Records with Keyword: Wave Energy
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CFD Investigation of a Hybrid Wells Turbine with Passive Flow Control
Mohammad Nasim Uddin, Michael Atkinson, Frimpong Opoku
May 23, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: blade stall, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Gurney flap, RANS, turbulence, Wave Energy, Wells turbine
In the past decade, there has been renewed interest in wave energy harvesting utilizing oscillating water columns (OWC), one of the most well-studied wave energy harnessing technologies. In the OWC, pneumatic power from ocean waves is converted to mechanical energy by Wells turbines. It should be noted, however, that such turbines tend to perform poorly, have a limited operating range, and have low efficiency. In the present study, we incorporate a rectangular Gurney flap (GF) at the trailing edge (TE) of a Wells turbine consisting of hybrid airfoil (NACA 0015 and NACA 0025) blades with variable chord distribution along the span. This passive flow control mechanism was adopted to achieve increased power production by the Wells turbine. This study aimed to determine the aerodynamic performance of the variable chord turbine with GF compared to a turbine with a constant chord. By using ANSYS™ CFX, the three-dimensional, steady-state, incompressible Reynolds averaged Navier−Stokes (RANS) e... [more]
Wave Energy Generation in Brazil: A Georeferenced Oscillating Water Column Inventory
Adriano Silva Bastos, Tâmara Rita Costa de Souza, Dieimys Santos Ribeiro, Mirian de Lourdes Noronha Motta Melo, Carlos Barreira Martinez
April 28, 2023 (v1)
Subject: Energy Policy
Keywords: energy resources, energy transition, ocean energy, oscillating water column, Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Wave Energy
Seas and oceans offer great potential as a widely available source of clean and renewable energy near high energy consumption centers. This source of energy is a valuable option in the energy transition and in energy matrix decarbonization. Wave energy and an oscillating water column (OWC) device stand out as the types of ocean energy with the most potential. An onshore OWC requires locations with rocky outcrops and steeper slopes as the device needs to be physically installed and has lower energy dissipation due to friction with the seabed. However, Brazil has approximately 7490 km of coastlines, with various shoreline geometries and geomorphologies, some of which are very suitable for OWC implementation. Some authors have estimated that the Brazilian coast has a total potential of 114 GW, distributed between wave and tidal energy, with a great possibility of contributing to global decarbonization efforts. This study aimed to identify and quantify the potential of locations suitable f... [more]
A Piezoelectric Wave Energy Harvester Using Plucking-Driven and Frequency Up-Conversion Mechanism
Shao-En Chen, Ray-Yeng Yang, Zeng-Hui Qiu, Chia-Che Wu
April 27, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: frequency up-conversion, piezoelectric composite beam, Wave Energy, wave energy harvester
In this study, a plucking-driven piezoelectric wave energy harvester (PDPWEH) consisted of a buoy, a gear train frequency up-conversion mechanism, and an array of piezoelectric cantilever beams was developed. The gear train frequency up-conversion mechanism with compact components included a rack, three gears, and a geared cam provide less energy loss to improve electrical output. Six individual piezoelectric composite beams were plucked by geared cam to generate electrical power in the array of piezoelectric cantilever beams. A sol-gel method was used to create the piezoelectric composite beams. To investigate PDPWEH, a mathematical model based on the Euler−Bernoulli beam theory was derived. The developed PDPWEH was tested in a wave flume. The wave heights were set to 100 and 75 mm, the wave periods were set to 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 s. The maximum output voltage of the measured value was 12.4 V. The maximum RMS voltage was 5.01 V, which was measured by connecting to an external 200 kΩ res... [more]
Implementing Radical Innovation in Renewable Energy Experience Curves
Paul Kerr, Donald R. Noble, Jonathan Hodges, Henry Jeffrey
April 19, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: experience curve, forecasting, innovation, learning investment, Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Wave Energy
Cost reductions in nascent forms of Renewable Energy Technology (RET) are essential for them to contribute to the energy mix. Policy intervention can facilitate this cost reduction; however, this may require a significant investment from the public sector. These cost reductions fall into two broad categories: (1) incremental cost reductions through continual improvements to existing technologies, and (2) radical innovation where technologies that significantly differ from the incumbents are developed. This study presents a modelling methodology to integrate radical innovation in RET experience curve and learning investment analysis, using wave energy as an example nascent RET. This aims to quantify the potential effects of radical innovation on the learning investment, allowing the value of successful innovation to be better analysed. The study highlights the value offered by radical innovations in long-term deployment scenarios for wave energy. This suggests that high-risk R&D efforts... [more]
