Records with Subject: System Identification
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PLC Physical Layer Link Identification with Imperfect Channel State Information
Javier Hernandez Fernandez, Aymen Omri, Roberto Di Pietro
March 28, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: identification, physical layer security, PLC, smart grid
This paper proposes an accurate physical layer technique to uniquely identify the links of a power line communication network. First, the power line communications (PLC) multipath channel characterization is presented and detailed. Then, a multipath channel delay detection technique is introduced to provide an accurate physical layer identification (PL ID) for the considered PLC links. The accuracy and efficiency are tested by evaluating the successful path detection probability (SPDP) in a simulated scenario under both perfect and imperfect channel state information conditions. The results confirm the advantages of the proposed scheme. Indeed, for a common PLC noise power around 90 dBuV, the provided accuracy reaches ≈90%, while for a noise power below 80 dBuV, the accuracy plateaus at 100%. Overall, the low complexity of the proposed approach and its staggering performance results pave the way for further possible applications in both the PLC and the security domain.
Blind Source Separation of Transformer Acoustic Signal Based on Sparse Component Analysis
Guo Wang, Yibin Wang, Yongzhi Min, Wu Lei
March 28, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: BSS, noise suppression, SCA, SSP identification, transformer acoustic signal
In the acoustics-based power transformer fault diagnosis, a transformer acoustic signal collected by an acoustic sensor is generally mixed with a large number of interference signals. In order to separate transformer acoustic signals from mixed acoustic signals obtained by a small number of sensors, a blind source separation (BSS) method of transformer acoustic signal based on sparse component analysis (SCA) is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the mixed acoustic signals are transformed from time domain to time−frequency (TF) domain, and single source points (SSPs) in the TF plane are extracted by identifying the phase angle differences of the TF points. Then, the mixing matrix is estimated by clustering SSPs with a density clustering algorithm. Finally, the transformer acoustic signal is separated from the mixed acoustic signals based on the compressed sensing theory. The results of the simulation and experiment show that the proposed method can separate the transformer acoustic signal... [more]
Research on Image Identification Method of Rock Thin Slices in Tight Oil Reservoirs Based on Mask R-CNN
Tao Liu, Chunsheng Li, Zongbao Liu, Kejia Zhang, Fang Liu, Dongsheng Li, Yan Zhang, Zhigang Liu, Liyuan Liu, Jiacheng Huang
March 28, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: characteristics identification, deep learning, rock thin slices, tight oil reservoir, unconventional oil and gas
Terrestrial tight oil has extremely strong diagenesis heterogeneity, so a large number of rock thin slices are needed to reveal the real microscopic pore-throat structure characteristics. In addition, difficult identification, high cost, long time, strong subjectivity and other problems exist in the identification of tight oil rock thin slices, and it is difficult to meet the needs of fine description and quantitative characterization of the reservoir. In this paper, a method for identifying the characteristics of rock thin slices in tight oil reservoirs based on the deep learning technique was proposed. The present work has the following steps: first, the image preprocessing technique was studied. The original image noise was removed by filtering, and the image pixel size was unified by a normalization technique to ensure the quality of samples; second, the self-labeling image data augmentation technique was constructed to solve the problem of sparse samples; third, the Mask R-CNN alg... [more]
Identification of Transient Steam Temperature at the Inlet of the Pipeline Based on the Measured Steam Temperature at the Pipeline Outlet
Karol Kaczmarski
March 28, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: inverse heat conduction problem, numerical modelling, steam pipeline
A solution to the inverse heat transfer problem (IHP) occurring in steam pipelines is presented in the paper. The transient steam temperature at the pipeline inlet was determined from the steam temperature measured at the pipeline outlet. Temporary changes of steam temperature at the turbine inlet are set by the turbine manufacturer and result from the conditions of safe starting of the turbine and maintaining high durability of its components. The boiler start-up should be carried out so that the time-temperature changes at the boiler outlet equal the time-temperature changes determined using the inverse problem. In this paper, the inverse problem of heat transfer in the pipeline was solved by the finite volume method using data smoothing, future times steps, and Tikhonov regularization that stabilized the solution of the inverse problem. The determined transient steam temperature at the pipeline inlet was compared with the measured temperatures. The steam temperature at the inlet to... [more]
