Can subsea shuttles be a cost-competitive solution for CO2 transport?
Simon Roussanaly*, Sigmund Holm, Avinash Subramanian
February 1, 2024
Considering the role that offshore CO2 storage is expected to play in deploying carbon capture and storage, enabling cost-efficient and flexible solutions for transporting CO2 to relevant storage locations. While several pipeline and ship-based approaches have been proposed to do so, subsea shuttles are a new concept that has also been proposed in the past couple of years. The present study seeks to understand if this new approach could be cost-efficient compared to current and upcoming ship-based transport concepts.
The result shows that the shuttle concept could be cost-competitive to currently mature 15 barg-based shipping, especially if the subsea shuttle connects to a CO2 pipeline infrastructure rather than to the reservoir directly, although cost-competitiveness is achieved only for a limited range of volumes and distances. However, it is unlikely that this concept would be cost-attractive compared to the upcoming 7 barg-based shipping, and sensitivity analyses highlight that the subsea shuttle investment cost would need to fall to unlikely low levels to reverse this trend. Thus, this study concludes that the subsea shuttle concept is unlikely to become a significant solution for transporting CO2 to offshore storage.
Carbon Capture and Storage, CO2 transport, Offshore storage, subsea shuttle, Technoeconomic Analysis
Suggested Citation
Roussanaly S, Holm S, Subramanian A. Can subsea shuttles be a cost-competitive solution for CO2 transport?. (2024). LAPSE:2024.0146
Author Affiliations
Roussanaly S*: SINTEF Energy Research [ORCID]
Holm S: SINTEF Energy Research
Subramanian A: SINTEF Energy Research
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