Evaluation of Wave Energy Location by Using an Integrated MCDM Approach
Chia-Nan Wang, Yih-Tzoo Chen, Chun-Chun Tung
April 14, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: FANP, fuzzy multicriteria decision making, fuzzy theory, multicriteria decision making model, optimization analysis, Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Renewable and Sustainable Energy, WASPAS, Wave Energy
In recent years, sudden global energy demand has led to the gradual exhaustion of fossil fuel, the world’s main energy resource. With the negative impact of fossil fuel on the environment, governments and organizations have increased R&D funding on renewable energy resources such as solar and wave energy. Vietnam has a great potential for developing wave energy projects owing to the presence of a long coastline and vast ocean. Choosing an optimal location for wave-based power plant projects is a multicriteria decision that requires understanding the quantitative and qualitative elements for assessing the balance of factors when trying to reach the most accurate result. This study proposes a multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) model, fuzzy-analytic hierarchical process (FAHP), and weighted aggregated sum product assessment (WASPAS) in evaluating potential wave energy stations at the Vietnamese coastline. The authors identify all criteria and sub-criteria affecting the wave power plant... [more]
A Procedure to Calculate First-Order Wave-Structure Interaction Loads in Wave Farms and Other Multi-Body Structures Subjected to Inhomogeneous Waves
José Miguel Rodrigues
April 14, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: arrays, inhomogeneous waves, multi-body interaction, numerical modeling, very large floating structure, Wave Energy, wave energy converter, wave loads, wave scattering, wave structure interaction
A typical assumption when performing analytical, numerical, and experimental studies in wave−structure interaction in multi-body problems such as for wave farms and very large floating structures is the homogeneity of the wave field. Important interactions between the floating elements are dependent on the direction, amplitude, and phase of the waves acting on each. Then, wave homogeneity is probably unrealistic in near-shore areas where these installations are to be deployed. In the present work, an existing interaction method, which allows the use of standard boundary element diffraction codes for solving the first order wave structure linear potential for each unique geometry in the problem, is shown to be able to account for inhomogeneous sea states across the domain of a multi-body problem requiring only minimal modification to its implementation. A procedure to use the method to include arbitrary incoming undisturbed wave conditions at each body is presented. A verification study... [more]
Ocean Energy Systems Wave Energy Modeling Task 10.4: Numerical Modeling of a Fixed Oscillating Water Column
Harry B. Bingham, Yi-Hsiang Yu, Kim Nielsen, Thanh Toan Tran, Kyong-Hwan Kim, Sewan Park, Keyyong Hong, Hafiz Ahsan Said, Thomas Kelly, John V. Ringwood, Robert W. Read, Edward Ransley, Scott Brown, Deborah Greaves
April 14, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: boundary element method, Computational Fluid Dynamics, experimental measurements, numerical modeling, Simulation, Wave Energy
This paper reports on an ongoing international effort to establish guidelines for numerical modeling of wave energy converters, initiated by the International Energy Agency Technology Collaboration Program for Ocean Energy Systems. Initial results for point absorbers were presented in previous work, and here we present results for a breakwater-mounted Oscillating Water Column (OWC) device. The experimental model is at scale 1:4 relative to a full-scale installation in a water depth of 12.8 m. The power-extracting air turbine is modeled by an orifice plate of 1−2% of the internal chamber surface area. Measurements of chamber surface elevation, air flow through the orifice, and pressure difference across the orifice are compared with numerical calculations using both weakly-nonlinear potential flow theory and computational fluid dynamics. Both compressible- and incompressible-flow models are considered, and the effects of air compressibility are found to have a significant influence on t... [more]
Design Selection and Geometry in OWC Wave Energy Converters for Performance
Iván López, Rodrigo Carballo, David Mateo Fouz, Gregorio Iglesias
April 14, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: oscillating water column, OWC, Wave Energy, wave energy converter, WEC
Although oscillating water column (OWC) wave energy converters are arguably one of the most studied technologies, it is not clear which chamber geometry, among all of the available alternatives, would provide the best performance at a site of interest. In this work, a numerical model based on the Navier-Stokes equations for two compressible fluids, using a volume-of-fluid interface-capturing approach, is implemented to determine the best performing OWC geometry in a case study off the Port of Vigo (NW Spain). Four general shapes of OWC are analyzed: classic, stepped-bottom, U-shaped and L-shaped, and geometrical variants are investigated. In total, 18 chamber geometries are studied, considering the same turbine geometry in all of them. It was found that the U-shaped and L-shaped designs are the most easily tuned to resonate at a period of interest. Of these two, the L-shaped performs better. The best performance is achieved for an L-shaped OWC design with a shallow entrance, a high hor... [more]
