Software or Source Code
Approximating Nonlinear Relationships for Optimal Operation of Natural Gas Transport Networks
October 13, 2018
Source code for the case study presented in the paper "Approximating Nonlinear Relationships for Optimal Operation of Natural Gas Transport Networks". The case study involves solving the compressor fuel cost minimization problem (FCMP) on three simple natural gas networks. For each gas network three different formulations of the FCMP are tested: a common simplified FCMP model (FCMP_S), the novel approximation FCMP model (FCMP_N) that is developed in the paper, and a partially rigorous FCMP model (FCMP_PR) that models components of the model using their most rigorous calculations where feasible. The FCMP for each of these tests was optimized using GAMS, for which the code is provided. The accuracy of each of the three models was then assessed by comparing them to a rigorous simulation. The rigorous simulation was coded in Matlab and is provided, where separate files are used to calculate the rigorous gas pressure drop along a pipeline, and the energy input required for gas compression.
Compressors, Fuel Cost Minimization Problem, GAMS, Matlab, Natural Gas, Optimization
Suggested Citation
Kazda K, Li X. Approximating Nonlinear Relationships for Optimal Operation of Natural Gas Transport Networks. (2018). LAPSE:2018.0722v1
Author Affiliations
Kazda K: Queen's University [ORCID]
Li X: Queen's University [ORCID]
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Oct 13, 2018
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