Fault Identification and Fault Impact Analysis of The Vapor Compression Refrigeration Systems in Buildings: A System Reliability Approach
Mostafa Fadaeefath Abadi, Mohammad Hosseini Rahdar, Fuzhan Nasiri, Fariborz Haghighat
March 28, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: fault identification, genetic algorithm (GA), HVAC, Optimization, reliability analysis, vapor compression refrigeration system (VCRS)
The Vapor Compression Refrigeration System (VCRS) is one of the most critical systems in buildings typically used in Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems in residential and industrial sections. Therefore, identifying their faults and evaluating their reliability are essential to ensure the required operations and performance in these systems. Various components and subsystems are included in the VCRS, which need to be analyzed for system reliability. This research’s objective is conducting a comprehensive system reliability analysis on the VCRS by focusing on fault identification and determining the fault impacts on these systems. A typical VCRS in an office building is selected for this research regarding this objective. The corresponding reliability data, including the probability distributions and parameters, are collected from references to perform the reliability evaluation on the components and subsystems of the VCRS. Then the optimum distribution parameters... [more]
In Vitro Anti-Wrinkle and Skin-Moisturizing Effects of Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis) Sprout and Identification of Its Active Components
Tae Heon Kim, Woo Jung Kim, Soon Yeong Park, Hoon Kim, Dae Kyun Chung
March 28, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: antioxidant, Oenothera biennis, physiologically active ingredient, skin-improvement activity, tandem mass spectrometry
The present study aimed to investigate the effect of Oenothera biennis sprout extract (OBS-E) on skin-function improvement in an in vitro system and to identify its pharmaceutically active components. OBS-E showed antioxidant ability in radical scavenging and reducing power assays, significantly inhibited matrix metalloproteinases-1 and -2, and increased the production of type I collagen, indicating its anti-wrinkle activity. Furthermore, OBS-E significantly increased the level of hyaluronic acid (HA) and the expression of moisturizing genes, such as hyaluronic acid synthase 2 (HAS2) and aquaporin 3 (AQP3), indicating it is effective in enhancing skin hydration. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and mass spectrometry (MS) analyses showed that OBS-E contained high levels of polyphenolic acids, such as gallic acid and ellagic acid, in addition to flavonoid glycosides, such as luteolin 7-glucuronide and quercetin 3-glucuronide. Our results suggest that these major phytochemica... [more]
Failure Prognosis Based on Relevant Measurements Identification and Data-Driven Trend-Modeling: Application to a Fuel Cell System
Mohand Djeziri, Oussama Djedidi, Samir Benmoussa, Marc Bendahan, Jean-Luc Seguin
March 28, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: discrete state model, fuel-cell systems, health index identification, remaining useful life, trend modeling
Fuel cells are key elements in the transition to clean energy thanks to their neutral carbon footprint, as well as their great capacity for the generation of electrical energy by oxidizing hydrogen. However, these cells operate under straining conditions of temperature and humidity that favor degradation processes. Furthermore, the presence of hydrogen—a highly flammable gas—renders the assessment of their degradations and failures crucial to the safety of their use. This paper deals with the combination of physical knowledge and data analysis for the identification of health indices (HIs) that carry information on the degradation process of fuel cells. Then, a failure prognosis method is achieved through the trend modeling of the identified HI using a data-driven and updatable state model. Finally, the remaining useful life is predicted through the calculation of the times of crossing of the predicted HI and the failure threshold. The trend model is updated when the estimation error b... [more]
Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring Based on Deep Pairwise-Supervised Hashing to Detect Unidentified Appliances
Qiang Zhao, Yao Xu, Zhenfan Wei, Yinghua Han
March 28, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: deep pairwise-supervised hashing, feature learning, hash-code learning, non-intrusive load monitoring, V-I trajectory
Non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) is a fast developing technique for appliances operation recognition in power system monitoring. At present, most NILM algorithms rely on the assumption that all fluctuations in the data stream are triggered by identified appliances. Therefore, NILM of identifying unidentified appliances is still an open challenge. To pursue a scalable solution to energy monitoring for contemporary unidentified appliances, we propose a voltage-current (V-I) trajectory enabled deep pairwise-supervised hashing (DPSH) method for NILM. DPSH performs simultaneous feature learning and hash-code learning with deep neural networks, which shows higher identification accuracy than a benchmark method. DPSH can generate different hash codes to distinguish identified appliances. For unidentified appliances, it generates completely new codes that are different from codes of multiple identified appliances to distinguish them. Experiments on public datasets show that our method can... [more]
