Published Article
Xylose Hydrogenation Promoted by Ru/SiO2 Sol−Gel Catalyst: From Batch to Continuous Operation
Anna Barone, Benedetta Anna De Liso, Henrik Grénman, Kari Eränen, Francesco Taddeo, Claudio Imparato, Antonio Aronne, Vincenzo Russo, Martino Di Serio, Tapio Salmi
June 21, 2024
Xylose is nowadays converted into xylitol, a popular special chemical sweetener. Xylitol can be used not only in the pharmaceutical and food industries, but also in cosmetics and synthetic resins because of its countless properties. Conventionally, xylitol is produced by slurry reactors operating in batch with dispersed or supported catalysts. Hydrogen is continuously fed to maintain a constant pressure. In this work, the kinetics of the reaction were investigated to find the optimal operating conditions to minimize the by-products obtained. Given the great performances shown by the new Ru/SiO2 sol−gel derived catalyst in glucose hydrogenation, in this work the mentioned catalyst was tested in the hydrogenation of xylose to xylitol both in batch and in continuous production to prove its stability and activity.
Catalysis, kinetics, scale-up, xylitol, xylose hydrogenation
Suggested Citation
Barone A, De Liso BA, Grénman H, Eränen K, Taddeo F, Imparato C, Aronne A, Russo V, Di Serio M, Salmi T. Xylose Hydrogenation Promoted by Ru/SiO2 Sol−Gel Catalyst: From Batch to Continuous Operation. (2024). LAPSE:2024.1113v1
Author Affiliations
Barone A: Department of Chemical Sciences, University of Naples Federico II, Via Cintia, IT-80126 Naples, Italy
De Liso BA: Department of Chemical Sciences, University of Naples Federico II, Via Cintia, IT-80126 Naples, Italy
Grénman H: Laboratory of Industrial Chemistry and Reaction Engineering, Åbo Akademi, Henrikinkatu 2, FI-20500 Turku/Åbo, Finland [ORCID]
Eränen K: Laboratory of Industrial Chemistry and Reaction Engineering, Åbo Akademi, Henrikinkatu 2, FI-20500 Turku/Åbo, Finland
Taddeo F: Department of Chemical Sciences, University of Naples Federico II, Via Cintia, IT-80126 Naples, Italy [ORCID]
Imparato C: Department of Chemical, Materials and Production Engineering, University of Naples Federico II, Piazzale Tecchio 80, IT-80125 Naples, Italy [ORCID]
Aronne A: Department of Chemical, Materials and Production Engineering, University of Naples Federico II, Piazzale Tecchio 80, IT-80125 Naples, Italy
Russo V: Department of Chemical Sciences, University of Naples Federico II, Via Cintia, IT-80126 Naples, Italy; Laboratory of Industrial Chemistry and Reaction Engineering, Åbo Akademi, Henrikinkatu 2, FI-20500 Turku/Åbo, Finland [ORCID]
Di Serio M: Department of Chemical Sciences, University of Naples Federico II, Via Cintia, IT-80126 Naples, Italy [ORCID]
Salmi T: Laboratory of Industrial Chemistry and Reaction Engineering, Åbo Akademi, Henrikinkatu 2, FI-20500 Turku/Åbo, Finland
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