Records with Keyword: Stochastic Optimization
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Optimal Transition of Ammonia Supply Chain Networks via Stochastic Programming
Ilias Mitrai, Matthew J. Palys, Prodromos Daoutidis
August 16, 2024 (v2)
Keywords: Capacity Expansion, Design and Sustainability, Green Ammonia, Stochastic Optimization, Supply Chain Optimization
This paper considers the optimal incorporation of renewable ammonia production facilities into existing supply chain networks which import ammonia from conventional producers while accounting for uncertainty in this conventional ammonia price. We model the supply chain transition problem as a two-stage stochastic optimization problem which is formulated as a Mixed Integer Linear Programming problem. We apply the proposed approach to a case study on Minnesota's ammonia supply chain. We find that accounting for conventional price uncertainty leads to earlier incorporation of in-state renewable production sites in the supply chain network and a reduction in the quantity and cost of conventional ammonia imported over the supply chain transition horizon. These results show that local renewable ammonia production can act as a hedge against the volatility of the conventional ammonia market.
Stochastic Programming Models for Long-Term Energy Transition Planning
Molly A. McDonald, Christos T. Maravelias
August 16, 2024 (v2)
With growing concern over the effects of green-house gas emissions, there has been an increase in emission-reducing policies by governments around the world, with over 70 countries having set net-zero emission goals by 2050-2060. These are ambitious goals that will require large investments into the expansion of renewable and low-carbon technologies. The decisions about which technologies should be invested in can be difficult to make since they are based on information about the future, which is uncertain. When considering emerging technologies, a source of uncertainty to consider is how the costs will develop over time. Learning curves are used to model the decrease in cost as the total installed capacity of a technology increases. However, the extent to which the cost decreases is uncertain. To address the uncertainty present in multiple aspects of the energy sector, multistage stochastic programming is employed considering both exogenous and endogenous uncertainties. It is observed... [more]
Optimal Design of Antibody Extraction Systems using Protein A Resin with Multicycling
Fred Ghanem, Purnima M. Kodate, Gerard M. Capellades, Kirti M. Yenkie
August 16, 2024 (v2)
Subject: Biosystems
Antibody therapies are important in treating life-threatening ailments such as cancer and autoimmune diseases. Purity of the antibody is essential for successful applications and Protein A selective resin extraction is the standard step for antibody recovery. Unfortunately, such resins can cost up to 30% of the total cost of antibody production. Hence, the optimal design of this purification step becomes a critical factor in downstream processing to minimize the size of the column needed. An accurate predictive model, as a digital twin representing the purification process, is necessary where changes in the flow rates and the inlet concentrations are modeled via the Method of Moments. The system uncertainties are captured by including the stochastic Ito process model of Brownian motion with drift. Pontryagin’s Maximum Principle under uncertainty is then applied to predict the flowrate control strategy for optimized resin use, column design, and efficient capturing of the antibodies. In... [more]
A Two-Stage Stochastic Programming Approach for the Design of Renewable Ammonia Supply Chain Networks
Ilias Mitrai, Matthew J. Palys, Prodromos Daoutidis
June 7, 2024 (v1)
Keywords: capacity expansion, green ammonia, Stochastic Optimization, supply chain optimization
This work considers the incorporation of renewable ammonia manufacturing sites into existing ammonia supply chain networks while accounting for ammonia price uncertainty from existing producers. We propose a two-stage stochastic programming approach to determine the optimal investment decisions such that the ammonia demand is satisfied and the net present cost is minimized. We apply the proposed approach to a case study considering deploying in-state renewable ammonia manufacturing in Minnesota’s supply chain network. We find that accounting for price uncertainty leads to supply chains with more ammonia demand met via renewable production and thus lower costs from importing ammonia from existing producers. These results show that the in-state renewable production of ammonia can act as a hedge against the volatility of the conventional ammonia market.
Virtual Storage-Based Model for Estimation of Economic Benefits of Electric Vehicles in Renewable Portfolios
Josip Vasilj, Damir Jakus, Petar Sarajcev
April 25, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: EV fleet management, market aggregator, Monte Carlo simulation, Stochastic Optimization, virtual storage
The expected increase in the presence of electric vehicles raises numerous questions regarding their impact on the market relations. Depending on the agreement between the involved parties, the position of EVs changes from passive (traditional role) to active. Active EVs are beneficial for variability and uncertainty-intense modern power systems. To enable this transition, a suitable framework in the form of agreements is required in order to establish the terms and responsibilities. Following the presented agreements, we propose a novel method for evaluation of the benefits that the newly added EVs bring to the portfolio. The method comprises two steps, a Monte Carlo simulation of the EV driving/charging patterns and an optimization model for market related decision making. The method results in the estimates on economic savings resulting from adding EVs to portfolios. An illustrative example is used in order to give an idea of the range of the benefits.
