LAPSE: The Living Archive for Process Systems Engineering
The world's leading digital repository in Process Systems Engineering for preprints, postprints, open-access manuscripts, process simulations, models, and conference presentations.

A unique take on the Wiki concept! Contribute to the PSE Technology Tree, a living digital organization of PSE encyclopedia articles, linked together by pre-requisite and subsequent knowledge. The topics include technical aspects and scientific knowledge relevant to process systems engineering.

PSEcommunity.org supports the development of ISO standards useful for process systems engineering, whether the application is industrial, research, or policy related. Currently we are leading the development of a new standard methodology for the conduction of eco-Technoeconomic Analyses within energy and chemical systems.

A large part of our mission is educational materials, such as lecture slides, educational software, pedagogy, and related information. Come see what the community has contributed, and please contribute your own!