Records with Subject: Education
CHEMCAD Model for the Separation of Ethanol from Water in a Batch Column
January 30, 2025 (v1)
Subject: Education
Keywords: Batch Distillation, Biofuels, CHEMCAD, Data Reconciliation, Dynamic Modelling, Ethanol, Optimization, Phase Equilibria
This model uses the CHEMCAD unit operation Batch Column together with tools for data reconciliation and optimization. Some experimental data is included.
It is used as a template in the course Green Processes at Berlin University of Applied Science (BHT), where students use it to regress measured data from lab experiments and to design an optimal process.
It is used as a template in the course Green Processes at Berlin University of Applied Science (BHT), where students use it to regress measured data from lab experiments and to design an optimal process.
CHEMCAD Model for the Distillative Separation of Ethanol from Biomass and Glucose
January 30, 2025 (v1)
Subject: Education
Keywords: Batch Process, CHEMCAD, Dynamic Modelling, Ethanol, Modelling, Optimization, Phase Equilibria
This model uses standard CHEMCAD unit operations and thermodynamic models to simulate the separation of ethanol and water from a fermenter broth.
It is used as a template in the course Green Processes at Berlin University of Applied Science (BHT), where students use it to regress measured data from lab experiments and to design an optimal process.
It is used as a template in the course Green Processes at Berlin University of Applied Science (BHT), where students use it to regress measured data from lab experiments and to design an optimal process.
CHEMCAD Model for the Fermentation of Glucose to Ethanol
January 30, 2025 (v1)
Subject: Education
Keywords: Bioreactor, CHEMCAD, Data Reconciliation, Ethanol, Fermentation, Process Optimization, Reaction Engineering, Reaction Rate Regression, Simulation
This model uses the kinetic model from Foglers textbook "Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering" to describe the fermentation of glucose to ethanol.
It is used as a template in the course Green Processes at Berlin University of Applied Science (BHT), where students use it to regress measured data from lab experiments and to design an optimal process.
It is used as a template in the course Green Processes at Berlin University of Applied Science (BHT), where students use it to regress measured data from lab experiments and to design an optimal process.
Teaching Data-Centric Process Control (Junior Year) Using Experiential Learning
Teaching Data-Centric Process Control Using Experiential Learning
November 14, 2024 (v1)
Subject: Education
Keywords: design of experiments, Model Predictive Control, optimal control, Optimization, parameter estimation, process control, project-based learning, state estimation, state-space, system identification
Process control should be one of the most exciting chemical engineering undergraduate courses! This presentation describes our experience transforming "Chemical Process Control" into "Data Analytics, Optimization, and Control" at the University of Notre Dame (required in the second semester of the junior year). In six hands-on experiments, students practice data-centric modeling and analysis using the Ardunio-based Temperature Control Lab (TCLab) hardware. The semester learning goals are:
- Develop mathematical models for dynamical systems from data and first principles using modern statistical methods;
- Predict dynamical system performance using numerical methods;
- Analyze, implement, tune, and debug feedback controllers using the hands-on laboratory;
- Formulate and solve optimization problems for decision-making;
- Demonstrate mastery of at least two of the above skills in an open-ended group project.
The goal of this presentation is to share our strategy to modernize... [more]
- Develop mathematical models for dynamical systems from data and first principles using modern statistical methods;
- Predict dynamical system performance using numerical methods;
- Analyze, implement, tune, and debug feedback controllers using the hands-on laboratory;
- Formulate and solve optimization problems for decision-making;
- Demonstrate mastery of at least two of the above skills in an open-ended group project.
