Simulations, Spreadsheets, and Software

Learn Aspen Plus in 24 Hours Simulation Files

Simulation solution files from the textbook Learn Aspen Plus in 24 Hours by Thomas A. Adams II.

Disclaimer: The following simulation files come with no warranty, express or implied, or guarantee of their accuracy or correctness. These files are instructional tools for educational purposes only, and are intended for use in conjunction with the corresponding textbook.

License: These files are free to use for non-commercial purposes only. Any modifications, copies, or derivatives of these files must include a proper citation of the corresponding textbook and/or web site as appropriate.

Download All Files (.zip)
Tutorial 01Part 1 | Part 2Aspen Plus v9.0
Tutorial 02Part 1Aspen Plus v9.0
Tutorial 03Part 1 | Part 2Aspen Plus v9.0
Tutorial 04Part 1 | Part 2Aspen Plus v9.0
Tutorial 05Part 1 | Part 2Aspen Plus v9.0
Tutorial 06Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Aspen Plus v9.0
Tutorial 07Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3Aspen Plus v9.0
Tutorial 08Part 1Aspen Plus v9.0
Tutorial 09Part 1 | Part 2Aspen Plus v9.0
Tutorial 10Part 1 | Part 2Aspen Plus v9.0 and Aspen Capital Cost Estimator
Tutorial 11Part 1 | Part 2 (.hch)
Part 2 (.bkp)
Aspen Plus v9.0 and Aspen Energy Analyzer
Tutorial 12Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3Aspen Plus v9.0

CO2 Capture Simulation Examples

From the textbook chapter Process and Simulations for Solvent-based CO2 Capture and Syngas Cleanup by Thomas A. Adams II, Yaser Khojestah Salkuyeh, and Jake Nease, appearing in the book Reactor and Process Design in Sustainable Energy Technology, ed: Fan Shi.

Disclaimer: The following simulation files come with no warranty, express or implied, or guarantee of their accuracy or correctness. These files are instructional tools for educational purposes only, and are intended for use in conjunction with the corresponding textbook chapter.

License: These files are free to use for non-commercial purposes only. Any modifications, copies, or derivatives of these files must include a proper citation of the corresponding textbook chapter by Adams et al. and/or web site as appropriate.

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MDEA-H2S.pmxProMax 3.1MDEAH2SRemoval from coal-derived 1:1 syngas for coal-to-liquid applications
MDEA-CO2.bkpAspen Plus 8.2MDEACO2Removal from natural gas-derived 2:1 syngas for gas-to-liquid applications
MDEA-CO2.pmxProMax 3.1MDEACO2Removal from natural gas-derived 2:1 syngas for gas-to-liquid applications
MDEA-H2S-CO2.pmxProMax 3.1MDEAH2S and CO2oval from coal-derived 2:1 syngas for coal-to-liquid applications
MDPZ-CO2-27.pmxProMax 3.1MDEA/
CO2Removal from natural gas-derived 2:1 syngas for gas-to-liquid applications, absorber @ 27 bar
MDPZ-CO2-52.pmxProMax 3.1MDEA/
CO2Removal from natural gas-derived 2:1 syngas for gas-to-liquid applications, absorber @ 52 bar
MEA-NG-Amines.bkpAspen Plus 8.2MEACO2Removal from natural gas power plant combustion exhaust using the Amines physical property model
MEA-NG-ElecNRTL.bkpApen Plus 8.2MEACO2Removal from natural gas power plant combustion exhaust using the ElecNRTL physical property model
MEA-Coal-ElecNRTL.bkpAspen Plus 8.2MEACO2Removal from coal power plant combustion exhaust using the ElecNRTL physical property model
MEA-IGCC-Amines.bkpAspen Plus 8.2MEACO2Removal from IGCC power plant pre-combustion syngas using the Amines physical property model
MEA-IGCC-ElecNRTL.bkpAspen Plus 8.2MEACO2Removal from IGCC power plant pre-combustion syngas using the ElecNRTL physical property model
DGA-NG-Amines.bkpAspen Plus 8.2DGACO2Removal from natural gas power plant combustion exhaust using the Amines physical property model
DGA-NG-ElecNRTL.bkpAspen Plus 8.2DGACO2Removal from natural gas power plant combustion exhaust using the ElecNRTL physical property model
DGA-Coal-ElecNRTL.bkpAspen Plus 8.2DGACO2Removal from coal power plant combustion exhaust using the ElecNRTL physical property model
DGA-IGCC-Amines.bkpAspen Plus 8.2DGACO2Removal from IGCC power plant pre-combustion syngas using the Amines physical property model
DGA-IGCC-ElecNRTL.bkpAspen Plus 8.2DGACO2Removal from IGCC power plant pre-combustion syngas using the ElecNRTL physical property model
Selexol-IGCC-Air-DBRAmines.hscAspen HYSYS 8.2SelexolCO2Removal from IGCC power plant pre-combustion syngas generated from air gasification using the DRMAmines physical property model
Selexol-IGCC-OXY-DBRAmines.hscAspen HYSYS 8.2SelexolCO2Removal from IGCC power plant pre-combustion syngas generated from high-purity oxygen gasification using the DRMAmines physical property model
Rectisol-IGCC-Air.przPro/II v9.1RectisolCO2Removal from IGCC power plant pre-combustion syngas generated from air gasification using the SRK-PR physica property model
Rectisol-IGCC-Air-SourPRLK.hscAspen HYSYS 8.2RectisolCO2Removal from IGCC power plant pre-combustion syngas generated from air gasification using the SourPRLK physical property model

Biomass-Gas-and-Nuclear-To-Liquids Simulation Files

These are Aspen Plus files associated with the article by James Scott and Thomas A. Adams II entitled "Biomass-Gas-and-Nuclear-To-Liquids (BGNTL) Processes Part I: Model Development and Simulation" published in the Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering (in press), 2018.

License: The simulation models are licensed for non commercial use. All references to the work must include a citation of the above article. They are provided as-is with no guarantee or warantee for accuracy or completeness.

Models Included: Two simulations are included. See the above work for a detailed and peer-reviewed description of the model. The processes contain various sections including:

  • Biomass Gasification
  • Natural Gas Reforming (with and without integration with the gasifier)
  • Solid Oxide Fuel Cell systems
  • Heat Recovery and Steam Generation
  • Cooling Towers
  • Carbon Dioxide Capture and Compression (from SOFC anode exhaust)
  • Water Gas Shift
  • Autothermal Reforming
  • Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis
  • Methanol Synthesis
  • Dimethyl Ether Synthesis

File NameFile Type and SizeDescription
Case1.1_v10_c07.bkpAspen Plus v10 Backup File (10.6 Mb)(Version 7) Case 1.1 from the above paper, in which the heat from the gasifier is used to power a steam methane reformer.
Case1.1_v10_c07.apwAspen Plus v10 Workbook File, Converged (31.4 Mb)(Version 7) Case 1.1 from the above paper, in which the heat from the gasifier is used to power a steam methane reformer.
Case1.2_v10.bkpAspen Plus v10 Backup File (4.3 Mb)(Version 1) Case 1.2 from the above paper, in which steam methane reforming is done in a traditional manner.
Case1.2_v10.apwAspen Plus v10 Workbook File, Converged (29.7 Mb)(Version 1) Case 1.2 from the above paper, in which steam methane reforming is done in a traditional manner.