Novel Intensified Alternatives for Purification of Levulinic Acid Recovered from Lignocellulosic Biomass
Massimiliano Errico, Roumiana P. Stateva, Sébastien Leveneur
March 28, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: levulinic acid, Process Intensification, Process Synthesis, separation and purification
The development of a bio-based economy has its foundations in the development of efficient processes to optimize biomass potential. In this context there are a multitude of molecules that can be either synthetized or recovered from biomass, among those the so-called 12 building-blocks reported by the US Department of Energy. Even if their identification and importance is clearly defined, research efforts concerning the purification or separation of these platform molecules are limited. To fill this gap, different configurations for the purification of levulinic acid recovered from lignocellulosic biomass are examined and compared in this work. In particular, hybrid configurations obtained by the combination of liquid-liquid extraction and distillation have been considered. It was demonstrated how a deep understanding of the subspace including all extraction-assisted simple column distillation configurations represents a fundamental step in the synthesis of different process alternative... [more]
Noises Cutting and Natural Neighbors Spectral Clustering Based on Coupling P System
Xiaoling Zhang, Xiyu Liu
March 28, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: natural neighbors, noises, P system, spectral clustering
Clustering analysis, a key step for many data mining problems, can be applied to various fields. However, no matter what kind of clustering method, noise points have always been an important factor affecting the clustering effect. In addition, in spectral clustering, the construction of affinity matrix affects the formation of new samples, which in turn affects the final clustering results. Therefore, this study proposes a noise cutting and natural neighbors spectral clustering method based on coupling P system (NCNNSC-CP) to solve the above problems. The whole algorithm process is carried out in the coupled P system. We propose a natural neighbors searching method without parameters, which can quickly determine the natural neighbors and natural characteristic value of data points. Then, based on it, the critical density and reverse density are obtained, and noise identification and cutting are performed. The affinity matrix constructed using core natural neighbors greatly improve the... [more]
Application of the 2-D Trefftz Method for Identification of Flow Boiling Heat Transfer Coefficient in a Rectangular MiniChannel
Mirosław Grabowski, Sylwia Hożejowska, Beata Maciejewska, Krzysztof Płaczkowski, Mieczysław E. Poniewski
March 28, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: inverse heat transfer problem, minichannel flow boiling, Trefftz method, void fraction
The study presents the experimental and numeric heat transfer investigations in flow boiling of water through an asymmetrically heated, rectangular and horizontal minichannel, with transparent side walls. A dedicated system was designed to record images of two-phase flow structures using a high-speed video camera with a synchronous movement system. The images were analyzed with Matlab 2019a scripts for determination of the void fraction for each pattern of two-phase flow structures observed. The experimental data measured during the experimental runs included inlet and outlet temperature, temperature at three internal points of the heater body, volume flux of the flowing water, inlet pressure, pressure drop, current and the voltage drop in the heater power supply. The flows were investigated at Reynolds number characteristic of laminar flow. The mathematical model assumed the heat transfer process in the measurement module to be steady-state with temperature independent thermal propert... [more]
Modeling and Parameter Optimization of Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems Considering the Low Voltage Ride-through Control
Li Wang, Teng Qiao, Bin Zhao, Xiangjun Zeng, Qing Yuan
March 28, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: asymmetrical fault, harmonic analysis, parameter identification, photovoltaic systems
The asymmetric faults often cause the power grid current imbalance and power grid oscillation, which brings great instability risk to the power grid. To address this problem, this paper presented a modeling and parameter optimization method of grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) systems, considering the low voltage ride-through (LVRT) control. The harmonics of the grid current under asymmetric faults were analyzed based on the negative-sequence voltage feedforward control method. The notch filter was added to the voltage loop to filter out the harmonic components of the DC bus voltage and reduce the harmonic contents of the given grid current value. The proportional resonant (PR) controller was added to the current loop. The combination of these two components could reduce the 3rd, 5th, and 7th harmonics of the grid current and the output power fluctuation. Then, the parameters of the inverter controller were identified by the adaptive differential evolution (ADE) algorithm based on the s... [more]
