Records with Keyword: Exergy Efficiency
Showing records 26 to 28 of 28. [First] Page: 1 2 Last
A Review Regarding Combined Heat and Power Production and Extensions: Thermodynamic Modelling and Environmental Impact
Monica Costea, Michel Feidt
February 24, 2023 (v1)
Subject: Environment
Keywords: combines heat and power, constraints, environmental impacts, Exergy Efficiency, thermodynamic modelling, trigeneration, upper bounds
This paper reports on a review on combined heat and power (CHP). A historical examination points out that combined heat and power was primarily used for hot heat valorizing (CHHP). The technological aspects evolved with this configuration first in industrial size. More recently, configuration with cold heat and power production (CCHP) appeared. Then, the immediate extension of this configuration led to trigeneration configuration, providing three useful effects: power and hot and cold heat. We suggest in the paper that progress regarding this last approach remains to be achieved towards the extension of trigeneration to polygeneration, whatever the form of energy and substance (water uses, for example). More generally, we consider that the goal, regarding the energy uses, is the integration of all needs in the design stage of the whole system (design optimization). Then, the evolution of the system in time should be considered, this being the purpose of control command of the optimized... [more]
Energy, Exergy Efficiency and Thermal-Electrical Production Assessment for an Active Water Heating System Using Four PV/T Module Models
Viet Van Hoang, Hiep Chi Le, Bao The Nguyen
February 24, 2023 (v1)
Keywords: active water heating system, Energy Efficiency, Exergy Efficiency, heat-electricity output, numerical simulation, photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) module
In order to objectively reflect the energy utilization performance of an active water heating system (AWHS) using photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) modules, this study proposes a new evaluation method based on energy efficiency, exergy efficiency and thermal-electrical output of a system in year-round weather conditions. Four samples of PV/T modules were surveyed to compare and evaluate the effectiveness of the system, called MD1, MD2, MD3 and MD4, respectively. The simulation program was developed to suit four types of PV/T modules and MATLAB was used as the programming language. The water flow through the four PV/T module samples and the hot water tank volume were investigated for the highest exergy efficiency of the system. The final results illustrate that in the weather conditions of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, the system has the highest energy efficiency, exergy efficiency and thermal output when using MD1 with 57.85%, 15.67% and 2.93 kWh/m2/day, respectively, while the system has highe... [more]
Energy Rebound as a Potential Threat to a Low-Carbon Future: Findings from a New Exergy-Based National-Level Rebound Approach
Paul E. Brockway, Harry Saunders, Matthew K. Heun, Timothy J. Foxon, Julia K. Steinberger, John R. Barrett, Steve Sorrell
July 26, 2019 (v1)
Keywords: aggregate production function (APF), constant elasticity of substitution (CES) function, Energy Efficiency, energy policy, energy rebound, Exergy, Exergy Efficiency, macroeconomic rebound
150 years ago, Stanley Jevons introduced the concept of energy rebound: that anticipated energy efficiency savings may be “taken back” by behavioural responses. This is an important issue today because, if energy rebound is significant, this would hamper the effectiveness of energy efficiency policies aimed at reducing energy use and associated carbon emissions. However, empirical studies which estimate national energy rebound are rare and, perhaps as a result, rebound is largely ignored in energy-economy models and associated policy. A significant difficulty lies in the components of energy rebound assessed in empirical studies: most examine direct and indirect rebound in the static economy, excluding potentially significant rebound of the longer term structural response of the national economy. In response, we develop a novel exergy-based approach to estimate national energy rebound for the UK and US (1980⁻2010) and China (1981⁻2010). Exergy—as “available energy”—allows a consistent,... [more]
Showing records 26 to 28 of 28. [First] Page: 1 2 Last
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