Optimal Allocation Scheme of Renewable Energy Consumption Responsibility Weight under Renewable Portfolio Standards: An Integrated Evolutionary Game and Stochastic Optimization Approach
Yang Tang, Yifeng Liu, Weiqiang Huo, Meng Chen, Shilong Ye, Lei Cheng
April 17, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: consumption responsibilities allocation, evolutionary game, government incentives, Renewable and Sustainable Energy, renewable portfolio standards, Stochastic Optimization
Developing renewable energy has become a major strategy for China to accelerate the energy transition and combat climate change. Accordingly, a guarantee mechanism for renewable energy consumption with renewable portfolio standards (RPS) has been set in China. However, currently, the top-down allocation of regional renewable energy consumption targets often has issues of unfairness and inefficiency. It is necessary to investigate the issue of how to stimulate the renewable energy consumption potential on the demand side and reasonably formulate the consumption responsibility weights of various market entities. This paper aimed to develop a new methodology for the weight allocation of renewable energy consumption responsibilities. In doing so, an integrated model of an evolutionary game and stochastic optimization was constructed between market entities and governments. Then, the equilibrium strategies of market entities and governments were obtained through the evolutionary game. Furth... [more]
A Stochastic Planning Model for Battery Energy Storage Systems Coupled with Utility-Scale Solar Photovoltaics
Heejung Park
April 14, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: power system planning, power system simulation, Renewable and Sustainable Energy, solar PV, Stochastic Optimization, utility-scale energy storage
With recent technology advances and price drop, battery energy storage systems (BESSs) are considered as a promising storage technology in power systems. In this paper, a stochastic BESS planning model is introduced, which determines optimal capacity and durations of BESSs to co-locate utility-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) systems in a high-voltage power system under the uncertainties of renewable resources and electric load. The optimization model minimizing total costs aims to obtain at least 20% electric energy from renewable sources, while satisfying all the physical constraints. Furthermore, two-stage stochastic programming is applied to formulate mathematical optimization problem to find out optimal durations and capacity of BESSs. In scheduling BESSs, chronology needs to be considered to represent temporal changes of BESS states; therefore, a scenario generation method to generate random sample paths with 1-h time step is adopted to explicitly represent uncertainty and temporal... [more]
Distributed Computational Framework for Large-Scale Stochastic Convex Optimization
Vahab Rostampour, Tamás Keviczky
April 12, 2023 (v1)
Subject: Optimization
Keywords: decentralized scenario program, distributed computation, distributed scenario program, distributed stochastic systems, plug-and-play framework, scenario convex program, Stochastic Optimization
This paper presents a distributed computational framework for stochastic convex optimization problems using the so-called scenario approach. Such a problem arises, for example, in a large-scale network of interconnected linear systems with local and common uncertainties. Due to the large number of required scenarios to approximate the stochasticity of these problems, the stochastic optimization involves formulating a large-scale scenario program, which is in general computationally demanding. We present two novel ideas in this paper to address this issue. We first develop a technique to decompose the large-scale scenario program into distributed scenario programs that exchange a certain number of scenarios with each other to compute local decisions using the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM). We show the exactness of the decomposition with a-priori probabilistic guarantees for the desired level of constraint fulfillment for both local and common uncertainty sources. As... [more]
Jump Linear Quadratic Control for Microgrids with Commercial Loads
Maryam Khanbaghi, Aleksandar Zecevic
April 3, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: energy management, jump linear quadratic control, Markov chain, microgrids, stochastic hybrid systems, Stochastic Optimization
Due to the aging power-grid infrastructure and increased usage of renewable energies, microgrids (μGrids) have emerged as a promising paradigm. It is reasonable to expect that they will become one of the fundamental building blocks of a smart grid, since effective energy transfer and coordination of μGrids could help maintain the stability and reliability of the regional large-scale power-grid. From the control perspective, one of the key objectives of μGrids is load management using local generation and storage for optimized performance. Accomplishing this task can be challenging, however, particularly in situations where local generation is unpredictable both in quality and in availability. This paper proposes to address that problem by developing a new optimal energy management scheme, which meets the requirements of supply and demand. The method that will be described in the following models μGrids as a stochastic hybrid dynamic system. Jump linear theory is used to maximize storag... [more]