Identification of the Efficiency Gap by Coupling a Fundamental Electricity Market Model and an Agent-Based Simulation Model
Laura Torralba-Díaz, Christoph Schimeczek, Matthias Reeg, Georgios Savvidis, Marc Deissenroth-Uhrig, Felix Guthoff, Benjamin Fleischer, Kai Hufendiek
March 28, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: agent-based, decision theory, efficiency gap, electricity system, model coupling, power market, uncertainty
A reliable and cost-effective electricity system transition requires both the identification of optimal target states and the definition of political and regulatory frameworks that enable these target states to be achieved. Fundamental optimization models are frequently used for the determination of cost-optimal system configurations. They represent a normative approach and typically assume markets with perfect competition. However, it is well known that real systems do not behave in such an optimal way, as decision-makers do not have perfect information at their disposal and real market actors do not take decisions in a purely rational way. These deficiencies lead to increased costs or missed targets, often referred to as an “efficiency gap”. For making rational political decisions, it might be valuable to know which factors influence this efficiency gap and to what extent. In this paper, we identify and quantify this gap by soft-linking a fundamental electricity market model and an a... [more]
An Algorithm for Circuit Parameter Identification in Lightning Impulse Voltage Generation for Low-Inductance Loads
Piyapon Tuethong, Krit Kitwattana, Peerawut Yutthagowith, Anantawat Kunakorn
March 28, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: artificial neural network, circuit design, Glaninger circuit, lightning impulse voltage tests, low inductance loads, system parameter identification
This paper presents an effective technique based on an artificial neural network algorithm utilized for circuit parameter identification in lightning impulse generation for low inductance loads such as low voltage windings of a power transformer, a large distribution transformer and an air core reactor. The limitation of the combination between Glaninger’s circuit and the circuit parameter selection from Feser’s suggestions in term of producing an impulse waveform to be compliant with standard requirements when working with a low inductance load is discussed. In Feser’s approach, the circuit parameters of the generation circuit need to be further adjusted to obtain the waveform compliant with the standard requirement. In this process, trial and error approaches based on test engineers’ experience are employed in the circuit parameter selection. To avoid the unintentional damage from electrical field stress during the voltage waveform adjustment process, circuit simulators, such as Pspi... [more]
A Data-Driven Approach for Lithology Identification Based on Parameter-Optimized Ensemble Learning
Zhixue Sun, Baosheng Jiang, Xiangling Li, Jikang Li, Kang Xiao
March 28, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: Bayesian Optimization, Extreme Gradient Boosting, formation lithology identification
The identification of underground formation lithology can serve as a basis for petroleum exploration and development. This study integrates Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) with Bayesian Optimization (BO) for formation lithology identification and comprehensively evaluated the performance of the proposed classifier based on the metrics of the confusion matrix, precision, recall, F1-score and the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC). The data of this study are derived from Daniudui gas field and the Hangjinqi gas field, which includes 2153 samples with known lithology facies class with each sample having seven measured properties (well log curves), and corresponding depth. The results show that BO significantly improves parameter optimization efficiency. The AUC values of the test sets of the two gas fields are 0.968 and 0.987, respectively, indicating that the proposed method has very high generalization performance. Additionally, we compare the proposed algo... [more]
Identification of Stray Gassing of Inhibited and Uninhibited Mineral Oils in Transformers
Michel Duval, Thomas Heizmann
March 28, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: DGA, dissolved gas analysis, electrical insulating oils, inhibited oils, mineral oils, stray gassing of mineral oils, transformers, uninhibited oils
The aim and contribution of this paper is to identify with Duval Pentagon 2 the stray gassing (SG) patterns of inhibited and uninhibited mineral oils in transformers in service and in the well-established laboratory SG tests of CIGRE and ASTM, so that SG in transformers can be easily distinguished from the other types of faults occurring in them. The SG test of IEC 60296-2020 is inadequate or much less effective for that purpose.
