Tenure Track Position in Power-to-Fuel at ULiège
The University of Liège in Belgium has announced a tenure-track position in Power-to-Fuel in the department of Chemical Engineering. The position requires a PhD in a related field, a record of international research and publications, and the candidate must be able to teach in English.
Readers are advised that this is an early notice. However, you can find an early English draft of the call, subject to change, here: [position announcement draft]. Interested candidates should check the [department website] for updates, including a link to the formal call and application, once it is available.
Inquiries can be sent to Professor Benoît Heinrichs at B.Heinrichs@uliege.be.
The deadline for applications is February 15, 2024.
And as always, be sure to write in your cover letter that you saw the posting on PSEcommunity.org!
Image: Wikimedia, CC-BY-SA-4.0 license