Optimization under Uncertainty to Reduce the Cost of Energy for Parabolic Trough Solar Power Plants for Different Weather Conditions
Adarsh Vaderobli, Dev Parikh, Urmila Diwekar
March 27, 2023 (v1)
Subject: Optimization
Keywords: BONUS algorithm, solar energy, Stochastic Optimization, weather uncertainties
Renewable energy use can mitigate the effects of climate change. Solar energy is amongst the cleanest and most readily available renewable energy sources. However, issues of cost and uncertainty associated with solar energy need to be addressed to make it a major source of energy. These uncertainties are different for different locations. In this work, we considered four different locations in the United States of America (Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, Southwest). The weather and cost uncertainties of these locations are included in the formulation, making the problem an optimization-under-uncertainty problem. We used the novel Better Optimization of Nonlinear Uncertain Systems (BONUS) algorithm to solve these problems. The performance and economic models provided by the System Advisory Model (SAM) system from NREL were used for this optimization. Since this is a black-box model, this adds difficulty for optimization and optimization under uncertainty. The objective function and con... [more]
Multidispatch for Microgrid including Renewable Energy and Electric Vehicles with Robust Optimization Algorithm
Ruifeng Shi, Penghui Zhang, Jie Zhang, Li Niu, Xiaoting Han
March 27, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: electric vehicle, microgrid, photovoltaic, robust optimization, Stochastic Optimization
With the deterioration of the environment and the depletion of fossil fuel energy, renewable energy has attracted worldwide attention because of its continuous availability from nature. Despite this continuous availability, the uncertainty of intermittent power is a problem for grid dispatching. This paper reports on a study of the scheduling and optimization of microgrid systems for photovoltaic (PV) power and electric vehicles (EVs). We propose a mathematical model to address the uncertainty of PV output and EV charging behavior, and model scheduling optimization that minimizes the economic and environmental cost of a microgrid system. A semi-infinite dual optimization model is then used to deal with the uncertain variables, which can be solved with a robust optimization algorithm. A numerical case study shows that the security and stability of the solution obtained by robust optimization outperformed that of stochastic optimization.
Stochastic Optimization of Microgrid Participating Day-Ahead Market Operation Strategy with Consideration of Energy Storage System and Demand Response
Huiru Zhao, Hao Lu, Bingkang Li, Xuejie Wang, Shiying Zhang, Yuwei Wang
March 23, 2023 (v1)
Subject: Optimization
Keywords: day-ahead market, demand response, energy storage system, microgrid operation, Stochastic Optimization
More and more attention has been paid to the development of renewable energy in the world. Microgrids with flexible regulation abilities provide an effective way to solve the problem of renewable energy connected to power grids. In this article, an optimization strategy of a microgrid participating in day-ahead market operations considering demand responses is proposed, where the uncertainties of distributed renewable energy generation, electrical load, and day-ahead market prices are taken into account. The results show that, when the microgrid implements the demand response, the operation cost of the microgrid decreases by 4.17%. Meanwhile, the demand response program can transfer the peak load of the high-price period to the low-price period, which reduces the peak valley difference of the load and stabilizes the load curve. Finally, a sensitivity analysis of three factors is carried out, finding that, with the increase of the demand response adjustable ratio or the maximum capacity... [more]
Toward Zero-Emission Hybrid AC/DC Power Systems with Renewable Energy Sources and Storages: A Case Study from Lake Baikal Region
Denis Sidorov, Daniil Panasetsky, Nikita Tomin, Dmitriy Karamov, Aleksei Zhukov, Ildar Muftahov, Aliona Dreglea, Fang Liu, Yong Li
March 23, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: forecasting, hybrid AC/DC power system, Machine Learning, renewable energy source, Stochastic Optimization, Volterra models
Tourism development in ecologically vulnerable areas like the lake Baikal region in Eastern Siberia is a challenging problem. To this end, the dynamical models of AC/DC hybrid isolated power system consisting of four power grids with renewable generation units and energy storage systems are proposed using the advanced methods based on deep reinforcement learning and integral equations. First, the wind and solar irradiance potential of several sites on the lake Baikal’s banks is analyzed as well as the electric load as a function of the climatic conditions. The optimal selection of the energy storage system components is supported in online mode. The approach is justified using the retrospective meteorological datasets. Such a formulation will allow us to develop a number of valuable recommendations related to the optimal control of several autonomous AC/DC hybrid power systems with different structures, equipment composition and kind of AC or DC current. Developed approach provides the... [more]