Condition-Monitoring System for Identification and Representation of the Capability Diagram Limits for Multiple Synchronous Generators in a Hydro Power-Plant
Boris Glavan, Zlatko Hanić, Marinko Kovačić, Mario Vražić
March 28, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: data-based techniques, hydro power-plant, model-based techniques, operational limits, P–Q diagram, synchronous generator
This paper presents an experience in the design and implementation of the condition-monitoring system for the synchronous generators whose primary purpose is to record data for the identification of the capability limits of the P−Q diagram of three generators in hydro power-plant. Paper presents details about the monitoring system, the underlying theory of the identification of the synchronous generator model with a focus on the calculation of the capability limits in the P−Q diagram. Furthermore, a computationally efficient method for the representation of capability limits suitable for the implementation within the industrial automation and control system of the power-plant is described in detail. Finally, the capability diagrams for three generators were implemented in the power-plant supervisory control and data acquisition system (SCADA) system.
Multi-Level Model Reduction and Data-Driven Identification of the Lithium-Ion Battery
Yong Li, Jue Yang, Wei Long Liu, Cheng Lin Liao
March 28, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: electrochemical model, lithium-ion battery, Model Reduction, system identification
The lithium-ion battery is a complicated non-linear system with multi electrochemical processes including mass and charge conservations as well as electrochemical kinetics. The calculation process of the electrochemical model depends on an in-depth understanding of the physicochemical characteristics and parameters, which can be costly and time-consuming. We investigated the electrochemical modeling, reduction, and identification methods of the lithium-ion battery from the electrode-level to the system-level. A reduced 9th order linear model was proposed using electrode-level physicochemical modeling and the cell-level mathematical reduction method. The data-driven predictor-based subspace identification algorithm was presented for the estimation of lithium-ion battery model in the system-level. The effectiveness of the proposed modeling and identification methods was validated in an experimental study based on LiFePO4 cells. The accuracy and dynamic characteristics of the identified m... [more]
Least Squares Method for Identification of IGBT Thermal Impedance Networks Using Direct Temperature Measurements
Humphrey Mokom Njawah Achiri, Vaclav Smidl, Zdenek Peroutka, Lubos Streit
March 28, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: Cauer network, foster network, junction temperature, least squares, thermal impedance
State-of-the-art methods for determining thermal impedance networks for IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) modules usually involves the establishment of the relationship between the measured transistor or diode voltage and temperature under homogenous temperature distribution across the IGBT module. The junction temperature is recomputed from the established voltage−temperature relationship and used in determining the thermal impedance network. This method requires accurate measurement of voltage drop across the transistors and diodes under specific designed heating and cooling profiles. Validation of the junction temperature is usually done using infrared camera or sensors placed close to the transistors or diodes (in some cases and open IGBT module) so that the measured temperature is as close to the junction as possible. In this paper, we propose an alternative method for determining the IGBT thermal impedance network using the principles of least squares. This method uses mea... [more]
Vulnerability Assessment for Power Transmission Lines under Typhoon Weather Based on a Cascading Failure State Transition Diagram
Jun Guo, Tao Feng, Zelin Cai, Xianglong Lian, Wenhu Tang
March 28, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: cascading failure, extreme events, power transmission system, vulnerability assessment
The analysis of the fault propagation path of transmission lines and the method of identification of vulnerable lines during typhoon weather conditions is of great significance. In this context, this paper introduces the failure probability model of transmission lines under such conditions by considering both wind speed and the load of the lines. The Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) and the DC model based on OPA are applied to simulate the failure of transmission lines. The cascading failure state transition diagram (CFSTD) is proposed based on the failure chains and the criticality ranking of nodes in CFSTD by the average weight coefficient (AWC) for identifying vulnerable lines of the power grid under such conditions. A new weight in CFSTD is proposed to describe the vulnerability of each line and a new resilience index is used to assess the impacts of a typhoon on the system. The proposed method is demonstrated by using the modified IEEE 118-bus test system. Results show that the method... [more]
Advanced Control for Hydrogen Pyrolysis Installations
Dumitru Popescu, Catalin Dimon, Pierre Borne, Severus Constantin Olteanu, Mihaela Ancuta Mone
March 27, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: hydrogen pyrolysis, identification, numerical control, Optimization, robust control, thermodynamic analysis
Today, hydrogen production plays an important part in the industry due to the increasing use of hydrogen in significant domains, such as chemistry, transportation, or energy. In this paper, we aim to design a numerical control solution based on the thermodynamic analysis of the pyrolysis reactions for hydrogen production and to present novel research developments that highlight industrial applications. Beginning with the evaluation of the technological aspects for the pyrolysis chemical process, the paper studies the thermodynamic evaluation of the system equilibrium for the pyrolysis reactions set, to recommend an appropriate automatic control solution for hydrogen pyrolysis installations. The numerical control architecture is organized on two levels, a control level dedicated to key technological parameters, and a supervisory decision level for optimizing the conversion performances of the pyrolysis process. The data employed for modelling, identification, control, and optimization t... [more]
Prosumer Response Estimation Using SINDyc in Conjunction with Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo Sampling
Frederik Banis, Henrik Madsen, Niels K. Poulsen, Daniela Guericke
March 27, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: Bayesian inference, Markov-chain Monte-Carlo, smart energy system, system identification
Smart grid operation schemes can integrate prosumers by offering economic rewards in exchange for the desired response. In order to activate prosumers appropriately, such operation schemes require models of the dynamic uncertain price-response relationships. In this study, we combine the system identification of nonlinear dynamics with control (SINDyc) algorithm with Bayesian inference techniques based on Markov-chain Monte-Carlo sampling. We demonstrate this combination of two algorithms on an exemplary system in order to obtain parsimonious models alongside parameter uncertainty estimates. The precision of the identified models depends on the identification experiment and the parameterization of the algorithms. Such models may characterize the prosumer response and its uncertainty, thereby facilitating the integration of such entities into smart grid operation schemes.