The goal of this presentation is to share our strategy to modernize... [more]
Design Education Across the Curriculum for the Future of Design
August 16, 2024 (v2)
Subject: Education
Keywords: Education, Modelling and Simulations
The future of computer-aided process design hinges on continued recruitment, training, and retention of the next generations of engineers. Many elementary and secondary school programs focused on engineering have made substantial impacts in informing children about careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). A report by the National Academies established three general principles for pre-college engineering education, the first of which is that elementary and secondary engineering education should emphasize engineering design. Curricula focused on teaching the engineering design process have been developed for K-12 students and educators... (ABSTRACT ABBREVIATED)
Forces Shaping the Future of Design and Design Education
August 16, 2024 (v2)
Subject: Education
Keywords: Carbon Dioxide Capture, Hydrogen, Parameter Optimization, Process Design, Process Electrification, Process Synthesis, Structural Optimization
All ABET-accredited engineering programs mandate a culminating major design experience based on knowledge and skills acquired in earlier course work and incorporating realistic appropriate engineering standards and multiple realistic constraints. Some chemical companies organize their Manufacturing Innovation Process into a sequence of stages which typically include Need Identification, Product Design, Basic and Detailed Chemistry, Process Design, Equipment Design, Plant Design, Detailed Engineering and Vendor Specifications, Component Acquisition, Plant Construction Planning and Execution, Operating Procedure Development, Plant Commissioning and Start-up, and Production Planning, Scheduling, and Operation. Each of these stages involve the solution of many "design" problems that could be the subject of the culminating undergraduate chemical engineering design experience... (ABSTRACT ABBREVIATED)
The Current Status of Process and Product Design - What and How to Teach - and a Vision for the Future
August 16, 2024 (v2)
Subject: Education
Keywords: Education, Process Design, Product Design
Process design is a core component of chemical en-gineering education and either involves or is followed by an extensive design project in most schools. The design project is often considered a core activity in the educa-tion of future chemical engineers because it develops their skills in creative and critical thinking beyond the boundaries of their acquired knowledge, as well as training them in teamwork. Such skills are likely to be crucial to empower students to develop process technologies that respond to the relevant future challenges in process design. These future challenges include accommodating alternative raw materials and energy resources, addressing sustainability concerns, and arranging production schedules that are more flexible... (ABSTRACT ABBREVIATED)
Laying the foundations of Machine Learning in Undergraduate Education through Engineering Mathematics
August 16, 2024 (v2)
Subject: Education
Some educators place an emphasis on the commonalities between engineering mathematics with process control, among others and this helps students see the bigger picture of what is being taught. Traditionally, some of the concepts such as diffusion and heat transfer are taught with a mathematical point of view. Now-a-days, Machine Learning (ML) has emerged as topic of greater interest to both educators and learners and new and disparate modules are sometimes introduced to teach the same. With the emergence of these new topics, some students (falsely) believe that ML is a new field that is somehow different and not linked to engineering mathematics. In this work, we show the link between the different topics from engineering mathematics, that are traditionally taught in UG education, with ML. We hope that educators and learners will appreciate the treatise and think differently, and we further hope that this will further increase the interest to improve ML models.
Analysis of Chemical Engineering Curricula Using Graph Theory
August 16, 2024 (v2)
Subject: Education
Keywords: Curriculum, Education, Graph Theory
Chemical engineering is a highly complex interconnected major. Just as chemical engineers have broken complex processes into unit operations, the chemical engineering curriculum has been broken up into courses. The organization of these courses vary among institutions and are based on years of prior teachings and research. Despite this, there have been calls to revaluate the curriculum from both industry and academia. We propose a graph-based representation of curricula in which topics are represented by nodes and topic dependencies are represented by directed edges forming a directed acyclic graph. This enables using graph theory measures and tools to provide formal ways of evaluating a curriculum. Additionally, the abstraction is readily understandable meaning conversations between instructors regarding the curriculum can occur within a department and even across institutions. This abstraction is explained with a simplified curriculum and applied to the undergraduate chemical enginee... [more]
10. LAPSE:2024.1631
Integration of Process Design and Intensification Learning via Combined Junior Course Project
August 16, 2024 (v2)
Subject: Education
Keywords: Carbon Capture, Education, Modelling and Simulations, Process Design, Process Intensification
We present the implementation of combined junior course projects encompassing three core courses: reaction engineering, separations, and process simulation and design. The combined project aims to enhance the vertical integration of process design learning through all levels of the curriculum. We design the projects to utilize novel modular process technologies (e.g., membrane separation) and to emphasize new process design goals (e.g., sustainability, decarbonization). Two example projects, respectively on green methanol synthesis and ethylene oxide production, are showcased for project implementation. Feedback from junior and senior students is also presented to motivate the development of such joint project in CHE curriculum. We will also discuss the challenges we hope to address to maximize student learning from this unique project.
