Records with Keyword: Compressed Natural Gas
Multifaceted Comparison Efficiency and Emission Characteristics of Multi-Fuel Power Generator Fueled by Different Fuels and Biofuels
April 20, 2023 (v1)
Subject: Food & Agricultural Processes
Keywords: biodiesel, biogas, Compressed Natural Gas, diesel engine, exhaust emission, food, LPG, waste management
The negative effect of liquid and gaseous fuel combustion is toxic gases (i.e., carbon and nitrogen oxides NOx) and particulate matter (PM) formation. The content of harmful and toxic components of exhaust gases is strongly dependent on the quality and type of burnt fuel. Experimental research is required to verify the use of current technical and technological solutions for the production of electricity on farms, using various types of conventional fuels and biofuels. The aim of the current research was to comprehensively verify the use of commonly available fuels and biofuels without adapting the internal combustion engine. Gaseous fuels—propane-butane mixture (LPG), compressed natural gas (CNG) and biogas (BG)—were added to liquid fuels—methyl esters of higher fatty acids (RME) and diesel fuel (DF)—in six different power configurations to evaluate the effect on the emission of toxic gases: carbon monoxide (CO), nitric oxide (NO), nitric dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter (PM), and... [more]
Assessment of Petrol and Natural Gas Vehicle Carbon Oxides Emissions in the Laboratory and On-Road Tests
April 14, 2023 (v1)
Subject: Energy Systems
Keywords: carbon oxides, Compressed Natural Gas, on-road tests, portable emissions measurement systems (PEMS), vehicles emission
The problem of global warming and the related climate change requires solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, in particular CO2. As a result, newly manufactured cars consume less fuel and emit lower amounts of CO2. In terms of exhaust emissions and fuel consumption, old cars are significantly inferior to the more recent models. In Poland, for instance, the average age of passenger cars is approximately 13 years. Therefore, apart from developing new solutions in the cars produced today, it is important to focus on measures that enable the reduction in CO2 emissions in older vehicles. These methods include the adaptation of used cars to run on gaseous fuels. Natural gas is a hydrocarbon fuel that is particularly preferred in terms of CO2 emissions. The article presents the results of research of carbon oxides emission (CO, CO2) in the exhaust gas of a passenger car fueled by petrol and natural gas. The emissions were measured under the conditions of the New European Driving Cycle (... [more]
Thermodynamic Analysis of CNG Fast Filling Process of Composite Cylinder Type IV
March 10, 2023 (v1)
Subject: Energy Systems
Keywords: Alternative Fuels, CNG tank, composite cylinder fast filling, composite tank (type IV), energy storage, Compressed Natural Gas
Due to ecological and economic advantages, natural gas is used as an alternative fuel in the transportation sector in the form of compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG). Development of infrastructure is necessary to popularize vehicles that use alternative fuels. Selected positive factors from EU countries supporting the development of the CNG market were discussed. The process of natural gas vehicle (NGV) fast filling is related to thermodynamic phenomena occurring in a tank. In this study, the first law of thermodynamics and continuity equations were applied to develop a theoretical model to investigate the effects of natural gas composition on the filling process and the final in-cylinder conditions of NGV on-board composite cylinder (type IV). Peng−Robinson equation of state (P-R EOS) was applied, and a lightweight composite tank (type IV) was considered as an adiabatic system. The authors have devised a model to determine the influence of natural gas composit... [more]
Assessment of the Impact of Applying a Non-Factory Dual-Fuel (Diesel/Natural Gas) Installation on the Traction Properties and Emissions of Selected Exhaust Components of a Road Semi-Trailer Truck Unit
March 6, 2023 (v1)
Subject: Energy Systems
Keywords: Compressed Natural Gas, dual-fuel supply, engine external characteristics, tractive effort curves
Problems such as global warming and rising oil prices are driving the implementation of ideas to reduce liquid fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. One of them is the use of natural gas as an energy source. It is a hydrocarbon fuel with properties that allow the reduction of CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) emissions during combustion. Solutions are being implemented that allow for the use of natural gas to means of transport, namely in trucks of various categories and intended use. These installations are used in new vehicles, but also in the form of conversion for used cars, usually several years old. The article presents the results of tests of an engine from a used semi-trailer truck with a mileage of approx. 800 thousand km, with the compressed natural gas supply system installed. This installation (hardware and software), depending on the engine operating conditions, enables the replacement of up to 80% of diesel (base fuel) with natural gas. The impact of changing the fuel supply... [more]