Model-Based Data Driven Approach for Fault Identification in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell
K. V. S. Bharath, Frede Blaabjerg, Ahteshamul Haque, Mohammed Ali Khan
March 27, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: flooding in PEMFC, membrane drying fault, model-based data driven approach, proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC), water management monitoring
This paper develops a model-based data driven algorithm for fault classification in proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs). The proposed approach overcomes the drawbacks of voltage and current density assumptions in conventional model-based fault identification methods and data limitations in existing data driven approaches. This is achieved by developing a 3D model of fuel cells (FC) based on semi empirical model, analytical representation of electrochemical model, thermal model, and impedance model. The developed model is simulated for membrane drying and flooding faults in PEMFC and their effects are identified for the action of varying temperature, pressure, and relative humidity. The ohmic, concentration, activation and cell voltage losses for the simulated faults are observed and processed with wavelet transforms for feature extraction. Furthermore, the support vector machine learning algorithm is adapted to develop the proposed fault classification approach. The performanc... [more]
A Study on Fundamental Waveform Shapes in Microscopic Electrical Load Signatures
Raneen Younis, Andreas Reinhardt
March 27, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: microscopic load signatures, parametric load models, recurrent waveform patterns, waveform analysis
The number of globally deployed smart meters is rising, and so are the sampling rates at which they can meter electrical consumption data. As a consequence thereof, the technological foundation is established to track the power intake of buildings at sampling rates up to several k Hz . Processing raw signal waveforms at such rates, however, imposes a high resource demand on the metering devices and data processing algorithms alike. In fact, the ensuing resource demand often exceeds the capabilities of the embedded systems present in current-generation smart meters. Consequently, the majority of today’s energy data processing algorithms are confined to the use of RMS values of the data instead, reported once per second or even less frequently. This entirely eliminates the spectral characteristics of the signal waveform (i.e., waveform trajectories of electrical voltage, current, or power) from the data, despite the wealth of information they have been shown to contain about the o... [more]
Pipe Hydraulic Resistances Identification of District Heating Networks Based on Matrix Analysis
Yongxin Liu, Peng Wang, Peng Luo
March 27, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: branch and loop, district heating network, full-column rank, operating conditions, resistance characteristic
District heating networks (DHNs) are essential municipal infrastructure in the north of China. Obtaining accurate resistance characteristics is a critical step to improve the operating regulation level of DHNs. In this paper, pipe hydraulic resistances (PHRs) are introduced to express the resistance characteristics. A hydraulic model of a DHN can be established by using observed data of pressures and discharges. The boundary nodes are taken as observed sites. After establishing a matrix equation and analyzing the rank of its coefficient matrix, the authors propose a method to determine all the PHRs uniquely, by using a small number of observed sites and operating conditions. Furthermore, when observed errors are introduced, the adverse impact can be weakened by increasing the number of operating conditions and the accuracy of observed devices. When the observed error ranges are 1% and 0.5%, the results show that the average relative errors of identified PHRs are 2.4% and 1.1% respectiv... [more]
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