11. LAPSE:2024.1513
From Process to Systems Design: A Perspective on the Future of Design Education
August 15, 2024 (v2)
Subject: Education
Keywords: Chemical Engineering, Design, Education, Systems Engineering
Chemical engineers are natural systems-thinkers; this is a skill that allows us to analyze highly complex processes that involve heterogeneous components, phenomena, and scales. Systems-thinking skills are fostered in the chemical engineering curriculum via integrative and project-based courses, such as process/product design and laboratories. However, existing curricula tends to focus scope to product/process boundaries, offering limited opportunities to capture connections to behavior occurring at small scales (e.g., atomistic and molecular) and at large scales (e.g., supply chains, policy, markets, and infrastructures). This limit in scope can hinder our ability to appreciate how products/processes that we develop impact society, markets, and the environment (e.g., the opioid addiction crisis, environmental impacts of forever chemicals and chemical fertilizers, and electricity markets). This limit in scope can also hinder our ability to appreciate how emerging tools from the molec... [more]
12. LAPSE:2024.1645
Exergy Analysis in Design Education
August 7, 2024 (v1)
Subject: Education
Keywords: Education, Exergy, Process Design
This visual presentation introduces the concept of exergy to a chemical process systems engineering audience, such as how to compute it for heat and for substances at various pressures and temperatures. The presentation also goes over seven examples of how exergy analysis can be used in process design education, such as in utility or capital cost estimation, heat integration, direct air capture, power production, carbon dioxide capture and compression, and pinch analysis.
13. LAPSE:2022.0162
Interactive Computing Activities as Chemical Engineering Educational Tools in University and Informal Learning Environments
December 20, 2022 (v1)
Subject: Education
Keywords: computational science, faculty development, graphical user interface, Numerical Methods, STEM outreach, undergraduate curriculum
The central theme of this webinar is computer-based tools made broadly accessible to students, educators, researchers, and lay people. Major platforms discussed include graphical user interfaces (GUIs), interactive notebooks (e.g., Jupyter Notebooks and MATLAB Live Scripts), and GitHub repositories. These tools have been used in instructing and engaging undergraduate chemical engineering students, preparing faculty for using these tools, training undergraduate and graduate students for computational research in science and engineering, and introducing lay audiences to chemical engineering concepts in informal learning environments outside of the classroom. These and other resources are available in a collection of open-source materials available at Also in this collection is an open-source learning module that the presenter created and packaged (with support from CACHE) for an upper division/graduate elective course, focused on practical computational scienc... [more]
14. LAPSE:2022.0022
Teaching Conceptual Process Flowsheeting and Simulation: 3rd Year Undergraduate Level and Earlier
February 14, 2022 (v1)
Subject: Education
Keywords: Aspen Plus, Conceptual Process Design, Process Modelling, Process Synthesis, Undergraduate Curriculum
Advice and best practices for teaching conceptual process flowsheeting, simulation, and design at the third year undergraduate level. Discusses setting course goals, integration with the rest of the curriculum, and delivery techniques. Practical strategies for tutorials, exams, lectures, and projects. Training TAs for experiential learning workshops. Best practices in teaching distillation design. This is the Award Lecture for AIChE's David Himmelblau Award for Innovations in Computer-Based Chemical Engineering Education. Live lecture given via as a part of the AIChE's Computing and Systems Technology division webinar series.
15. LAPSE:2021.0803
Rethinking Computing Education with Vocareum and Canvas
November 18, 2021 (v4)
Subject: Education
Keywords: Canvas, Colab, computer, data science, education, Jupyter, Learning Management System, Python, statistics, Vocareum
Presentation of Prof. Alexander Dowling's experience integrating Jupyter notebooks and computing into classes at the University of Notre Dame. Presented to ND faculty.
