Postdoc @ Oak Ridge National Lab

The Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is seeking a Postdoctoral Research Associate that would support the Sensors and Controls Group in the Energy Science and Technology Directorate (ESTD). The postdoc should have expertise in advanced manufacturing, water treatment process control, and energy systems.

The qualifications include demonstrated experience in model identification methods, applications, and development; creatively solving problems in systems monitoring and control; and using analytic tools for sensor management. The postdoc would be “expected to perform research that expands the state-of-the-art for data- and model-based techniques for process supervision in a diverse range of manufacturing, energy production and distribution, and water treatment application areas”. There are also publication expectations.

For more information, see the full posting. Be sure to mention that you heard about the position on in your cover letter!

Thomas A. Adams II

Professor of Energy and Process Engineering at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).