Dimensioning Methodology of an Energy Storage System Based on Supercapacitors for Grid Code Compliance of a Wave Power Plant
Gustavo Navarro, Marcos Blanco, Jorge Torres, Jorge Nájera, Álvaro Santiago, Miguel Santos-Herran, Dionisio Ramírez, Marcos Lafoz
April 13, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: dimensioning, efficiency, Energy Storage, grid code, renewable energies, supercapacitor, Wave Energy
The aim of this paper is to present a methodology for dimensioning an energy storage system (ESS) to the generation data measured in an operating wave energy generation plant connected to the electric grid in the north of Spain. The selection criterion for the ESS is the compliance of the power injected into the grid with a specific active-power ramp-rate limit. Due to its electrical characteristics, supercapacitor (SC) technology is especially suitable for this application. The ESS dimensioning methodology is based on a mathematical model, which takes into account the power generation system, the chosen ramp-rate limit, the ESS efficiency maps and electrical characteristics. It allows one to evaluate the number of storage cabinets required to satisfy the needs described, considering a compromise between the number of units, which means cost, and the reliability of the storage system to ensure the grid codes compliance. Power and energy parameters for the ESS are obtained from the calc... [more]
CFD Analysis of the Performance of a Double Decker Turbine for Wave Energy Conversion
Manuel García-Díaz, Bruno Pereiras, Celia Miguel-González, Laudino Rodríguez, Jesús Fernández-Oro
April 13, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: axial turbine, double decker turbine, oscillating water column, twin turbines configuration, Wave Energy
The Double Decker Turbine (DDT) is a recent design introduced for oscillating water column (OWC) devices. Its major contribution is the combination of two typical solutions in just one prototype: a self-rectifying performance, to deal with the bidirectional flow, and the twin-turbine concept, allowing the use of unidirectional turbines. This is achieved by a set of two concentric turbines, called external and internal turbines (ExT—InT). In this work, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) numerical model is developed to study in detail the performance of a DDT, where geometrical components for both turbines have been taken from previous works of the authors. The ANSYS-Fluent code was first executed by means of a URANS simulation with a realizable k-ε turbulence model to obtain the performance curve of the turbine under steady conditions. Results obtained reveal its potential with respect to other solutions in the current state-of-the-art of OWC solutions for Wave Energy Conversion. Follow... [more]
Evaluation of the Worldwide Wave Energy Distribution Based on ERA5 Data and Altimeter Measurements
Liliana Rusu, Eugen Rusu
April 13, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: CCI-SS data, ERA5 data, multi-mission altimeter products, Wave Energy
There is an increasing necessity in reducing CO2 emissions and implementing clean energy technologies, and over the years the marine environment has shown a huge potential in terms of renewable energy. From this perspective, extracting marine renewable energy represents one of the most important technological challenges of the 21st century. In this context, the objective of the present work is to provide a new and comprehensive understanding concerning the global wave energy resources based on the most recent results coming from two different databases, ERA5 and the European Space Agency Climate Change Initiative for Sea State. In this study, an analysis was first made based only on the ERA5 data and concerns the 30-year period of 1989−2018. The mean wave power, defined as the energy flux per unit of wave-crest length, was evaluated at this step. Besides the spatial distribution of this parameter, its seasonal, inter, and mean annual variability was also assessed on a global scale. As... [more]
Mooring Angle Study of a Horizontal Rotor Wave Energy Converter
Zhongliang Meng, Yanjun Liu, Jian Qin, Shumin Sun
April 12, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: horizontal rotor, hydrodynamic response, mooring angle, regular wave, Wave Energy
The horizontal rotor wave energy converter is a newly designed wave energy converter. While the mooring system plays a vital role in keeping the device floating stably, the selection of the mooring angle has immediate effects on the device’s floating stability and energy generation efficiency. Given the properties of wave energy along the coast in Shandong Province, this study combines wave statistics gathered from field measurements of a certain area in the Bohai Sea with hydrological data obtained in a field test in the same sea area and adopts Stokes’ fifth-order wave theory to theoretically design and simulate the mooring system for the new type of power generating device. With the help of AQWA software, data on the dynamics of the device at various angles are obtained to construct models and carry out regular wave experiments according to the most appropriate mooring angles to show the validity of the selected mooring angles. The consistency of the results between the experiment a... [more]