16. LAPSE:2020.1282
Integrating the Concept of Industry 4.0 by Teaching Methodology in Industrial Engineering Curriculum
December 28, 2020 (v1)
Subject: Education
Keywords: engineering education, Industry 4.0, reconfigurable manufacturing systems, smart factory, smart product
The movement to digitally transform Saudi Arabia in all sectors has already begun under the “Vision 2030” program. Consequently, renovating and standardizing production and manufacturing industries to compete with global challenges is essential. The fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) triggered by the development of information and communications technologies (ICT) provides a baseline for smart automation, using decentralized control and smart connectivity (e.g., Internet of Things). Industrial engineering graduates need to have acquaintance with this industrial digital revolution. Several industries where the spirit of Industry 4.0 has been embraced and have already implemented these ideas yielded gains. In this paper, a roadmap containing an academic term course based on the concept of Industry 4.0, which our engineering graduates passed through, is presented. At first, an orientation program to students elaborating on the Industry 4.0 concept, its main pillars, the importanc... [more]
17. LAPSE:2020.0517
Journey Making: Applying PSE Principles to Complex Curriculum Designs
May 22, 2020 (v1)
Subject: Education
Keywords: curricula, design, higher education, process systems engineering, visualization
Since the 1950s, Process Systems Engineering (PSE) concepts have traditionally been applied to the process industries, with great effect and with significant benefit. However, the same general approaches and principles in designing complex process designs can be applied to the design of higher education (HE) curricula. Curricula represent intended learning journeys, these being similar to the design of process flowsheets. In this paper, we set out the formal framework and concepts that underlie the challenges in design of curricula. The approaches use generic and fundamental concepts that can be applied by any discipline to curriculum design. We show how integration of discipline-specific concepts, across time and space, can be combined through design choices, to create learning journeys for students. These concepts are captured within a web-based design tool that permits wide choices for designers to build innovative curricula. The importance of visualization of curricula is discussed... [more]
18. LAPSE:2019.1628
Data Science in the Chemical Engineering Curriculum
December 16, 2019 (v1)
Subject: Education
Keywords: Big Data, chemical engineering curriculum, data science, statistics
With the increasing availability of large amounts of data, methods that fall under the term data science are becoming important assets for chemical engineers to use. Methods, broadly speaking, are needed to carry out three tasks, namely data management, statistical and machine learning and data visualization. While claims have been made that data science is essentially statistics, consideration of the three tasks previously mentioned make it clear that it is really broader than just statistics alone and furthermore, statistical methods from a data-poor era are likely insufficient. While there have been many successful applications of data science methodologies, there are still many challenges that must be addressed. For example, just because a dataset is large, does not necessarily mean it is meaningful or information rich. From an organizational point of view, a lack of domain knowledge and a lack of a trained workforce among other issues are cited as barriers for the successful imple... [more]
19. LAPSE:2019.1136
Rethinking Computing and Statistics Instruction with Vocareum and Gradescope
November 22, 2019 (v2)
Subject: Education
Keywords: Active Learning, Classroom Technology, Education, Jupyter Notebooks, Multivariate Statistics, Numerical Methods, Python
I will share ongoing efforts to retool CBE 20258 Numerical and Statistical Analysis (required) to provide a scaffolding for all chemical engineering undergraduates to develop core competencies in computing, applied statistics, and mathematical modeling. Key aspects of the course redesign include i) modernizing content including the adoption of the Python programming language and Jupyter notebooks, ii) moving initial exposure to outside of the classroom, and iii) incorporating active learning in all class sessions. I will share how classroom technologies Vocareum and Gradescope have been critical to the success of the redesign by reducing grading time, giving students fast feedback, and enabling regular accountability.
20. LAPSE:2019.1133
Training All Chemical Engineers inComputing and Data Science
November 11, 2019 (v3)
Subject: Education
Keywords: Active Learning, Multivariate Statistics, Numerical Methods, Python, Undergraduate Education
In this contribution, I will discuss ongoing efforts to retool the sophomore-level “Numerical and Statistical Analysis” course (required) to provide a scaffolding for all students to develop core competencies in computing, applied statistics, and mathematical modeling throughout their undergraduate experience and profession careers. Beginning in Spring 2019, we are transitioning from MATLAB to Python for several reasons including consistency with “Chemical Process Control” (junior, required) and college-wide electives in data science and statistical computing that already use Python. I will also share experiences using Jupyter notebooks and cloud-based computing platforms such as Colaboratory to incorporate active learning into lectures and tutorials and to remove technical barriers for students. Content and assignments have been reorganized to emphasize mastery of foundational skills in preference over content breadth. For example, students are now required to submit hand-written pseu... [more]
21. LAPSE:2019.1080
Program enhancement: Faculty reflections on the graduate attribute process five years on
October 21, 2019 (v1)
Subject: Education
Keywords: accreditation, faculty engagement, graduate attributes, program improvement
In response to the outcomes-based accreditation model, the Chemical Engineering and Chemical and Biological programs at the University of British Columbia identified 60 indicators to evaluate the 12 graduate attributes outlined by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB). These indicators are evaluated in each of years 2, 3 and 4 of the program in order to track student progress. Indicator data collection began to be implemented in the 2014/2015 academic year. Indicator data has been collected each year and trends in this data have been analyzed.