Optimal Sizing of Battery Energy Storage for a Grid-Connected Microgrid Subjected to Wind Uncertainties
Mohammed Atta Abdulgalil, Muhammad Khalid, Fahad Alismail
March 21, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: energy storage system, power system reliability, Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Stochastic Optimization, wind uncertainty
In this paper, based on stochastic optimization methods, a technique for optimal sizing of battery energy storage systems (BESSs) under wind uncertainties is provided. Due to considerably greater penetration of renewable energy sources, BESSs are becoming vital elements in microgrids. Integrating renewable energy sources in a power system together with a BESS enhances the efficiency of the power system by enhancing its accessibility and decreasing its operating and maintenance costs. Furthermore, the microgrid-connected BESS should be optimally sized to provide the required energy and minimize total investment and operation expenses. A constrained optimization problem is solved using an optimization technique to optimize a storage system. This problem of optimization may be deterministic or probabilistic. In case of optimizing the size of a BESS connected to a system containing renewable energy sources, solving a probabilistic optimization problem is more effective because it is not po... [more]
Data-Driven Stochastic Scheduling for Energy Integrated Systems
Heng Yang, Ziliang Jin, Jianhua Wang, Yong Zhao, Hejia Wang, Weihua Xiao
March 21, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: data-driven, scheduling optimization, Stochastic Optimization, unit commitment
As the penetration of intermittent renewable energy increases and unexpected market behaviors continue to occur, new challenges arise for system operators to ensure cost effectiveness while maintaining system reliability under uncertainties. To systematically address these uncertainties and challenges, innovative advanced methods and approaches are needed. Motivated by these, in this paper, we consider an energy integrated system with renewable energy and pumped-storage units involved. In addition, we propose a data-driven risk-averse two-stage stochastic model that considers the features of forbidden zones and dynamic ramping rate limits. This model minimizes the total cost against the worst-case distribution in the confidence set built for an unknown distribution and constructed based on data. Our numerical experiments show how pumped-storage units contribute to the system, how inclusions of the aforementioned two features improve the reliability of the system, and how our proposed d... [more]
Long-Term Expansion Planning of the Transmission Network in India under Multi-Dimensional Uncertainty
Spyros Giannelos, Anjali Jain, Stefan Borozan, Paola Falugi, Alexandre Moreira, Rohit Bhakar, Jyotirmay Mathur, Goran Strbac
March 6, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: Energy Storage, flexibility, India, nested benders decomposition, network planning, option value, Stochastic Optimization
Considerable investment in India’s electricity system may be required in the coming decades in order to help accommodate the expected increase of renewables capacity as part of the country’s commitment to decarbonize its energy sector. In addition, electricity demand is geared to significantly increase due to the ongoing electrification of the transport sector, the growing population, and the improving economy. However, the multi-dimensional uncertainty surrounding these aspects gives rise to the prospect of stranded investments and underutilized network assets, rendering investment decision making challenging for network planners. In this work, a stochastic optimization model is applied to the transmission network in India to identify the optimal expansion strategy in the period from 2020 until 2060, considering conventional network reinforcements as well as energy storage investments. An advanced Nested Benders decomposition algorithm was used to overcome the complexity of the multis... [more]
Economic Dispatch Model of Nuclear High-Temperature Reactor with Hydrogen Cogeneration in Electricity Market
James Richards, Cristian Rabiti, Hiroyuki Sato, Xing L. Yan, Nolan Anderson
March 3, 2023 (v1)
Subject: Optimization
Keywords: economic dispatch, Hydrogen, integrated energy systems, iodine–sulfur cycle, Nuclear, Stochastic Optimization
Hydrogen produced without carbon emissions could be a useful fuel as nations look to decarbonize their electricity, transport, and industry sectors. Using the iodine−sulfur (IS) cycle coupled with a nuclear heat source is one method for producing hydrogen without the use of fossil fuels. An economic dispatch model was developed for a nuclear-driven IS system to determine hydrogen sale prices that would make such a system profitable. The system studied is the HTTR-GT/H2, a design for power and hydrogen cogeneration at the Japan Atomic Energy Agency’s High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor. This study focuses on the development of the economic model and the role that input data plays in the final calculated values. Using a historical price duration curve shows that the levelized cost of hydrogen (LCOH) or breakeven sale price of hydrogen would need to be 98.1 JPY/m3 or greater. Synthetic time histories were also used and found the LCOH to be 67.5 JPY/m3. The price duration input was f... [more]
Probabilistic Optimization Techniques in Smart Power System
