associated with the CCTS chain, this study q... [more]
Supplementary Materials to “Learn-To-Design: Reinforcement Learning-Assisted Chemical Process Optimization”
Eslam Al-Sakkari, Ahmed Ragab, Mohamed Ali, Hanane Dagdougui, Daria C. Boffito, Mouloud Amazouz
April 8, 2024 (v1)
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Carbon Capture, Machine Learning, Process Design Optimization, Reinforcement Learning, Simulation-based Optimization
This paper proposes an AI-assisted approach aimed at accelerating chemical process design through causal incremental reinforcement learning (CIRL) where an intelligent agent is interacting iteratively with a process simulation environment (e.g., Aspen HYSYS, DWSIM, etc.). The proposed approach is based on an incremental learnable optimizer capable of guiding multi-objective optimization towards optimal design variable configurations, depending on several factors including the problem complexity, selected RL algorithm and hyperparameters tuning. One advantage of this approach is that the agent-simulator interaction significantly reduces the vast search space of design variables, leading to an accelerated and optimized design process. This is a generic causal approach that enables the exploration of new process configurations and provides actionable insights to designers to improve not only the process design but also the design process across various applications. The approach was valid... [more]
Exploring the Feasibility of Carbon Capture Onboard Ships
Sadi Tavakoli, Gunnar Malm Gamlem, Donghoi Kim, Simon Roussanaly, Rahul Anantharaman, Kevin Kusup Yum, Anders Valland
November 6, 2023 (v1)
Subject: Environment
Keywords: amine, Carbon Capture, Carbon Dioxide, IMO, Maritime
International shipping is crucial for global freight transport, but is mainly based on fossil fuels, leading to significant greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Global GHG emissions must peak by 2025 and drop by at least 43% by 2030 to limit global warming within 1.5◦C. This calls for urgent action in all sectors as well as shipping. Scaling up alternative fuels may take too long, considering technical modifications onboard the vessels, as well as fuel production and infrastructure for distribution. Many alternative fuels are also inherently dependent on access to clean electricity, which is already in a shortage. Carbon capture from ships is another route to emission reduction that can be implemented faster and without increasing the demand for renewable electricity.
Tankers, dry bulk carriers, and container vessels contribute a majority of global shipping emissions and are therefore prime candidates for carbon capture and storage. Solvent-based post-combustion capture is mature and suita... [more]
Experimental Development of Calcium Looping Carbon Capture Processes: An Overview of Opportunities and Challenges
Rubens C. Toledo, Gretta L. A. F. Arce, João A. Carvalho Jr, Ivonete Ávila
May 23, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: bibliometric analysis, calcium looping, Carbon Capture, fluidized bed, scientific gaps
Global warming might be mitigated if emissions were interrupted through carbon capture technologies, as there is a significant amount of comprehensive studies on them. An outline of the main gaps and trends of a technology is critical for further development. In this context, this study provides an overview of calcium looping carbon capture processes that have proven their potential and commercial viability. A bibliometric analysis is conducted on both Scopus and Web of Science database by seeking the keywords “calcium looping”, “co2 capture”, and “fluidized bed” in titles, abstracts, and keywords. Word selection was based on a list of relevant papers on the topic. These items of data have been processed and analyzed based on the number of publications and citations by emphasizing recent publication evolution, journal influence, the use of specific keywords, and co-citation. Results reveal that the European Union (EU) leads the rankings on the topic, followed by Canada. Keyword choice... [more]
The Review of Carbon Capture-Storage Technologies and Developing Fuel Cells for Enhancing Utilization
Nehil Shreyash, Muskan Sonker, Sushant Bajpai, Saurabh Kr Tiwary, Mohd Ashhar Khan, Subham Raj, Tushar Sharma, Susham Biswas
April 24, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Carbon Capture, CO2 combustion, electrochemical conversion, fuel cell, storage and utilization
The amount of CO2 released in the atmosphere has been at a continuous surge in the last decade, and in order to protect the environment from global warming, it is necessary to employ techniques like carbon capture. Developing technologies like Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage aims at mitigating the CO2 content from the air we breathe and has garnered immense research attention. In this review, the authors have aimed to discuss the various technologies that are being used to capture the CO2 from the atmosphere, store it and further utilize it. For utilization, researchers have developed alternatives to make profits from CO2 by converting it into an asset. The development of newer fuel cells that consume CO2 in exchange for electrical power to drive the industries and produce valuable hydrocarbons in the form of fuel has paved the path for more research in the field of carbon utilization. The primary focus on the article is to inspect the environmental and economic feasibility of n... [more]
CO2 Capture from Flue Gas of a Coal-Fired Power Plant Using Three-Bed PSA Process
Chu-Yun Cheng, Chia-Chen Kuo, Ming-Wei Yang, Zong-Yu Zhuang, Po-Wei Lin, Yi-Fang Chen, Hong-Sung Yang, Cheng-Tung Chou
April 20, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: breakthrough curve, Carbon Capture, flue gas, pressure swing adsorption, zeolite 13X
The pressure swing adsorption (PSA) process was used to capture carbon dioxide (CO2) from the flue gas of a coal-fired power plant to reduce CO2 emissions. Herein, CO2 was captured from flue gas using the PSA process for at least 85 vol% CO2 purity and with the other exit stream from the process of more than 90 vol% N2 purity. The extended Langmuir−Freundlich isotherm was used for calculating the equilibrium adsorption capacity, and the linear driving force model was used to describe the gas adsorption kinetics. We compared the results of breakthrough curves obtained through experiments and simulations to verify the accuracy of the mass transfer coefficient. The flue gas obtained after desulphurization and water removal (13.5 vol% CO2 and 86.5 vol% N2) from a subcritical 1-kW coal-fired power plant served as the feed for the designed three-bed, nine-step PSA process. To determine optimal operating conditions for the process, the central composite design (CCD) was used. After CCD analys... [more]
Immobilising Microalgae and Cyanobacteria as Biocomposites: New Opportunities to Intensify Algae Biotechnology and Bioprocessing
Gary S. Caldwell, Pichaya In-na, Rachel Hart, Elliot Sharp, Assia Stefanova, Matthew Pickersgill, Matthew Walker, Matthew Unthank, Justin Perry, Jonathan G. M. Lee
April 19, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: bioreactor, Carbon Capture, Carbon Dioxide, eutrophication, immobilization, latex polymers, Process Intensification, Wastewater
There is a groundswell of interest in applying phototrophic microorganisms, specifically microalgae and cyanobacteria, for biotechnology and ecosystem service applications. However, there are inherent challenges associated with conventional routes to their deployment (using ponds, raceways and photobioreactors) which are synonymous with suspension cultivation techniques. Cultivation as biofilms partly ameliorates these issues; however, based on the principles of process intensification, by taking a step beyond biofilms and exploiting nature inspired artificial cell immobilisation, new opportunities become available, particularly for applications requiring extensive deployment periods (e.g., carbon capture and wastewater bioremediation). We explore the rationale for, and approaches to immobilised cultivation, in particular the application of latex-based polymer immobilisation as living biocomposites. We discuss how biocomposites can be optimised at the design stage based on mass transfe... [more]
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