Mathematical Modeling and Experimental Verification of a New Wave Energy Converter
Zhongliang Meng, Yanjun Liu, Jian Qin, Yun Chen
April 12, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: horizontal axis rotor, model experiment, water movement, Wave Energy
As traditional energy sources are increasingly depleting, ocean energy has become an emergent potential clean energy source. Wave energy, as an important part of ocean-derived energy, has been studied and utilized by coastal countries worldwide, which have developed various wave energy converters. In this paper, a new wave energy converter is designed, and water movement in fluid channels is analyzed. The results are, then, used to generate a mathematical model that simulates water movement. Based on this approach, the water movement state is analyzed, and a formula for calculating the natural frequency of water movement in the power generator is derived. The formula shows that the characteristic length of the water movement in the proposed generator and the backboard tilt angle at the exit point of the fluid channel are two design-related variables that can be used to alter the natural frequency; a regular wave experiment is conducted based on the fluid model, which is designed based... [more]
Dynamics of Heaving Buoy Wave Energy Converters with a Stiffness Reactive Controller
Ahmed H. Sakr, Sayed M. Metwalli, Yasser H. Anis
April 12, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: irregular waves, point absorber, power-take-off damping, reactive control, Wave Energy
Heaving buoy wave energy converters (WEC) are floating oscillators, commonly modeled as single-degree-of-freedom vibrating systems. As the wave frequencies change according to the sea state, these devices must be controlled to maximize energy absorption. A new short-term reactive loading control technique is proposed that maximizes power absorption. The control is realized through tuning the effective stiffness of the vibrating system; thus, adjusting its natural frequency to meet the incident waves energy frequency achieving near-to-resonance operation and maximum power absorption. This stiffness is adjusted using an external stiffness, whose value is varied by a continuously variable transmission (CVT) mechanism connected to the buoy. The system equations were derived then solved analytically to calculate the controller bandwidth. Experiments demonstrated promising results for near-resonance tuning at different input frequencies. Results show that an optimized damping value exists at... [more]
Investigation of Turbulence Modeling for Point-Absorber-Type Wave Energy Converters
Christian Windt, Josh Davidson, John V. Ringwood
April 12, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: Computational Fluid Dynamics, RANS, turbulence modeling, Wave Energy
Reviewing the literature of CFD-based numerical wave tanks for wave energy applications, it can be observed that different flow conditions and different turbulence models are applied during numerical wave energy converter (WEC) experiments. No single turbulence model can be identified as an `industry standard’ for WEC modeling. The complexity of the flow field around a WEC, together with the strong dependency of turbulence effects on the shape, operational conditions, and external forces, hampers the formulation of such an `industry standard’. Furthermore, the conceptually different flow characteristics (i.e., oscillating, free surface flows), compared to the design cases of most turbulence models (i.e., continuous single-phase flow), can be identified as a source for the potential lack of accuracy of turbulence models for WEC applications. This communication performs a first step towards analyzing the accuracy and necessity of modeling turbulence effects, by means of turbulence models... [more]
Wave Energy Extraction by Flexible Floaters
Simone Michele, Federica Buriani, Emiliano Renzi, Marijn van Rooij, Bayu Jayawardhana, Antonis I. Vakis
April 11, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: floating elastic plate, fluid–structure interaction, Wave Energy
We present a novel mathematical model to investigate the extraction of wave power by flexible floaters. The model is based on the method of dry modes, coupled with a matched eigenfunction expansion. Our model results compare satisfactorily with preliminary data obtained from a demonstrator device, developed at the University of Groningen. We show that the role of elasticity is to increase the number of resonant frequencies with respect to a rigid body, which has a positive effect on wave power output. The mathematical model is then extended to irregular incident waves, described by a JONSWAP spectrum. Our results show that the peak capture factors decrease in irregular waves, as compared to the monochromatic case. However, the system becomes more efficient at non-resonant frequencies. This work highlights the need to scale-up experimental investigations on flexible wave energy converters, which are still a small minority, compared to those on rigid converters.