Experimental Assessment of the Impact of Replacing Diesel Fuel with CNG on the Concentration of Harmful Substances in Exhaust Gases in a Dual Fuel Diesel Engine
February 28, 2023 (v1)
Subject: Energy Systems
Keywords: Compressed Natural Gas, diesel-CNG, dual fuel
The problem of global warming and related climate change, as well as rising oil prices, is driving the implementation of ideas that not only reduce the consumption of liquid fuels, but also reduce greenhouse gas emissions. One of them is the use of natural gas as an energy source. It is a hydrocarbon fuel with properties allowing the reduction of CO2 emissions during its combustion. Therefore, solutions are being implemented that allow natural gas to be supplied to means of transport, which are trucks of various categories and purposes. This article presents the results of tests of an engine from a used semi-truck, to which an innovative compressed natural gas (CNG) supply system was installed. This installation (both hardware and software), depending on the engine operating conditions, enables mass replacement by natural gas (up to 90%) of the basic fuel—diesel oil. During the tests, on the basis of the obtained results, the influence of the diesel fuel/CNG exchange ratio under variou... [more]
Numerical Comparative Study on the In-Cylinder Mixing Performance of Port Fuel Injection and Direct Injection Gas-Fueled Engine
February 28, 2023 (v1)
Subject: Energy Systems
Keywords: Compressed Natural Gas, direct injection, injection angle, injection manner, piston crown, port fuel injection
In recent decades, research on alternative fuel engines is becoming more and more popular. Compressed natural gas (CNG) has the advantages of abundant reserves and a lower cost. It can reduce vehicle emissions relatively quickly and has little impact on the entire transportation infrastructure. As the fourth generation of a gas fuel supply method, gas fuel direct injection (DI) technology can effectively avoid volumetric efficiency reduction and power reduction problems of the port fuel injection (PFI) method. However, the former’s mixing path and duration are shortened greatly, which often leads to poor mixing uniformity. In order to improve the in-cylinder mixing uniformity, the in-cylinder mixing process of the CNG-fueled engine is taken as the research object in this study. The computational fluid dynamics (CFDs) models of the mixing process for the PFI and DI modes are established, and their mixing uniformities are compared. Besides, based on the authors’ previous research, the in... [more]
Experimental Evaluation of the Effect of Replacing Diesel Fuel by CNG on the Emission of Harmful Exhaust Gas Components and Emission Changes in a Dual-Fuel Engine
February 24, 2023 (v1)
Subject: Energy Systems
Keywords: alternative fuel, C2H4, C2H6, C3H8, CH2O, CO, Compressed Natural Gas, diesel-CNG, dual-fuel, exhaust emissions, exhaust gas composition, NH3, NO, NO2, NOX CH4
The constant development of civilization increases environmental pollution as a result of industrial activity and transport. Consequently, human activity in this area is restricted by regulations governing the permissible emission of harmful substance components into the environment. These include substances emitted by combustion engines, the use of which remains high in many industries. Consequently, research is being conducted to reduce the emissions of harmful exhaust components from existing and newly manufactured internal combustion engines. This research presents a used semi-truck engine, in which an innovative Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) supply system was applied. Using this fuel supply installation allows a mass exchange of the base diesel fuel to natural gas of up to 90%. The study evaluated the effect of the diesel/CNG exchange ratio for different engine operating conditions (engine load, speed) on the concentration of toxic components, such as CO, NO, NO2, NOX, as a sum of... [more]
Effects of Ignition Timing on Combustion Characteristics of a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine with Added Compressed Natural Gas under Partial Load Conditions
February 23, 2023 (v1)
Subject: Energy Systems
Keywords: Compressed Natural Gas, cooperative combustion, gasoline/natural gas engines, ignition timing, replacement rate
The gasoline/natural gas dual-fuel combustion mode has been found to have unique advantages in combustion. The ignition timing has a significant impact on the combustion characteristics of gasoline engines. Thus, here we study the combustion characteristics of gasoline/natural gas dual-fuel combustion mode to determine the details of their respective advantages under cooperative combustion. A direct-injection turbocharged gasoline engine was modified, and an engine experimental platform was built for the coordinated control of gasoline direct-injection and natural gas port injection. A low-speed and low-load operating point was selected, and the in-cylinder pressure, heat release rate, pressure rise rate, combustion temperature, ignition delay, and combustion duration under the coordinated combustion of gasoline and natural gas dual fuel at the ignition moment were studied through bench tests among other typical combustion parameters. The results show that with the increase of the igni... [more]