Postdoctoral Fellow in Novel Computational Methods at Amgen

A postdoctoral fellowship at Amgen has been announced in The Digital Integration and Predictive Modeling Team at Amgen. Aditya Tulsyan writes that “the role involves developing novel computational methods to predict the long-term stability of clinically relevant biologics attributes for various innovative modalities.”. According to the posting, the candidate would:

  • “Develop novel computational methods to predict long-term stability of clinically relevant biologics attributes for various innovative modalities
  • Collaborate with other postdoctoral fellows, scientists, engineers within Amgen with access to state-of-the art technologies and resources
  • Develop publishable content for scientific journals with potential to influencing the pharmaceutical industry and supporting innovative regulatory filing strategies”

For more information see the full posting. As always, be sure to mention that you saw the posting on in your cover letter!

Thomas A. Adams II

Professor of Energy and Process Engineering at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).