These indicators are now undergoing a broad review by the programs to assess their effectiveness. As part of this process, semi-structured interviews were conducted with each faculty member involved in instructing both programs. These interviews focused on a number of topics including:
• appropriateness of current indicator assignments to courses
• confidence as to whether the data gathered in the course measures the indicator... [more]
These indicators are now undergoing a broad review by the programs to assess their effectiveness. As part of this process, semi-structured interviews were conducted with each faculty member involved in instructing both programs. These interviews focused on a number of topics including:
• appropriateness of current indicator assignments to courses
• confidence as to whether the data gathered in the course measures the indicator... [more]
22. LAPSE:2019.1079
Synergy Through Sharing: Open Resources and Technological Innovation in Chemical Engineering Education
October 21, 2019 (v1)
Subject: Education
Keywords: computational notebooks, online homework, open education
Open educational resources (OER) can be defined as freely-accessible openly licensed works that can be used for teaching, learning and research. Studies have shown OER to be equally as effective or better than conventional resources (1). The University of British Columbia’s Chemical and Biological Engineering Department has developed a number of OER over the past few years in collaboration with a variety of partners within and outside of the university. This poster will present two of the OER developed for use in a variety of departmental core courses.
One OER developed was open online homework problems on the WeBWorK system. This online homework system, commonly used by many math departments, issues each student a unique set of numbers for a problem. The system provides students with instant feedback and can interpret a variety of mathematical operations, allowing solutions to be formatted in a number of ways. This allows students to collaborate in solving the problem without havin... [more]
One OER developed was open online homework problems on the WeBWorK system. This online homework system, commonly used by many math departments, issues each student a unique set of numbers for a problem. The system provides students with instant feedback and can interpret a variety of mathematical operations, allowing solutions to be formatted in a number of ways. This allows students to collaborate in solving the problem without havin... [more]
23. LAPSE:2019.1076
POSTER: Lessons Learned from Renovation of NJIT’s Chemical Engineering Curriculum through an Infusion of Computation and Multiphysics Modeling
October 6, 2019 (v1)
Subject: Education
Keywords: chemical engineering, computation, Computational science, comsol, Curriculum, Education, Graphical user interface, multiphysics, STEM Outreach, survey
This poster was presented by me at the CACHE 50th Anniversary meeting on the Future of Cyber Assisted Chemical Engineering Education:
It summarizes my experiences with rennovating the New Jersey Institute of Technology's Chemical Engineering Curriculum through an Infusion of Computation and Multiphysics Modeling. It also proposes the use of COMSOL Multiphysics Apps as a teaching visual aide.
It summarizes my experiences with rennovating the New Jersey Institute of Technology's Chemical Engineering Curriculum through an Infusion of Computation and Multiphysics Modeling. It also proposes the use of COMSOL Multiphysics Apps as a teaching visual aide.
24. LAPSE:2019.0971
Illustrating Molecular-Level Phenomena and Molecular Simulation Techniques with Commonly Used Software
August 24, 2019 (v1)
Subject: Education
Keywords: Chemical Reaction Engineering, Intermolecular Forces, Matlab, Microsoft Excel, Molecular simulations, Molecular-level phenomena, Monte Carlo, Python, Quantum Simulations, WebMO
While topics in the chemical engineering curriculum generally involve the macroscale, e.g., focusing on process design and optimizations, many of the grand challenges facing chemical engineers today involve molecular level chemistry. Having an appreciation for molecular-level phenomena will better prepare chemical engineers to handle problems in energy, water, food, catalysis, advanced materials, and other fields. In this presentation, we discuss homework/project problems that we have developed for use in the Material and Energy Balances, Separations, Kinetics, and Thermodynamics courses that explore molecular level phenomena and molecular-level simulation approaches. Specifically, these problems focus on intermolecular interactions, connections between molecular configurations and macroscopic observables, how molecular level properties control material performance, and simulation strategies that enable exploration of the molecular level. An aim of the assignments is to demonstrate sim... [more]
25. LAPSE:2019.0854
Poster: Graphical User Interfaces as Chemical Engineering Educational Tools in University and Informal Learning Environments
July 30, 2019 (v1)
Subject: Education
Keywords: Computational science, Curriculum, Education, Graphical user interface, Modelling, STEM Outreach
This presentation discusses the development and use of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) as cyber-assisted educational tools for instructing and engaging undergraduate chemical engineering students, training graduate students for computational research in science and engineering, and introducing lay audiences to chemical engineering concepts in informal learning environments outside of the classroom. A GUI encapsulates computational software within a visual environment where users can provide interactive input through brief text or point-and-click controls and display query or simulation results through an automated process without needing to learn a programming language or specific commands. MATLAB and Python are two popular software environments for science and engineering used in many university chemical engineering programs worldwide. Both provide excellent user support for rapid development of professional-quality GUIs by engineering educators, academic researchers, and science and... [more]