Hydrodynamic Performance of a Hybrid System Combining a Fixed Breakwater and a Wave Energy Converter: An Experimental Study
Wei Peng, Yingnan Zhang, Xueer Yang, Jisheng Zhang, Rui He, Yanjun Liu, Renwen Chen
April 4, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: breakwater, hybrid wave energy device, hydrodynamic performance, Wave Energy, wave tank experiments
In this paper, a hybrid system integrating a fixed breakwater and an oscillating buoy type wave energy converter (WEC) is introduced. The energy converter is designed to extract the wave power by making use of the wave-induced heave motions of the three floating pontoons in front of the fixed breakwater. A preliminary experimental study is carried out to discuss the hydrodynamic performance of the hybrid system under the action of regular waves. A scale model was built in the laboratory at Hohai University, and the dissipative force from racks and gearboxes and the Ampere force from dynamos were employed as the power take-off (PTO) damping source. During the experiments, variations in numbers of key parameters, including the wave elevation, free response or damped motion of the floating pontoons, and the voltage output of the dynamos were simultaneously measured. Results indicate that the wave overtopping and breaking occurring on the upper surfaces of floating pontoons have a signific... [more]
Far-Field Maximal Power Absorption of a Bulging Cylindrical Wave Energy Converter
Matthieu Ancellin, Marlène Dong, Philippe Jean, Frédéric Dias
April 4, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: fluid-structure interaction, marine renewable energy, Wave Energy
The maximal power that is absorbed by a wave energy converter can be estimated from the far-field behavior of the waves that are radiated by the device. For realistic estimates, constraints must be used to enforce restrictions on the set of admissible motions when deriving the maximal absorption width. This work is dedicated to the numerical computation of the maximal absorption width under constraints for devices with several non-trivial degrees of freedom. In particular, the method is applied to a model of SBM Offshore’s S3 wave energy converter, a bulging horizontal cylinder. The results are compared with a more classical approach, which consists of computing the linear dynamic response of the wave energy converter interacting with the waves. The far-field maximal absorption width can be seen as an upper bound to evaluate what would be the power captured by a perfect control strategy. The method also shows that the absorption width of the S3 wave energy converter is larger for wavel... [more]
Modelling of a Three-Body Hinge-Barge Wave Energy Device Using System Identification Techniques
Fernando Jaramillo-Lopez, Brian Flannery, Jimmy Murphy, John V. Ringwood
April 3, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: Renewable and Sustainable Energy, system identification, Wave Energy, wave energy converters
In order to increase the prevalence of wave energy converters (WECs), they must provide energy at competitive prices, especially when compared with other renewable energy sources. Thus, it is imperative to develop control system technologies that are able to maximize energy extraction from waves, such that the delivered energy cost is reduced. An important part of a model-based controller is the model that it uses. System identification techniques (SITs) provide methodologies to get accurate dynamic models from input-output data. However, even though these techniques are well developed in other application areas, they are seldom used in the context of WECs. This paper proposes several strategies based on SIT to get a linear time-invariant model for a three-body hinge-barge wave energy device using experimental data. The main advantage of the model obtained with this methodology, against other methods such as linear potential theory, is that this model remains valid even for relatively... [more]
Blue Growth Development in the Mediterranean Sea: Quantifying the Benefits of an Integrated Wave Energy Converter at Genoa Harbour
George Lavidas, Francesco De Leo, Giovanni Besio
March 31, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: genoa harbour, levelised cost of energy, payback period, Wave Energy
Coastal resilience is often achieved by traditional civil engineering projects, such as dikes and breakwaters. However, given the pressing nature of Climate Change, integrating energy converters in “classical” structures can enhance innovation, and help in pursuing decarbonisation targets. In this work, we present an alternative for integrating a wave energy converter at a vertical wall breakwater, following past successful projects. Our approach is based on a high spatio-temporal wave dataset to properly quantify expected energy production, but also focus on the hours for which other time-dependent renewables cannot produce, i.e., solar. Our analysis evaluates the power performance and assesses the economic parameters and viability of the proposed installation. Our integrated solution shares the main capital with the breakwater and can produce from 390 MWh−2300 MWh/year, displacing more than 1760 Tn of CO2 annually. In addition to power generated, we estimated the payback period for m... [more]
A Proposed Guidance for the Economic Assessment of Wave Energy Converters at Early Development Stages
Amélie Têtu, Julia Fernandez Chozas
March 29, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: capital expenditure, commercialisation, cost breakdown, LCoE, lift-based wave energy converter, operating expenditure, Wave Energy, wave energy converter