Muhammad Riaz, Sadiq Ahmad, Irshad Hussain, Muhammad Naeem, Lucian Mihet-Popa
March 2, 2023 (v1)
Subject: Optimization
Keywords: chance constrained optimization, distributional robust optimization, energy management, probabilistic optimization, robust optimization, smart grid, Stochastic Optimization
Uncertainties are the most significant challenges in the smart power system, necessitating the use of precise techniques to deal with them properly. Such problems could be effectively solved using a probabilistic optimization strategy. It is further divided into stochastic, robust, distributionally robust, and chance-constrained optimizations. The topics of probabilistic optimization in smart power systems are covered in this review paper. In order to account for uncertainty in optimization processes, stochastic optimization is essential. Robust optimization is the most advanced approach to optimize a system under uncertainty, in which a deterministic, set-based uncertainty model is used instead of a stochastic one. The computational complexity of stochastic programming and the conservativeness of robust optimization are both reduced by distributionally robust optimization.Chance constrained algorithms help in solving the constraints optimization problems, where finite probability get... [more]
A Backwards Induction Framework for Quantifying the Option Value of Smart Charging of Electric Vehicles and the Risk of Stranded Assets under Uncertainty
Spyros Giannelos, Stefan Borozan, Goran Strbac
March 1, 2023 (v1)
Subject: Optimization
Keywords: backwards induction framework, electric vehicles, option value, smart charging of EV, Stochastic Optimization
The anticipated electrification of the transport sector may lead to significant increase in the future peak electricity demand, resulting in potential violations of network constraints. As a result, a considerable amount of network reinforcement may be required in order to ensure that the expected additional demand from electric vehicles that are to be connected will be safely accommodated. In this paper we present the Backwards Induction Framework (BIF), which we use for identifying the optimal investment decisions, for calculating the option value of smart charging of EV and the cost of stranded assets; these concepts are crystallized through illustrative case studies. Sensitivity analyses depict how the option value of smart charging and the optimal solution are affected by key factors such as the social cost associated with not accommodating the full EV capacity, the flexibility of smart charging, and the scenario probabilities. Moreover, the BIF is compared with the Stochastic Opt... [more]
Geometallurgical Detailing of Plant Operation within Open-Pit Strategic Mine Planning
Aldo Quelopana, Javier Órdenes, Rodrigo Araya, Alessandro Navarra
February 27, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: geometallurgy, linear programming, metaheuristics, metallurgical plant, open-pit mine planning, Stochastic Optimization
Mineral and metallurgical processing are crucial within the mineral value chain. These processes involve several stages wherein comminution is arguably the most important due to its high energy consumption, and its impact on subsequent extractive processes. Several geological properties of the orebody impact the efficiency of mineral processing and extractive metallurgy; scholars have therefore proposed to deal with the uncertain ore feed in terms of grades and rock types, incorporating operational modes that represent different plant configurations that provide coordinated system-wide responses. Even though these studies offer insights into how mine planning impacts the ore fed into the plant, the simultaneous optimization of mine plan and metallurgical plant design has been limited by the existing stochastic mine planning algorithms, which have only limited support for detailing operational modes. The present work offers to fill this gap for open-pit mines through a computationally e... [more]
Probabilistic Security-Constrained Preventive Control under Forecast Uncertainties Including Volt/Var Constraints
Emanuele Ciapessoni, Diego Cirio, Francesco Conte, Andrea Pitto, Stefano Massucco, Matteo Saviozzi
February 27, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: probability, renewable energy sources, security, Stochastic Optimization, uncertainty
The continuous increase in generation from renewable energy sources, marked by correlated forecast uncertainties, requires specific methodologies to support power system operators in security management. This paper proposes a probabilistic preventive control to ensure N-1 security in presence of correlated uncertainties of renewable sources and loads. By adopting a decoupled linear formulation of the AC load flow equations, the preventive control is decomposed into two subsequent linear programming problems, the former concerning the active power and the latter the voltage/reactive power-related issues. In particular, in the active control problem, the algorithm combines Third Order Polynomial Normal Transformation, Point Estimate Method, and Cornish−Fisher expansion to model the forecast uncertainties and characterize the chance constraints in the problem. The goal is to find the optimal phase shifting transformer tap setting, conventional generation redispatching, and renewable curta... [more]
Integrated Process Re-Design with Operation in the Digital Era: Illustration through an Industrial Case Study
