Published Article
Design of Photovoltaic Power Generation Servo System Based on Discrete Adaptive Network Dynamic Surface Control Technology
Xiaowei Xu, Ding Nie, Wenhua Xu, Ke Wang, Shan Chen, Yongjie Nie, Xiao Fu, Wan Xu
July 4, 2023
In recent years, under the development of the dual carbon goal, the energy crisis has become increasingly serious, and China has also experienced serious power rationing. However, the research on dynamic surface control technology in solar tracking systems in nonlinear control systems is mostly based on continuous-time systems, while adaptive dynamic surface control based on discrete-time nonlinear control systems can describe an actual control system more accurately in the production process. It can effectively suppress interference with extremely high stability and safety. To solve the problem of low efficiency in photovoltaic power generation, this research first built a photovoltaic power generation servo system model based on the parameter of uncertainty. Then, a discrete adaptive neural network dynamic surface (DANNDS) controller was designed to solve the problems in the design of the traditional backstepping method. Finally, based on the designed method of a dynamic surface controller, a discrete adaptive neural network quantization controller (DANNQC) for the photovoltaic power generation servo system was designed by introducing external disturbance. The control parameters and their studied ranges were as follows: The reference signals were or1=sin(0.1t) and or2=cos(0.1t). The parameters of the virtual control law and the final control law were m11=0.01, m22=0.01, m12=0.02, m13=0.02, and m23=0.02. The time constant of the low-pass filter was ζ12=ζ13=ζ22=ζ23=0.005. The parameters of the parameter regulation law were ρ12=ρ13=ρ22=ρ23=0.0005 and a12=a13=20, a22=a23=22. The research results show that the MTE, RMSTE, and 2NTE scores of the height angle servo motor of the DANNDS control method were 0.0026, 7.0279 × 10−4, and 0.3552, respectively. The scores for each index of the azimuth servo motor were 0.0028, 8.9237 × 10−4, and 0.4511, respectively. The height angle tracking error for the DANNQC control method was [−0.02,0.022]. The azimuth tracking error was [−0.03,0.03]. In summary, the photovoltaic power generation servo system based on the DANNQC has a better control performance. By controlling the height angle and azimuth angles, it can better track the position of the sun and adjust the position of the photovoltaic panel in real time. The sun’s rays illuminate the photovoltaic panel at an appropriate angle to achieve maximum power generation efficiency, which is of great practical significance for the development of solar technology.
controller, discrete-time system, dynamic surface, photovoltaic power generation, quantizer, servo system
Suggested Citation
Xu X, Nie D, Xu W, Wang K, Chen S, Nie Y, Fu X, Xu W. Design of Photovoltaic Power Generation Servo System Based on Discrete Adaptive Network Dynamic Surface Control Technology. (2023). LAPSE:2023.36209
Author Affiliations
Xu X: Yunnan Electric Power Grid Research Institute, Kunming 650217, China
Nie D: Yunnan Electric Power Grid Research Institute, Kunming 650217, China
Xu W: Yunnan Electric Power Grid Research Institute, Kunming 650217, China
Wang K: Yunnan Electric Power Grid Research Institute, Kunming 650217, China
Chen S: Yunnan Electric Power Grid Research Institute, Kunming 650217, China
Nie Y: Yunnan Electric Power Grid Research Institute, Kunming 650217, China
Fu X: Yunnan Electric Power Grid Research Institute, Kunming 650217, China
Xu W: Yunnan Electric Power Grid Research Institute, Kunming 650217, China
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