Wave energy is one of the most promising renewable energies available with its very large resource. The waves generated by the wind field are steadier than the wind field itself, rendering wave energy more consistent than wind energy. It is also more predictable than wind and solar. Wave energy is making continuous progress towards commercialisation, and thanks to an increasing number of deployments at sea, the sector is increasing the understanding of the costs and economies of these projects. No wave energy converter has been demonstrated to be commercially viable, and it is yet to be proven that wave energy can contribute to the renewable energy mix. In this context, and in order to find an economically viable solution for exploiting wave energy, it is important to assess the economic potential of a particular concept throughout the entire technological development process. At early development stages, this assessment can be challenging and present large uncertainties. Notwithstandi... [more]
Optimization of Low Head Axial-Flow Turbines for an Overtopping BReakwater for Energy Conversion: A Case Study
Antonio Mariani, Gaetano Crispino, Pasquale Contestabile, Furio Cascetta, Corrado Gisonni, Diego Vicinanza, Andrea Unich
March 28, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: low head axial-flow turbine, overtopping, Wave Energy
Overtopping-type wave power conversion devices represent one of the most promising technology to combine reliability and competitively priced electricity supplies from waves. While satisfactory hydraulic and structural performance have been achieved, the selection of the hydraulic turbines and their regulation is a complex process due to the very low head and a variable flow rate in the overtopping breakwater set-ups. Based on the experience acquired on the first Overtopping BReakwater for Energy Conversion (OBREC) prototype, operating since 2016, an activity has been carried out to select the most appropriate turbine dimension and control strategy for such applications. An example of this multivariable approach is provided and illustrated through a case study in the San Antonio Port, along the central coast of Chile. In this site the deployment of a breakwater equipped with OBREC modules is specifically investigated. Axial-flow turbines of different runner diameter are compared, propo... [more]
A BEM for the Hydrodynamic Analysis of Oscillating Water Column Systems in Variable Bathymetry
Kostas Belibassakis, Alexandros Magkouris, Eugen Rusu
March 27, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: BEM, OWC performance, variable bathymetry, Wave Energy
In this work, a novel Boundary Element Method (BEM) is developed and applied to the investigation of the performance of Oscillating Water Column (OWC) systems, taking into account the interaction of the incident wave field with the bottom topography. The modelling includes the effect of additional upwave walls and barriers used to modify the resonance characteristics of the device and improve its performance as the U-OWC configuration. Numerical results illustrating the effects of depth variation in conjunction with other parameters—such as chamber dimensions as well as the parameters associated with the turbine and power take-off system—on the device performance are presented and discussed. Finally, a case study is presented regarding the potential installation of an OWC in a selected port site in the Black Sea, characterized by a good wave energy potential, on the coast of Romania.
Dimensioning Methodology of Energy Storage Systems for Power Smoothing in a Wave Energy Conversion Plant Considering Efficiency Maps and Filtering Control Techniques
Jorge Torres, Marcos Blanco, Marcos Lafoz, Gustavo Navarro, Jorge Nájera, Miguel Santos-Herran
March 27, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: dimensioning, efficiency, Energy Storage, flywheel, renewable energies, Wave Energy
This paper aims at presenting and describing a dimensioning methodology for energy storage systems (ESS), in particular for one based on flywheels, applied for the specific application of reducing power oscillation in a wave energy conversion (WEC) plant. The dimensioning methodology takes into account the efficiency maps of the storage technology as well as the effect of the filtering control techniques. The methodology is applied to the case study of a WEC plant in operation in Spain, using real power generation profiles delivered into the electric grid. The paper firstly describes the calculation procedure of the efficiency maps for the particular technology of flywheels, although it could be extended to other storage technologies. Then, the influence of using future data values in the dimensioning process and the control of the ESS operation is analysed in depth. A moving average filter (MAF) is defined to compensate for power oscillations, studying the difference between consideri... [more]
Impact of Climate Change on Wave Energy Resource in the Mediterranean Coast of Morocco
Joan Pau Sierra, Ricard Castrillo, Marc Mestres, César Mösso, Piero Lionello, Luigi Marzo
March 27, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: climate change, Mediterranean coast, numerical modeling, Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Wave Energy
The increasing demand for energy and the impacts generated by CO2 emissions make it necessary to harness all possible renewable sources of energy, like wave power. Nevertheless, climate change may generate significant variations in the amount of wave energy available in a certain area. The aim of this paper is to study potential changes in the wave energy resource in the Mediterranean coast of Morocco due to climate change. To do this, wave datasets obtained by four institutes during the Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment in the Mediterranean Region (Med-CORDEX) project are used. The future conditions correspond to the RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios from the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The results show that projected future wave power is very similar to that of the present considering the whole area, although at some specific points there are slight changes that are more evident for the RCP8.5 scenario. Another remarkable resu... [more]
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