Techno-economic analysis of coke oven gas and blast furnace gas to methanol process with carbon dioxide capture and utilization
January 9, 2020
This paper documents a process for converting coke oven gas (COG) and blast furnace gas (BFG) from steel refineries into methanol. Specifically, we propose the use of blast furnace gas (BFG) as an additional carbon source. The high CO2 and CO content of BFG make it a good carbon resource. In the proposed process, CO2 is recovered from the BFG and blended with H2O, H2, and CH4-rich COG to reform methane. Optimized amounts of H2O and CO2 are used to adjust the (H2 – CO2)/(CO + CO2) molar ratio in order to maximize the amount of methanol that is produced. In addition, the desulphurization process was modified to enable the removal of sulfur compounds, especially thiophene, from the COG. The process design and simulation results reported herein were then used to determine any potential environmental and economic benefits. This research is based on off-gas conditions provided by ArcelorMittal Dofasco, Hamilton, Ontario. In order to determine which conditions are most desirable for this retrofit strategy, potential greenhouse gas reduction and economic benefits were analyzed. In particular, this analysis focused on the heating utility chosen for methane reformation prior to methanol synthesis. To this end, COG, BFG, and natural gas (NG) were compared. The results showed that using BFG/NG as a heating utility can produce greater economic gains, and that synthesizing COG+BFG to methanol results in greater economic and environmental gains than solely producing electricity (the status quo). Compared to current operating procedures, the proposed process could potentially increase net present values by up to $21 million. The carbon efficiency achieved was up to 72.4 %. An additional 0.28 kg of CO2 is needed for every 1 kg of MeOH produced. About 52 % of feedstock energy is converted to MeOH, with another 33 % recovered in the form of utilities. The exergy efficiency of the recommended version of the system is about 62%. The business case for converting CO2 into methanol highly depends on the local electricity grid carbon intensity. For Ontario, it can reduce direct CO2 emissions by 189 ktonne per year, and fix up to 2,970 ktonne CO2 into methanol per year. However for China, this retrofit will result in additional CO2 emission of about 30 ktonne per year. In addition, analyses of location effects, CO2 taxes, electricity prices, electricity carbon intensity, methanol prices, and income taxes indicated that MeOH production is highly recommended for Ontario, Mexico, and China applications. In contrast, investment in this retrofitting procedure is not recommended for the USA and Finland. Aspen Plus Simulation files and other source code have been open-sourced and are available to the reader.
blast furnace gas, CO2 utilization and storage, COG desulphurization, Coke oven gas, Economic and sensitivity analysis, methanol production
Suggested Citation
DENG LD, Adams T II. Techno-economic analysis of coke oven gas and blast furnace gas to methanol process with carbon dioxide capture and utilization. (2020). LAPSE:2020.0072
Author Affiliations
DENG LD: McMaster University [ORCID]
Adams T II: McMaster University [ORCID]
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Energy Conversion and Management
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