Technoeconomic Analysis of a Waste Tire to Liquefied Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG) energy system
Avinash Shankar Rammohan Subramanian, Thomas A. Adams II, Truls Gundersen
June 1, 2020. Originally submitted on December 5, 2019
Thermochemical conversion of solid wastes through gasification offers the dual benefit of production of high-value fuels and
environmentally friendly waste disposal. Waste tires in particular may be a suitable feedstock for gasification as a result of their
high energy content (LHV of approximately 34 MJ/kg, higher than coal), high volatile matter content, and low ash content. Rotary
kilns for steam gasification are a promising and technologically mature option to handle such difficult solid wastes that have a
wider range of compositions, particle sizes, and moisture contents. In this paper, we propose a novel process for production of
liquefied synthetic natural gas (SNG) from waste tires. We use experimental data available in the open literature to represent the
complex steam gasification unit operation and study three design cases: Without CCS, with precombustion CCS and with preand postcombustion CCS in two locations: USA and Norway. The thermodynamic, economic and environmental performance of the concept is studied. The results showed that minimum selling prices of 16.7, 17.5 and 19.9 $/GJLHV,S NG were required for USA and 20.9, 21.8 and 24.9 $/GJLHV,S NG for Norway. Although, these minimum selling prices are expensive, we note that they may become competitive with conventional natural gas extraction under certain regulatory conditions. For instance, there is public policy movement in British Columbia (Canada) that requires public utilities to purchase natural gas made from renewables at prices up to 30 $/GJLHV,S NG. In addition, the minimum selling prices for the three cases was found to lie within the range of oil prices of 3 - 24 $/GJ in the recent decade. We also found that the minimum selling price reduces substantially with process scale upto 1000 MW. Furthermore, levying tipping fees higher than 140$/tonne of waste tire may allow for plant profitability in the USA. The design situated in Norway for which both pre- and postcombustion CO2 capture is implemented was found to be environmentally favorable to conventional natural gas extraction as it had near zero direct and indirect CO2 emissions. Although this resulted in a high cost of CO2 avoided of 1313 $/tonneCO2,eq, similar CCA values are attained for the production of biological biobutanol, thermochemical biobutanol, biodiesel, and corn ethanol. The addition of a CO2 taxes makes the plant less profitable. However, implementing pre-combustion CCS becomes the cheaper option at tax rates higher than 36 $/tonneCO2. Similarly, implementing both pre- and postcombustion CCS becomes cheaper at tax rates higher than 54 $/tonneCO2 in both locations.
Carbon Dioxide Capture, Rubber, Synthetic Natural Gas, Waste tire, Waste To Energy
Suggested Citation
Rammohan Subramanian AS, Adams TA II, Gundersen T. Technoeconomic Analysis of a Waste Tire to Liquefied Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG) energy system. (2020). LAPSE:2019.1261v2
Author Affiliations
Rammohan Subramanian AS: Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Adams TA II: McMaster University
Gundersen T: Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
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Dec 5, 2019
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Technoeconomic Analysis of a Waste Tire to Liquified Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG) energy system