Two Postdocs @ Mälardalen University, Sweden

Two positions are now open as Post-Doctoral Researcher at Mälardalen University in Västerås, Sweden.

In the first position, the research focus concerns Power-to-Gas applications including H2 generation through electrolysis, integrated biomass gasification systems, and intermittent renewable energy generation. The work will rely on experimental research as well as advanced system modelling, design optimization and intelligent control.

In the second position, the research focus concerns District Heating Networks, including AI-assisted intelligent control of such systems using a multilayer approach. The work will include testing of adaptive model predictive control concepts in a Hardware-in-the-Loop configuration, as well as on-site full-scale demonstrations.

The Post-Doctoral Researchers will hold a time-limited employment with the university for 2 years, with possibility for extension and/progression to tenure-track positions. Good knowledge of English, oral and written, is a requirement.

More details on the positions and how to submit a formal application can be found in the links below:  

[Job Posting 1]

[Job Posting 2]

As always, be sure to note that you saw the posting on in your cover letter!

Thomas A. Adams II

Professor of Energy and Process Engineering at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).