Maria P. Marcos, José Luis Pitarch, Cesar de Prada
February 23, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: decision support, digitalization, MINLP, process design, RTO, Stochastic Optimization
This work discusses what should be the desirable path and correct tools for the optimal re-design and operation of processes in the Industry 4.0 framework, as illustrated in a challenging case study corresponding to a complex network of evaporation plants in a viscose-fiber factory. The goal is to integrate optimal design, to improve the existing cooling systems, together with the optimal operation of the whole network, balancing the initial investment with the potentially achievable savings. A rigorous mathematical model for such optimization purpose has been built. The model explicitly considers different structural alternatives as a superstructure for the incorporation of new equipment into the network. The uncertainty associated to future operating conditions is also considered by using a two-stage stochastic formulation. Furthermore, the model is also the base from which a deterministic real-time optimization (RTO) builds upon to support the daily management of the future network... [more]
Enhancing the Filtering Capability and the Dynamic Performance of a Third-Order Phase-Locked Loop under Distorted Grid Conditions
Issam A. Smadi, Hanady A. Kreashan, Ibrahem E. Atawi
February 22, 2023 (v1)
Subject: Optimization
Keywords: arbitrarily delayed signal cancelation, controller tuning, loop filter, moving average filter, phase-locked loop, Stochastic Optimization
This work proposes a structural enhancement and a new technique to design the loop filter (LF) of a third-order phase-locked loop (PLL) to enhance the PLL dynamic performance under abnormal grid conditions. The proposed PLL combines a moving average filter (MAF) and an arbitrarily delayed signal cancelation (ADSC) for structural enhancement to achieve DC-offset rejection and harmonics elimination. The window length of the MAF is selected to be one-sixth of the fundamental grid period to remove non-triple odd harmonics and speed up the PLL dynamic response. The triple harmonics are eliminated, adopting the line-to-line voltage concept, while the ADSC operator rejects the DC offset. The LF design is based on a modified third-order polynomial tuned using stochastic optimization to minimize the settling time of the frequency deviation, offering better dynamic performance over the symmetrical optimum method (SOM) and achieving synchronization within one grid cycle. The PLL mathematical mode... [more]
Stochastic Optimization Operation of the Integrated Energy System Based on a Novel Scenario Generation Method
Delong Zhang, Siyu Jiang, Jinxin Liu, Longze Wang, Yongcong Chen, Yuxin Xiao, Shucen Jiao, Yu Xie, Yan Zhang, Meicheng Li
February 21, 2023 (v1)
Subject: Optimization
Keywords: covariance matrix, integrated energy microgrid, probability distribution model, Stochastic Optimization, time correlation
The application of integrated energy systems is significant for realizing the comprehensive utilization of various energy sources and improving the utilization rate of renewable energy. At present, the optimal operation of integrated energy systems is a research hotspot. However, shortcomings remain in the stochastic optimization operation and the scenario generation method. This paper proposes a stochastic optimization operation model of an integrated energy microgrid based on an advanced multi-scenario generation method. First, this paper establishes the time-divided probability distribution model of the forecasting error of the uncertain factors, such as photovoltaic (PV) power and load, which provide the basis for generating scenarios. Moreover, the covariance matrix is used to calculate the time correlation of the time-divided probabilistic distributed models, and the parameters of the covariance matrix are optimized. Second, based on multiple typical scenarios, the stochastic opt... [more]
Accelerated Model Predictive Control for Electric Vehicle Integrated Microgrid Energy Management: A Hybrid Robust and Stochastic Approach
Zhenya Ji, Xueliang Huang, Changfu Xu, Houtao Sun
February 5, 2019 (v1)
Keywords: Benders decomposition, electric vehicle, energy management system, microgrid, robust optimization, scenario-based model predictive control, Stochastic Optimization
A microgrid with an advanced energy management approach is a feasible solution for accommodating the development of distributed generators (DGs) and electric vehicles (EVs). At the primary stage of development, the total number of EVs in a microgrid is fairly small but increases promptly. Thus, it makes most prediction models for EV charging demand difficult to apply at present. To overcome the inadaptability, a novel robust approach is proposed to handle EV charging demand predictions along with demand-side management (DSM) on the condition of satisfying each EV user’s demand. Variables with stochastic forecast models join the objective function in the form of probability-constrained scenarios. This paper proposes a scenario-based model predictive control (MPC) approach combining both robust and stochastic models to minimize the total operational cost for energy management. To overcome the concern about the convergence time increasing from the combination of scenarios, the Benders dec... [more]
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