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Single Shooting Method for Semicontinuous Distillation
Pranav Bhaswanth Madabhushi, Thomas Alan Adams II
January 6, 2020
Semicontinuous distillation is a new separation technology for distilling multicomponent mixtures. This process was designed using design methodologies with heuristic components that evolved over twenty years. However, the fundamental philosophy of these design methodologies, which involves guessing, checking and then using a black-box optimization procedure to find the values of the design variables to meet some performance criteria, has not changed. Mainly, to address the problem of having a heuristic simulation termination criterion in the black-box optimization phase, the single shooting method for semicontinuous distillation design was proposed in this study. We envision that this is a first step in the transformation of the semicontinuous distillation design process for obtaining optimal designs. We demonstrate the application of this method using two case studies, which involve the separation of hexane, heptane and octane.
Hybrid Dynamical System, Process Design, Semicontinuous Distillation, Single Shooting Method
Suggested Citation
Madabhushi PB, Adams TA II. Single Shooting Method for Semicontinuous Distillation. (2020). LAPSE:2020.0029
Author Affiliations
Madabhushi PB: McMaster University
Adams TA II: McMaster University [ORCID]
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Jan 6, 2020
Semicontinuous distillation model class
Jan 6, 2020
Case 1 - Separation of Hexane, Heptane a
Jan 6, 2020
Case 2 - Separation of Hexane, Heptane a
GPL 3.0
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